20 Flirty Responses to “You Are the Best”


When someone tells you “You are the best,” they are trying to express how highly they think about you. The phrase is often used to show admiration, express gratitude, and sometimes affection for persons or pets.

If someone tells you that “You are the best,” it is a compliment and they are trying to show you that they love you or something. Instead of saying “Thank you” or any of the other gratitude phrases we normally use, here are 20 flirt responses to “You are the best” that you can try.

The idea is to be a bit tease them with romantic undertones.

Table of Contents

20 Flirty Responses to “You Are the Best”

  1. Oh, there’s more I am capable of doing. So much more
  2. Am I? Should I stop trying to be more or are you satisfied with this level of intensity?
  3. Now, that makes me wonder. What is really going on in your mind about me?
  4. I could do a lot of other things for you, not just for you
  5. Nobody deserves that title other than me. It’s good you acknowledge it
  6. Seeing you recognize that, don’t you think we are good for each other
  7. Coming from the best, I will humbly accept your compliment
  8. I guess I am becoming better because I am interacting with you too much
  9. Isn’t it too early to judge? There’s still a lot of things you may find out as time goes on
  10. Well, I think the same of you. That makes us good for each other or doesn’t it?
  11. In my books, you are the best. Oops, was that too flirty?
  12. I guess you have a thing for discernment. So, tell me, what’s going on in my mind right now?
  13. That’s quite flattering. The goal is to make you happy and I have other unconventional ideas to achieve that goal
  14. Aren’t you thinking too highly of me? But then, it is a positive thing you even think about me anyway
  15. That means I have exceeded your expectations, isn’t it? Safe to say my plan is working out
  16. Does that mean I should focus on other things? I could be a good girl, you know
  17. That is so sweet of you. And I really think you are sweet
  18. Now you’ve placed me in a tight spot but I had other spots in mind
  19. I did a lot to be what you just said I am but I am considering other ways to be something else. Oh, it is something personal
  20. When you put it that way, you make me feel like my intentions for you will prosper effortlessly

Oh, There’s More I Am Capable Of Doing. So Much More

If you are looking for a flirty response to “You are the best,” I suggest you try “Oh, there’s more I am capable of doing. So much more.”

This is a great way to show that you want to get more out of the discussion while hoping the person you are talking to gets the idea that you want them to stick around.

Generally, you should use this response when you are talking to someone who is just getting to know you.

Am I? Should I Stop Trying To Be More Or Are You Satisfied With This Level Of Intensity?

Feel free to say “Am I? Should I stop trying to be more or are you satisfied with this level of intensity?

With such a statement, you are making it clear that you are actually flirting with them. It is like indicating that you were intentional about what you were trying to do and if they think you are the best, you are probably doing it well.

Now, That Makes Me Wonder. What Is Really Going On In Your Mind About Me?

Another way to respond to “You are the best” is to say “Now, that makes me wonder. What is really going on in your mind about me?

When you ask a suggestive question like this about what they are thinking of you, they’d be forced to think in that direction if they hadn’t planned to.

This could create room for more flirtatious conversations as you help them create images of thoughts in their minds.

I Could Do A Lot Of Other Things To You, Not Just For You

Sometimes, you could be told “You are the best” because you did something for someone.

When this is the case, a flirty response like “I could do a lot of other things to you, not for you.” You are saying that you do not mind doing things for them alone.

Things to do them might mean a lot of things and you will be leaving them to think about it for themselves. If they are in sync with you, they are going to continue the conversation.

Nobody Deserves That Title Other Than Me. It’s Good You Acknowledge It

You might also want to say “Nobody deserves that title other than me. It’s good you acknowledge it” when someone tells you that you are the best.

This response relies quite much on your ability to sound flirty and not just in the words themselves.

So, if you want to use this response, make sure you are sounding as flirty as possible.

Seeing You Recognize That, Don’t You Think We Are Good For Each Other

I also recommend saying “Seeing you recognize that, don’t you think we are good for each other” in response to “You are the best.”

The idea is to suggest that you think y’all could make a good couple. It is somewhat direct but then if you are going to be flirty, there’s nothing that keeps you from going direct.

Coming From The Best, I Will Humbly Accept Your Compliment

This can be flirty but it depends on the tone with which you say it. So, when someone tells you that you are the best, you can say “Coming from the best, I will humbly accept your compliment.

A remark like this is best suited for formal conversations. If you have to use it, you should do it in corporate settings.

I Guess I Am Becoming Better Because I Am Interacting With You Too Much

This is another way you can respond to “You are the best.” With this, you are complimenting the person and showing them how you highly rate your interactions with them.

