100 Best Responses to “WYD”: Flirty & Funny

Faith Ejeh

“Wyd” is a common shorthand for “what are you doing?” used in texts and social media chats. While it seems like a simple question, coming up with a good response can be uneasy. Y

You may want to be flirty, funny, or just keep the conversation going, it can be tough to think of the perfect reply on the spot.

That’s why I’ve put together this list of 100 best responses to “why” so you don’t have to stress yourself. Let’s go right in.

Is “WYD” Flirting?

The abbreviation ‘WYD’ stands for ‘What you doing?’ or ‘What are you doing?’ It is an abbreviation typically used in everyday communications on social media and via text messages.

So, No, “WYD” is not a flirtatious message, however, it can be used by someone who’s trying to flirt with you. 

Because it is commonly used in casual conversations either to find out whether a person is free or what they are doing at a particular time, there might be some gray lines surrounding its usage.

A lot of times, people tend to use ‘WYD’ when they want to flirt. For instance, if you are texting a member of the opposite sex or someone who seems to have a crush on you, there’s always the likelihood that their ‘WYD’ text has a flirtatious undertone.

To be sure whether ‘WYD’ is flirty, you will need to discern the context in which it is used. This would be based on the trajectory of your conversation(s) with the person, their personality, and your relationship with them.

Most times, a reply like ‘Why?’ is going to help you find out if the ‘WYD’ text you just received is used in a flirty manner before you provide a response.

50 Flirty Responses to “WYD”

  1. I am here, wishing I could do you.
  2. Just daydreaming about you. What about you?
  3. Thinking of ways to impress you when we next meet. Wyd too?
  4. Wishing you were here to keep me entertained with what I love most about you.
  5. I’m here thinking how lucky I am to have to be your partner.Best Responses To wyd: Flirty, Funny, Text
  6. Just missing you terribly. It’s basically what I’ve been doing for the past weeks.
  7. Trying to focus, but you keep popping into my thoughts. Can you stop doing this?
  8. Thinking if you are missing me as much as I do because if you do, you should come to me already.
  9. Oh dear! Don’t be mad at me but I’ve been staring at your pictures which I stole from your photo book. You’re so beautiful!
  10.  I’ve been picturing our next adventure together. It’s going to be an exciting one, I promise and I really can’t wait
  11. Contemplating how lucky I am to know you. I couldn’t be more grateful that our paths crossed.
  12. Thinking about how to apologize to you for my next line of action. Please don’t blame me because I’d want to have a taste of your lips. I can’t hold it back.
  13. Thinking about how to describe how hot you looked the last time we saw without moving words. Dang! You were created specially!
  14. Just relaxing and wishing you were here with me to cuddle and do those beautiful things together. What are you up to?
  15. Just imagining the alluring smile on your face and how it makes me want to taste your soft lips.
  16. Trying to figure out how I was able to curtail myself last night because you looked so irresistible! Dang!
  17. I’m trying to choose what clothes to wear for our date tomorrow. You know, I need to compliment my classic girl!
  18. Rehearing how I’ll propose to you in your perfect spot. Just say ‘Yes’ and be my girl/man already.
  19. Cuddling my pillows but they don’t feel like you!
  20. I’m looking through our old pictures and reminiscing how all I’ve felt since I knew you is excitement. You are such a joyful soul!
