15 Other Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Having Us’


You may not know this, but genuine gratitude is the key to open and reopen all doors. Hence, the statement, ‘Thank you for having us’, is used to appreciate a person who hosted you in some way.

Either the person hosted you privately in a small affair or the person threw a party and hosted you in a large way or he/she was your guide in a city or the person temporarily housed you for a while.

Now, if you do not want to simply say, ‘Thank you for having us’, what other ways can you say it? In this article, we will be listing fifteen (15) other ways to say, ‘Thank you for having us’ with explanations.

Table of Contents

What to Say Instead ‘Thank You for Having Us’

  1. You made this one of the best house visits we’ve had in a while, thank you.
  2. It was enjoyable spending time with you in your home, thank you for making us feel welcome.
  3. You were such a gracious host and you made our stay quite special, we hope to do this again.
  4. Thank you for the hospitality, you made us feel so at home.
  5. Your generosity is second to none, we really appreciate how you opened your heart and your home to us.
  6. We sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts for your impeccable hospitality.
  7. If we have homemade breakfast such as yours every day, we will probably not fit into all our clothes cause you’re such a great cook and host, thank you.
  8. Thank you for the extra effort you put in and how detailed you were in ensuring that we stayed welcome.
  9. This is my first time visiting this state and you definitely made it all worth it, thank you for being the best guide!
  10.  Every location and food you recommended was well worth it, thanks for inviting me over to your country.
  11.  Have you ever thought of being a tourist guide, you have a rare skill of making people feel welcomed and comfortable, thank you once again.
  12.  When you said, ‘Mi casa e su casa’, you took it quite literally ’cause you made me feel at home with your warm hospitality, thank you.
  13.  Your home was so much better than any hotel I would have booked, thank you my love.
  14.  You turned my bad day into a day filled with laughter and relaxation, thank you for hosting me in your home.
  15.  I don’t know what was more delicious, your food or your company, thanks for today!

You Made This One Of The Best House Visits We’ve Had In a While, Thank You

If the person you are speaking to hosts you in their home for a short visit, then you can use this statement as an alternative way to appreciate them instead of simply saying, ‘Thank you for having us.’

  • ‘You made this one of the best house visits we’ve had in a while…’
  • ‘Aww, you’re always welcome back.’
  • ‘…Thank you.’

It Was Enjoyable Spending Time With You In Your Home, Thank You For Making Us Feel Welcomed

If you were invited for a private dinner or get-together in your host’s home, then this is the best way to show your appreciation without using the basic, ‘Thank you for having us.’

  • ‘It was enjoyable spending time with you in your home…’
  • ‘I enjoyed it too.’
  • ‘…Thank you for making us feel welcome.’

You were such a gracious host and you made our stay quite special, we hope to do this again

If you wish to win over your host’s heart with your appreciation, then the best way is to compliment their hosting ability and attention to detail. Your ability to properly flatter your audience will get you a second invite.

  • ‘You were such a gracious host and you made our stay quite special…’
  • ‘(Smiles) That’s what I do.’
  • ‘…we hope to do this again.

Thank You For The Hospitality, You Made Us Feel So At Home.

It may not be official but I believe hosting people in one’s home and making them feel comfortable should be classified under the hospitality industry.

Hence, this statement recognizes and appreciates the host’s effort in making her guests feel at home.

  • ‘Thank you for the hospitality,’
  • ‘You’re welcome.’
  • ‘You made us feel so at home.’
  • ‘Aww.’

Your Generosity Is Second To None, We Really Appreciate How You Opened Your Heart And Your Home To Us.

If the person who hosted you was extremely generous with their time and resources in making you comfortable, then this is the best statement to use and appreciate them.

  • ‘Your generosity is second to none,…’
  • ‘Well, if I have it, I try to give it.’
  • ‘…we really appreciate how you opened your heart and your home to us.’

We sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts for your impeccable hospitality

Expressing gratitude comes in different levels, and this statement shows that your gratitude to that person is very deep. When gratitude is shown in its sincerest form like this, then it will be more readily accepted.

  • ‘We sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts for your impeccable hospitality.’
  • ‘Aww. Thank you too.’

If We Have Homemade Meals Such As Yours Everyday, We Will Probably Not Fit Into Our Clothes Cause You’re Such a Great Cook And Host, Thank You.

