⁠20 Polite Ways to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Purchase Their Product


If you do not want to buy a product that has been presented to you, there are polite and encouraging ways to say it to the trader. 20 of them are listed and explained in this article.

They will give you a hack on how to remain in the trader’s mind with a good impression even after saying no to buying their product.

Let’s get to it.

1. Thanks For Drawing My Attention To What You Sell, But I Don’t Need One Yet

How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Purchase Their Product

Showing appreciation to someone whose product you may not want to get at the moment may sound odd or may not be an option for you.

However, it’s a good way to begin, especially if you want to tell them that you don’t want to buy their product politely.

Your thanks should be channeled towards appreciating their efforts to draw your attention to what they sell. Afterward, break the news to them that, although they have a great product, you do not need one yet.

2. It Sounds Great, But I’m Sorry I Won’t Get Any.

The fact that you do not want to purchase a product doesn’t mean you should say it to the marketer or manufacturer in a way that they will feel discouraged.

You can begin by boosting their morale by saying that they sound great. Immediately, express your regret that you won’t be getting their product.

If need be, you can tell them why you do not want to get their product. Simply be positive and speak from your heart; tell them what you love about their advertisement as well.

3. Thanks For The Info, But I Won’t Be Getting It Today.

Appreciating someone who advertises their product to you, whether you are making payment for it or not, is like pouring cold water into a very hot and dry pot.

They might have experienced disappointment or been faced with one hurdle or another. And so, instead of directly letting them know that you won’t get their product, you can go about it with empathy.

Start with appreciation, stress it, and then acknowledge the fact that you admire their courage. Thereafter, you can break the news that you won’t be getting it today.

4. I’m Glad You Reached Out, But I Won’t Buy Yet.

You can acknowledge someone’s effort by saying thank you to them for reaching out to you about their product.

Whether it is information about what they are selling, giving you a sample, or sharing testimonials with you, show them how grateful you are, and then break the news to them that you are not ready to buy yet.

Also, you can tell them when you want to get what they sell if you are certain that you will be ready and equipped to purchase the product at that time.

5. I Didn’t Come To Get This Today. More Sales.

Everyday priorities change, depending on the situation at hand and how time unfolds. You might have had a customer who sold a certain product that you always needed.

Nonetheless, when your priority changes and you go around where they sell to get something else and they call you to get their product, say to them that you didn’t come to get what they sell at that time.

In order to clear the air and reassure them that they should keep their hopes high, wish them more sales.

6. It’s A Great Offer, But I Won’t Be Getting This today.

A trader can go to any extent to ensure that you purchase their product. They can introduce different strategic offers to lure you into buying one or more of what they sell.

In the instance where you observe that they are creating offers like discounts, attaching free gifts, or giving you free samples to test and give reviews, you should appreciate their offer.

Nonetheless, tell them that you don’t intend to get their product that day. Also, tell them how creative their offer was and how it only compelled you to change your mind to show how much of a great marker they are.

7. Even Though Your Offer Seems Irresistible, I Don’t Have The Budget To Get Your Product.

When a trader sees that you are mindful of the opportunities they have created to encourage your purchase, these are vital things that you should pay attention to and not take for granted.

Tell them to their faces that their offers seem irresistible and nothing would have stopped you from buying; nonetheless, you do not have the budget to get their product, and that is the reason behind your action.

8. Thank You So Much, But I’ve Got Enough.

On many occasions, you may not go wrong if you appreciate someone who sells a product that you do not want to buy for certain reasons.

You should do this with all sincerity so that they can perceive your pure heart even as you speak with them. Following that, you can state your reason as long as it is valid, and you can let them see it as well. You can tell them that you have gotten enough and that you do not need more.

9. I’m Not Looking For One, So Thanks For Now

How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Purchase Their Product

If you step into a place where you find someone with a product that you do not want to buy, nothing should stop you from breaking the news to them that you are not looking for their product.

It is better for them to know that you want to get something, but it is not their product.

This statement is most suitable when they present you with so many other options or varieties of their product, and you are certain that that is not your focus at the moment. Just appreciate them for understanding your temporary choice.

10. You Are Doing A Great Job, But I Didn’t Budget To Get This

Commendations spark great inspiration. Whether or not you want to buy a product advertised to you, you should learn to praise people who are doing excellently well. For others who are coming up, your praises can also spur them up.

