15 Interesting and Polite Ways To Tell Someone Not To Bring Their Friends


For some people who like to keep their circle of friends small and have narrowed down their list of who they want to associate with, who they let into their privacy, and who they let into their lives, bringing a plus one to their home can be uncomfortable and displeasing to them.

If you are the kind of person who isn’t always comfortable having your friend’s friends around when you are hanging out with your friends, then this article is going to be a guide.

In this article, I have compiled interesting and polite ways to tell someone not to bring their friends when you invite them over. The list is carefully selected to help you speak your mind without being harsh or mean while doing so.

I Appreciate Your Consideration, But I’d Prefer If We Could Spend This Time Together.

You are planning an evening time with your friend and your friend said he is going to bring other friends to the party. If you don’t want them to bring other friends to your get-together party because you cherish your space then you could tell them politely in this manner: “I appreciate your consideration, but I’d prefer if we could spend this time just the two of us.”

Respectfully you have said your mind without offending your friend and most importantly, displeasing yourself. Always remember you come first in every situation and that is why this article has been curated to help you navigate awkward situations.

  • The idea isn’t bad but this time around I just want you and I to spend quality time alone.

I’d Love To Catch Up With You, But I Think It Would Be Best If We Kept This Gathering Intimate.

It is an elaborate gathering you are talking about and your friend feels bringing in more friends will spice the party up but you know what you want and you are not backing out from that. Another mild way you can reject their request to bring more friends to your party is by letting your friends know that you want this gathering intimate.

“I’d love to catch up with you, but I think it would be best if we kept this gathering intimate” is another thoughtful response to give.

Also, you can say:

  • Sorry, I want this gathering to be as intimate as possible, and bringing in your friends will spoil the theme.

I Enjoy Spending Time With You, And I’d Like To Keep Our Conversation Personal And Private.

Sometimes when you get comfortable with people they begin to have a foothold in matters about you and that includes suggesting they bring their friends without asking for permission.

If such is the case then it is not too late to cut such privilege however in a polite way. Remember the aim is not to hurt people with words, rather it is for you to navigate any displeasing situation.

 “I enjoy spending time with you, and I’d like to keep our conversation personal and private” is another polite way to tell such a person not to bring their friends.

I’m Looking Forward To Our Time Together, But I Think It Would Be More Enjoyable If It Was Just The Two Of Us.

You can tell them you are looking forward to spending time together while you will appreciate it if it is just the two of you. This is a mild way of saying you only enjoy their company, without their friends included. It also displays the level at which you value a small circle of friends and not a crowd.

Also, you can put it this way:

  • I look forward to spending a nice time with you and I would appreciate it if it is just the both of us.

I’d Love To Spend Some Uninterrupted Time With You So We Can Talk And Catch Up.

Be more direct and unapologetic about what you want. It doesn’t mean that you are mean, you are just being disciplined and protective of your composition. If you need to tell an old acquaintance not to bring friends then “I’d love to spend some uninterrupted time with you so we can talk and catch up” is a good response to use.

  • It’s been ages since we last saw each other so I would appreciate it if it is just the two of us catching up for now.

I Value Our Friendship And Would Appreciate It If We Could Spend This Time Just The Two Of Us.

Interesting and Polite Ways To Tell Someone Not To Bring Their Friends



Bait them by telling them how much you value your relationship with them and bringing another person is not cool and that you object to the motion by using this: “I value our friendship, and would appreciate it if we could spend this time with just the two of us.”

By saying this, you have politely told them that they shouldn’t bring their friends to your house.

  • I am grateful for our friendship and would like to have this time to ourselves.

I’m Looking Forward To Our Get-Together, But I Think It Would Be Better If It Was Just Us

When someone suggests that they want to bring their friends to your get-together, you can respectfully say no to the request by saying “I’m looking forward to our get-together, but I think it would be better if it was just us.

By saying this, you have politely projected your mind that you do not want a third party and clearly, they should understand and respect the decision you have made.