  21. Thinking about what you’re wearing right now! You know I feel every single piece of clothing you have suits your body perfectly! Can I have some jpegs?
  22. Planning our next rendezvous. It’s going to be just the way you like it! All you need to do is to bring on every single energy you’ve got!
  23. I’m making reservations for us at your favorite hotel. I know you miss and without a doubt, I miss you more. We’re going to have the weekend of our lives.
  24. Trying to distract myself from missing you too much. So I’m currently on my gamepads and guess what? I leaped the moment I saw your text. I truly miss you!
  25. Just picturing your laugh in my mind. The sound of it gives me joy and on top of the world. You’re an amazing soul!
  26. Thinking about how much fun we’d have together right now. Just me and you together and I please you just the way you desire. Let’s hang out already!
  27. Just reminiscing about our last conversation and realizing why I can’t get over you. I was You’re so sweet.
  28. Trying to get tipsy, I can’t stop thinking about you already. You are all in my head and I’m not able to do anything else.
  29. Hoping I’m not the only one thinking about you right now. Tell me, am I?Best Responses To wyd: Flirty, Funny, Text
  30. Just scrolling through my phone, waiting for your message. And yes! I got it.  What are you up to?
  31. I’m here, trying to figure out the recipe for your signature cookie. I think it’s your presence that makes the difference. Can you come home to me already?
  32. Do you need me to be honest? I’m thinking about how to tell my mum about you already! I want us committed for life.
  33. Just trying to remember how soft your lips felt when I last had a taste of them. Can you let me have that one more time?
  34. Oh! I’m making my bed and waiting for you so we can have the moment of our life.
  35. Thinking how many babies we would have because the next time you come over! I’ll be over you!
  36. I’m just here wishing you would be here all day with me and tell me those funny stories of yours while I tell you how crazy you drive me.
  37. Just wondering if you’ll give me the privilege to see your face on Facetime. I know I’ve got countless pictures of you but staring into your eyes hits differently.
  38. Trying to concentrate on my project work but your face keeps popping in my head! At this point, I need to see you and spend quality time with you.
  39. I’m just here, playing your favorite song and wishing you were here to sing along! How about we do a karaoke night?
  40. Contemplating if you’d take offense when I steal a kiss when next I see you. I just wouldn’t be able to curtail myself.
  41. Wrapped up in my duvet and wishing you were here. Meanwhile, if you were here I wouldn’t need a duvet you know? It feels so warm when we cuddle.
  42. I was walking aimlessly, hoping to bump into something that reminds me about you.  Can I have you here already? I miss you badly.
  43. I’m here, doodling hearts on papers with each of them reminding me about you. I’m so engrossed in you!
  44. Wishing you were here to make my day better. What about you, making hearts race as always?
  45. Lost in thoughts you! I want to have time out with you because it always feels wholesome.
  46. Placing an order for nice lingerie for you because we’re gonna be together all weekend. You know what’s going down, yeah?
  47. I’m having a hair-do so I can look all nice just for.  Trust me, I even told the hairdresser to take her time because it’s specially for my baby!
  48. I’m hoping you will respond to my text in a more captivating way. You know what I mean?
  49. I’m composing a thoughtful message for my partner-to-be.Best Responses To wyd: Flirty, Funny, Text
  50. I’m watching to see who will win your heart

