20 Polite Ways to Say “You’d Prefer to Sit Alone”


Some days you just want to be alone and if you are anything like me, people will either not let you have your space or will probe you with reckless abandon. If you’d like to sit alone, for whatever reason, and you are looking for polite ways to communicate this request to someone or a group of persons, this article is a compilation of some thoughtful remarks to help you do just that.

I Need Some Space To Think Some Stuff Through 

Polite Ways to Say You'd Prefer to Sit Alone

I need some space to think some stuff through” is a good way to let someone know you’d prefer to sit alone. This shows the reason you want to do so and it is perfect if the person you are talking to is not just an acquaintance. They will probably be someone who you share an intimate or working relationship with.

I Enjoy Your Company But Right Now I’d Love To Be Alone 

Another way you can tell someone you prefer to sit alone is to tell them how much you enjoy their company before making your request. By saying “I enjoy your company but right now I’d love to be alone,” they will be comforted knowing how you feel about them and will be forced to oblige to your request.

  • As much as I love your company, now is not a good time as I’d love to be alone.
  • You know I value your company. However, I am going through a rough phase/I have something to do and I’d like to be alone.

Is There Somewhere Else To Sit? Cause I Have To Spend Some Time Alone

This response does two things: it tries to look for a better place to sit down both for you and the other person. They may be forced to look around for places and you may take the opportunity if that’s a better place to sit alone.

Trust Me When I Say There Are Better Options Than Sitting With Me

When your friend or bestie tries to sit with you but you’d prefer to sit alone, you can tell them “Trust me when I say there are better options than sitting with me.” They will get the message that you want to be alone. Some may want to find out or be sure they are not the problem. You will have to give them cogent reasons why you want to be alone.

I Left There Because I Wanted To Be Alone

If you leave somewhere to go sit alone and someone comes to sit with you, make them understand that you had to leave the previous place to be alone. When you tell them “I left there because I wanted to be alone,’  if they are reasonable enough, they’ll let you be. Of course, you can expect some resistance and questioning.

I Had A Sad Flashback. I Just Need Some Time By Myself And I’ll Be Fine 

You may want to sit alone because of something that triggered your emotions. You can use that to ask someone to let you sit by yourself. “I had a sad flashback. I just need some time by myself and I’ll be fine” is a good example that portrays that it is something from the past that made you feel emotional and is the reason you’d like to sit alone. They’ll probably sympathize with you before leaving you.

I Am Trying To Avoid Saying Things As A Reaction That’s Why I Came Here To Sit 

Polite Ways to Say You'd Prefer to Sit Alone

If there was a heated argument, a statement like “I am trying to avoid saying things as a reaction that’s why I came here to sit” would be suited. This lets them know that you are about to lose your cool and would appreciate it if they let you be otherwise they may not like your reaction.

  • I genuinely almost lost it and sitting by myself is the best way to get a grip of my emotions.
  • I don’t want to react aggressively. So, I think it is best I sat here for a while, alone.

For Both Our Sakes, You Need To Let Me Be For Now, Please

Following up on the previous remark, let’s assume the heated argument was with a spouse or colleague, and as you go to sit alone, they accompany you. This is where you’ll need to address them with a response that suggests your sitting alone is the best action to douse the tension.

  • It is in our best interest that I sit here alone for a while.
  • I’d be happy if you left me to myself for now.

I Am Not Angry But Sitting Alone Is The Best Way For Me To Be Calm Again 

I am not angry but sitting alone is the best way for me to be calm again” will be ideal if they are trying to calm you down instead of allowing you to sit alone after a brawl or argument. Assure them that you aren’t angry anymore but need some time to become calm. It is best suited for interaction with friends, family, and your spouse.

Thanks, But There’s No Problem

This is like a follow-up statement after you’ve told them “You’d prefer to sit alone.” They may want to know why and if you aren’t interested in sharing or there’s simply nothing going on, you can tell them “Thanks, but there’s no problem.” If they insist they want to know why, you may give them a reason just to get them off your neck.