  • Though I am excited about our get-together, I believe that spending time with just the two of us would be preferable.

I Appreciate You Thinking Of Me, But I Would Prefer To Spend Some Quality Time With Just The Two Of Us.

Assuming your friend is bringing their other friends on the basis that you don’t mingle with people at all and that you keep to yourself, while they might have a point there your peace of mind comes first.

Having a lot of good people around takes boredom away but if you are such that burns out completely when there are too many people, then your happiness comes first.

“I appreciate you thinking of me, but I would prefer to spend some quality time with just the two of us” is that magical word you need to turn down their help politely and respectfully.

  • Though I am grateful that you are thinking of me, I would rather have some quality time to ourselves.

I’m So Glad You Want To Spend Time With Me, But I Think It Would Be Best If We Kept This A Private Affair

You are having a game night and your intention is just to play games with you and your close buddy but your friend suggested that they invite other friends. “Turn down the invitation politely by saying; I’m so glad you want to spend time with me, but I think it would be best if we kept this as a private affair.” By saying this, you have effectively communicated your mind without grudges.

  • I am very happy that you want to hang out with me, but I believe it would be best if it were just the two of us.

I’m Looking Forward To Catching Up With You, But I Think It Would Be Best If It Was Just Us So We Can Chat.

Even if it is a reunion and you want to catch up with just one person who is your closest buddy but he is suggesting that you invite other friends; you can politely decline the request. “I’m looking forward to catching up with you, but I think it would be best if it was just the two of us so we can chat” is a very sincere and polite way of telling them not to bring friends.

  •  Although I am excited to catch up with you, I believe it would be best if we were alone so that we could have a longer conversation.

It Would Mean A Lot To Me If We Spend Time Together And  Keep It Just Between Us.

If you need to emphasize the fact that they shouldn’t bring any friends, then I’d love to spend some one-on-one time with you. It would mean a lot to me if we could keep it just between us is the perfect line to reiterate how serious you are.

  •  It would be wonderful to talk to you one-on-one. If we could keep it between us, that would mean so much to me.

I Want To Make Sure We Have Quality Time Together. Do You Mind If We Keep This Outing To Just The Two Of Us?

Saying no to your close buddy can be a little bit difficult but relax it is not impossible. If your friend decides to bring your other friends to your event and you are not cool with it, “I want to make sure we have quality time together. Do you mind if we keep this outing to just the two of us?” Is a nice way to dismiss the suggestion.

I want to make sure we spend time together that is meaningful. Would it be okay if we limited this outing to the two of us?

I Enjoy Spending Quality Time With You, But It Would Mean A Lot To Me If We Could Keep Our Outings To Just The Two Of Us.

Another courteous way to tell your friend not to bring other friends is “I enjoy spending quality time with you, but it would mean a lot to me if we could keep our outings to just the two of us”. By this expression, you are implying that you do not welcome the idea of other friends.

  • I would appreciate it if we could limit our outings to just the two of us because I truly enjoy spending quality time with you.

I’d love to hang out with you, but I’m trying to limit the number of people I’m around right now. 

“I’d love to hang out with you, but I’m trying to limit the number of people I’m around right now” is another polite way to stop someone from bringing other friends. By this, you have stated your point without being harsh. Also, saying you consider them worthy of your time even though you don’t want to be a lot of people is a whole lot.

  • Although I am trying to be with fewer people right now, I would like to hang out with you.

Don’t You Think We Should Catch Up?

Lastly, if someone says they want to bring their friends over, give this response; “I value our friendship and would love to catch up, but I’d prefer if it was just the two of us this time”. By using this statement, you have politely projected your mind in clear expression.

Final Words

In situations where you invite someone to an event but you do not want the person to come with friends, the best way to go about it is to tell the person calmly and politely. This article has made it easy for you, you do not have to stress looking for polite ways to tell someone to not bring their friends.

Interesting and Polite Ways To Tell Someone Not To Bring Their Friends

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