It is perfect for when you want to flirt with someone you are supposed to be having a formal relationship with. Quite mild but can be very effective.

Isn’t It Too Early To Judge? There’s Still A Lot Of Things You May Find Out As Time Goes On

Isn’t it too early to judge? There’s still a lot of things you may find out as time goes on” is another good flirtatious statement that can be used when responding.

If you were getting to know the person, this is a perfect way to respond. It simply indicates that there are things they need to know about you.

Well, I Think The Same Of You. That Makes Us Good For Each Other Or Doesn’t It?

Feel free to say “Well, I think the same of you. That makes us good for each other or doesn’t it?” when you want to respond to “You are the best” in a flirty manner.

Suggesting that you are good for each other is as flirty as flirting can get. And they are going to get the message.

In My Books, You Are The Best. Oops, Was That Too Flirty?

Another flirty response to “You are the best” is to say something that explicitly suggests you are being flirty. So, you could say “In my books, you are the best. Oops, was that too flirty?

By asking if you are being too flirty, they are going to get the message that you are actually trying to flirt with them.

I Guess You Have A Thing For Discernment. So, Tell Me, What’s Going On In My Mind Right Now?

You can also say “I guess you have a thing for discernment. So, tell me, what’s going on in my mind right now?” when you want to respond to the compliment with a flirtatious remark.

Asking them to tell you what might be going on in your mind is going to show that you are trying to make a move. They will likely take the cue or maybe not.

That’s Quite Flattering. The Goal Is To Make You Happy And I Have Other Unconventional Ideas To Achieve That Goal

Try saying “That’s quite flattering. The goal is to make you happy and I have other unconventional ideas to achieve that goal” when you want to respond to “You are the best” especially if you did something for them.

It could be you helping out a colleague at work or doing something for a friend you have intentions for.

Aren’t You Thinking Too Highly Of Me? But Then, It Is A Positive Thing You Even Think About Me Anyway

Flirty Responses to You Are the Best

You could also say “Aren’t you thinking too highly of me? But then, it is a positive thing you even think about me anyway” when you want to respond to “You are the best.”

This statement points out the idea that they are thinking about you. Such a suggestion is flirty and if they were paying attention, they are likely going to further the conversation.

That Means I Have Exceeded Your Expectations, Isn’t It? Safe To Say My Plan Is Working Out 

That means I have exceeded your expectations, isn’t it? Safe to say my plan is working out” is another way to give a reply to someone who says “You are the best.”

It attempts to show the person that you plan on working your way into their life and you are happy that your plans are coming to fruition.

Is That My Cue to Focus On Other Things? I Could Be A Good Girl, You Know

This is another statement that can be used in response to “You are the best” which is like the previous one. You can say “Is that my cue to focus on other things? I could be a good girl, you know” in response when the person is a colleague at work or something related to that.

By talking about being a “good girl,” they are going to get what you are trying to do and say. Some might want to ask what you mean or what being a good girl entails. You could reply with:

  • As a good girl, I could do more than just serve you at work
  • Well, a good girl is everything you’ll want in a girl

That Is So Sweet Of You. And I Really Think You Are Sweet

That is so sweet of you. And I really think you are sweet” is a good way to give a reply to “You are the best.” It tries to compliment the person after appreciating them.

When you talk about how you think they are sweet, it can push a positive sentiment between both of you and build a connection.

Now You’ve Placed Me In A Tight Spot But I Had Other Spots In Mind

You may want to say “Now you’ve placed me in a tight spot but I had other spots in mind” when someone calls you the best.

If you do not mind being naughty with the person you are interacting with, then this is something you say.

I recommend you use it when you are having a conversation with someone who you just met rather than in corporate spaces or more formal settings.

I Did A Lot To Be What You Just Said I Am But I Am Considering Other Ways To Be Something Else. Oh, It Is Something Personal 

Another good response to “You are the best” would be to say “I did a lot to be what you just said I am but I am considering other ways to be something else. Oh, it is something personal.”

The first part of the statement is more like you receiving your flowers. While the ending part of the statement comes with a flirty undertone that can be waived quickly if the person you are talking to is not ready to succumb to your wishes.

When You Put It That Way, You Make Me Feel Like My Intentions For You Will Prosper Effortlessly 

To wrap up, we have this response for when someone tells you that you are the best. You are going to make them quite curious about what your intentions are.

And if you put it this way, it is very flirty. Let your tone also assist in making it more effective.

Final Thoughts

There you have it – 20 flirty responses to “You are the best.” If you ever need to make someone get the idea that you fancy them or you want to flirt with them after they compliment you, then you have enough suggestions already that you can try.

Flirty Responses to You Are the Best

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