You can say something like ‘You are doing a great job’ to them; who knows if that is the first commendation they will hear in a long time.

Subsequently, tell them that you didn’t include their product while drawing a budget for the things you set out to buy.

11. I’m Glad You Considered Me, But I Have To Decline.

You can mildly refuse an offer you were presented with by saying, ‘I’m glad you considered me, but I have to decline’.

It is always beautiful to do things in a calm manner, especially when the context demands it. Time is costly, and so when someone spends it talking to you, amongst many other people about their product, you should pay attention to them.

Beyond listening, express your grateful posture towards the consideration they placed on you. Then, you can politely decline the offer eventually.

12. I Love The Way You Pitch Your Product, But This Is Not For Me.

A direct reply to someone who tells you about their product is a captivating way to tell them that the efforts they invested into gathering information that they organized into their pitch or their sales copy are super rich and persuasive.

Later on, let them know that their product is not for you. You can point to one or two reasons why you said so.

Maybe you’re allergic to something used to manufacture it, or you have been advised by your doctor to stay away from it, or you don’t like it generally.

13. If I Had Some Extra Money, I Would Have Loved To Get It, But For Now, I Have To Say No

Lack of money can constrain someone from getting a product, even though they like it so much.

If you fall into this category and you’re just before someone who is enticing you with a product that you would love to have, simply approach the matter with all sincerity.

You can say something like, ‘If I had some extra money, I would have loved to get it, but for now, I have to say no’. This is to show that you are remorseful about saying no, but your hands are tied due to financial constraints.

14. Your Product Is Great, But It’s Not A Priority On My List For Now.

If you work closely with a priority list, you won’t find a response like ‘it’s not a priority on my list now’ strange.

This is because there are great things you may desire, but for one reason or another, you may not desire them at the moment or even at all.

Since not getting someone’s product at the moment shouldn’t make you throw it at their face without acknowledging what you like about what they sell.

15. Well Done; What I Have Left Is Sufficient For Me

There’s no need to restock when you still have some products left, except if you sense you may need to make the purchase ahead of time this time around.

But when that is not the case, it’s best to tell someone who advertises a product to you that you do not want to purchase it at the moment and that what you have is sufficient for you. You should give them a thumbs-up before saying this.

16. You’re Doing Well, But I’m Not Interested

Try to make people feel that their efforts are valued, especially when you do not want to get their product.

This is because if you go straight ahead and say you won’t buy from them, you may not know how bad they will feel as a result of the investment they have made to have that sought-after output.

It may not be satisfying at first, but you can tell them that they are doing well before saying that you are not interested.

17. I Love The Way You Arrange Your Products, But I’m Not Looking To Buy Them

The manner in which a product is arranged can draw your attention to it. It may not be the best in town or have its faults, but branding can give it a pass in some scenarios.

Furthermore, when the arrangement is backed up with powerful and persuasive sales copy from the manufacturer, it may be irresistible, but you can overcome the whole drama in your mind and even physically by saying, ‘I love the way you arrange your products, but I’m not looking to buy them’.

18. Your Product Isn’t A Pressing Need For Me Right Now

How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Purchase Their Product

There’s no crime in saying that someone’s product is not a pressing need for you at the moment, and for that reason, you won’t get it.

You can go further to politely tell them that you have a long list of things to get, but the product can wait at least in the meantime.

19. I Came To Make Inquiries And Not To Get Anything New

People who pitch a product more often than not have a desire to make sales, which is just great!

However, you may not always go to the shopping mall or where you purchase things; you can also go window shopping or make inquiries to help you draft your budget.

In such situations, you can say to someone that you do not want to buy their product by saying you didn’t come around with the intention to get any new thing.

20. From The Way Your Product Looks, You Have Put In So Much Effort, But I Didn’t Budget For It At The Moment

You shouldn’t shut your mouth when someone brings a mouthwatering product to you that you have heavily invested in. Tell them what you feel about the way their product looks.

After that, you can tell them that you do not have the budget for it at that moment.

Final Words

Almost all the responses in this article are not suitable for someone who tells you about their products and expects responses with an entitlement mentality in mind.

Simply have it in the back of your mind that it is important to respond politely when you won’t be getting a product from someone.

This will encourage them instead of leaving them brokenhearted upon hearing how you declined to accept their offer.

Let me know your favorite response or what you would rather say when you want to politely decline an offer, and why, in the comment section.

How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Purchase Their Product

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