50 Funny Responses to “WYD”

  1. I am trying to organize my life, one meme at a time. You?
  2. Hunting for the motivation I lost somewhere between yesterday and today.
  3. I am currently auditioning for the role of ‘Most Unproductive Human Alive.
  4. Fighting the urge to take a nap and I’m losing miserably. My eyes are going off like windscreen wipers.
  5. At the moment, I am locked in a heated debate with my cat about who owns the couch. It’s taken over all my couch like he bought it.
  6. I am in an intense staring contest with my ceiling and I am beginning to lose because my eyes are failing me.
  7. Just counting the seconds until it’s socially acceptable to eat lunch because my tummy keeps alerting me over the past hours.
  8. I am seriously looking to find the perfect meme to describe my current mood. Right now, I feel “perhaps”… Lol!
  9. I am trying to figure out the meaning of the dream I had last night. I was chased by giant zombies but they looked somewhat pretty. strange yeah?
  10. I am trying to get Siri about the meaning of life because I truly can’t comprehend it. It’s not been comprehensive so far, probably because it’s not human.
  11. I have been scrolling through memes like my life depends on them. I’ve been laughing hard even when it’s not funny. I’m bored!
  12. Attempting to teach my dog “Rock” some new tricks just so I can sleep peacefully without the fear of getting robbed and trust me, it’s not working.
  13. Thinking about the big question: why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees? My colleague said it over the week and I am trying to figure it out. What do you think?
  14. I am trying to make the perfect decision whether to eat the last cookie or save it for later. What do you think?
  15. I am thinking if I have to do the laundry right now or later. But since you just reached out to me, I think it’s a point that you’ll help me with laundry. Yeah?
  16.  I am currently looking in my wardrobe to pick out my dress for the office. But I don’t think these clothes want me to look official just yet. I’m in my baddie era, LOL!
  17. You know what? I am staring at my phone screen scrolling through the website of a nearby food store thinking about what will fill my empty stomach. Can’t find anything satisfactory because can eat every single meal in there without being filled.
  18. I am contemplating whether to order a meal or attempt to cook something nice. It shouldn’t be a contemplation because I’ll end up messing up the kitchen, so I’ll place an order instead. Do you care for some?
  19. Oh, nothing much, I am just trying to teach my siblings new tricks on the latest game. I am just scared they’ll compete evenly when next we decide to play. But I’ll leave some parts out because I should always be the champion.
  20. Just practicing my speech at the conference in two days. I’m perfecting my moves too but I’ll need you to come around or else I’ll make a mess of myself.
  21. I’m trying to create a new recipe for noodles. I’ll need to be the only one who has tried it yet because it already looks horrible.
  22. Trying to practice my wedding dance. Is it a bad idea? You need to see these steps! dang!
  23. I’m looking around for something new to invent. Albert Einstein’s gonna be glad.
  24. I am currently rearranging my socks drawer in order of their colors, and design fabric, trust me, you’ve never seen anything this beautiful. Try it!
  25. Just scrolling through social media feeds and pretending to be productive just so I avoid avoiding responsibilities. The dishes look scary.
  26. I’m just carrying out some experiments in my backyard. The vegetation out here looks like the Garden of Eden. Come for a photo shoot already because after now, I’ll charge a fee.
  27. I just came to see for myself the “damsel” that just came to my neighborhood. Came around with high hopes,l just to see that she’s a tomboy. Dang! Y’all don’t even have classic tastes.
  28. I am pondering who will be my speaker at my upcoming conference. Just when I was lost in thoughts, I just realized I am a born speaker. Lol! That inspiration was born out of low funds. Ain’t got no money to pay any speaker.
  29. Engaged with ideas on how to escape from assisting my cousin with her assignment. I really can’t remember any of those elementary sciences and don’t want her to know. Are you home?
  30. I’m watching to see when this ant will get to its destination. It’s been 2 hours now and I can’t trace it.
  31. Thinking of a long-term plan on how to refill my fridge with drinks every month. I can’t keep up with my weight loss journey.
  32. I’m listening to a podcast on personal development. I need to get rid of some bad habits already! I just realized they are really bad, how come you never told me?
  33. Making a new spice to make my spell work better. I may become a vendor in the long run, come, take a look.
  34. I am planning a budget so I can pay for dancing tutorials before the month ends. I am so disappointed with my dance steps myself.
  35. Testing my creative microphone to see if you can hear me. Can you? Lol! I’m just bored.
  36. Wearing your shoes to perceive what you have been going through in recent times. You seem to be in a good state, I think.
  37. I am hitting the ground hard to know if I will have some strength reserved to dig deeper for water.
  38. Building a cubicle at the back of my yard for special counseling sessions. I think you should be my first client, don’t bother because it’s for free. From the way you behave, you need a lot of counseling.
  39. I am constructing double-lens glasses so I can see novel areas to explore in my field. Trust me, they are so hard to find.
  40. Making efforts to see if I can construct a creative headphone that will amplify the information shared by gossipers about someone.
  41. Going round and round to test if my muscles will get stronger. Guess what? I’ll first lift the Hilux parked in the garage. Wanna come see it?
  42. Focusing on seeing if I can upgrade my graphic design skills by designing a website. I can’t even use proper colors and that’s my discouragement.
  43. Stretching out my hands and legs to uncover the potential embedded in me. I never knew I could be this stretchy. Makes sense? Nothing makes sense now.
  44. I’m taking yoga classes to outwit you in yoga. Give me a few days and you’ll need to book for classes.
  45. Thinking of the next leaders of this country and how I will benefit from their regime. Politics is the new oil well.
  46. Thinking of a new color that has never existed that can replace my favorite color. It’s draining but I need you to await a new color that’s never been heard of.
  47. I’m going through my statement of account from the year I opened my account till date. Call me a billionaire already!
  48. Making a list of names suitable for my unborn children. I’d give you the privilege of giving one of them your name.
  49. I’m teaching my pet how to dress up attractively. It’s looking like too much of a pet!
  50. My dear! I am in a fistfight with procrastination and it seems it is winning over me.

Wrap Up 

Responding to a “wyd” text doesn’t have to be a challenge. With these 100 best responses, you’ll always have the perfect response, for either flirty or funny contexts.

So next time you get a “wyd” message, you’ll be ready to reply with confidence and grace. Bookmark this page so you can easily return to it when next you need befitting responses to “wyd.”

Best Responses To wyd: Flirty, Funny, Text

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