I’d Love For Us To Sit Together. Now Is Not A Good Time, Maybe Some Other Time

If they are your friend or colleague at the office, “I’d love for us to sit together. Now is not a good time, maybe some other time” is one of the perfect ways to politely tell them “You’d prefer to sit alone.” Also, you can use this response on someone who may read meaning to your desire to sit alone, mistaking it to mean you consider them a burden.

  • Not that I don’t enjoy your company, but right now, I have to sit alone.
  • I love it when you come sit with me but this time, it is different. I have to be alone.

Do You Ever Have Times When You Do Not Want To Talk To Anyone, You Know, Just Sit With Your Thoughts? This Is One Of Such Moments For Me

Sometimes to get someone to understand your need for space, you may need to lecture them. People see the reason to let others do what they want when they can relate to why. So asking them if they’ve ever wanted to just sit alone and not talk to anyone will help them see reasons to let you sit alone.

Can You Give Me A Moment Alone To Gather My Thoughts?

You can also ask for a moment to gather your thoughts if you need to convince someone to let you sit alone. Every thoughtful person will understand this need and do your bidding. They may want to know what the problem is, so you might as well prepare to answer them.

I Don’t Want To Bore You With My Issues. When I Get Over Them, I’ll Inform You

I use this statement, “I don’t want to bore you with my issues. When I get over them, I’ll inform you,” anytime I have an issue that requires me to spend some time by myself. If there’s someone bothered about my well-being, I just tell them I wouldn’t want to bother them because I have the situation under control. To further keep them away from me, I could promise to let them know what it is about at a later time, but I hardly keep that promise.

Some Battles Are Best Fought Alone. Thank You For Your Concern

As much as we need others to see through life’s challenges, there are some that we need to fight alone. You can say “Some battles are best fought alone. Thank you for your concern” or phrase it in a way that expresses going through a challenge but needing to do so by yourself. There are a few ideas below:

  • I know you’ll feel responsible to help but I need to figure out this myself. I have to spend some time alone to do so.
  • You don’t need to save me all the time, Sam. I have to handle this myself.

If You Care About Me, You’ll Let Me Be Alone For Awhile 

This can be considered gaslighting but if it helps you get to sit alone, then I think it is a positive one. “If you care about me, you’ll let me be alone for a while” will work on anyone, especially someone who’s in love with you. Even if they are just trying to look out for you, because you are a prospect, it’d still work on them.

I Know This Is Unlike Me But Trust Me When I Say I Am Fine And Just Need To Sit By Myself For Now

As someone who’s the life of the party, you’ll hardly get any alone time. Convincing people to give you space may require a lot of hard work. You’ll need to be resolute while trying to get them to reason with you. “I know this is unlike me but trust me when I say I am fine and just need to sit by myself for now” is a good statement to get you on the way with your bill to sit alone.

I’d Love To Chat With You Later When I Am Feeling Less Uptight

Polite Ways to Say You'd Prefer to Sit Alone

If this person is someone you are always chatting with either at home or at work, you can let them know you aren’t emotionally predisposed to have your regular discussions. “I’d love to chat with you later when I am feeling less uptight” expresses this idea perfectly. You could also tell them that:

  • I am not really in the mood right now to chit-chat. I just want to sit alone.
  • Wrong timing bro. This is so not a good time. If you could just let me be alone for some time.

Now, I Want To Be Alone. How About We Meet Up Tomorrow Or Better Still, Are You Free Tonight?

When begging someone to let you sit alone, you may need to give them something that will get them to leave you. If they are kids, you could easily give them a treat but adults would want something more.

You Are Always Looking Out For Me And That’s Something I Am Appreciative Of. However, I Need Space To Recollect And Fix-Up. 

We have this set of individuals – people who won’t want us to go through any pain, always trying to check up on us. For these people, saying “You’d prefer to sit alone” is like giving them marching orders to encroach on your space.

Before You Go

If you want to sit alone, you’ll need to be polite and resolute. You have to be polite because most people would not appreciate being rude to them since they were only trying to show how much they care for you. Being resolute ensures you get the person(s) to let you be alone despite their desire to find out what’s wrong or help you solve it.

I am optimistic these 20 polite ways to say “You’d prefer to sit alone” will help get people to do as you want when they need your space.

Polite Ways to Say You'd Prefer to Sit Alone

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