If your host is a great cook, then this is the most suitable way to appreciate them. It could be that the reason why you still fit in your clothes is because you haven’t found such a great cook like your host.

  • ‘If we have homemade meals such as yours everyday, we will probably not fit into our clothes cause you’re such a great cook and host…’
  • ‘You’re making me blush.’
  • ‘…Thank you.’
  • ‘You’re always welcome.’

Thank you for the extra effort you put in and how detailed you were in ensuring that we felt welcomed

If I were the one that hosted you, you would definitely use this statement to appreciate me cause I have an OCD to be very detailed and organized.

However, since I’m not the one who hosted you, you may as well use this for that host who you have seen have put in the effort to be extremely detailed to ensure that you stay welcome.

  • ‘Thank you for the extra effort you had put in and how detailed you were in ensuring that we felt welcomed.’
  • ‘I’m glad someone finally recognized my efforts.’

This is my first time visiting this state and you definitely made it all worth it, thank you for being the best guide!

State here can mean two things – it could mean a different country and it could mean a different state in the same country.

So, whatever the context in which you are using the word ‘phrase’, it still means that you left your comfort zone to go visit in your friend’s territory and they made it worth your while.

Hence, you use this statement to show them how grateful you are.

  • ‘This is my first time visiting this state and you definitely made it all worth it,…’
  • ‘That was the aim.’
  • ‘…thank you for being the best guide!’

All The Location And Food That You Recommended Was Well Worth It, Thanks For Inviting Me Over To Your Country

This phrase is used when you travel abroad, and your friend that is hosting you recommends must-visit locations which when you visit, you are not disappointed.

It could also be that they take you to that location themselves, thus putting in the effort to make you feel welcome in their country should be appreciated using this statement.

  • ‘All the location and food that you recommended was well worth it,…’
  • ‘Oh, I’m aware.’
  • ‘…thanks for inviting me over to your country.’
  • ‘You’re welcome anytime.’

Have you ever thought of being a tourist guide, ‘cause you have a rare skill of making people feel welcomed and comfortable, thank you once again

A tourist guide knows their territory so well and is skilled in making people who are visiting for the first time to feel like they have known the place their whole lives.

If your host is that unpaid tourist guide who has the qualities mentioned above, then you can use this statement to flatter and compliment them. You never know, they may actually consider it and it will be all thanks to you.

  • ‘Have you ever thought of being a tourist guide?’
  • ‘No.’
  • ‘Cause you have a rare skill of making people feel welcomed and comfortable…’
  • ‘Maybe I should consider it then.’
  • ‘Thank you once again.’

When you said, ‘Mi casa e su casa’, you took it quite literally ’cause you made us feel at home with your warm hospitality, thank you

When someone welcomes you to their home and goes ahead to show you with their actions that they really want you there, then you should use this statement to appreciate their hospitality.

Nothing beats the feeling of safety and comfort while staying with someone in their home.

  • ‘When you said, ‘Mi casa e su casa’, you took it quite literally.’
  • ‘Why do you say so?’
  • ‘Cause you made us feel at home with your warm hospitality…
  • ‘Aww.’
  • ‘Thank you.’

Your home was so much better than any hotel I would have booked, thank you, my love

When entering a new area and someone invites you to stay in their home instead of staying in a hotel, you can use this statement to appreciate them if they made your experience in their home so much better than if you had stayed in a hotel.

The additional benefit attached to staying in their home is that you get to eat home-cooked meals and have the pleasure of their company.

  • ‘Your home was so much better than any hotel I would have booked…’
  • ‘Maybe I should turn it into an Airbnb.’
  • ‘Lol, thank you, my love.’
  • ‘You’re welcome.’

You turned our bad day into a day filled with laughter and relaxation, thank you for hosting us in your home

There are friends that are worth visiting when you are having a bad day because they know just the right things to make your day better.

If you have just been hosted by one of those, then this is the best alternative statement to use when you wish to appreciate them.

  • ‘You turned our bad day into a day filled with laughter and relaxation…’
  • ‘I’m glad that I could help.’
  • ‘…thank you for hosting us in your home.’
  • ‘You’re welcome.’

I Don’t Know What Was More Delicious, Your Food Or Your Company, Thanks For Today!

Aww! You already know that this statement will make your host feel all mushy and appreciated. It is a worthy replacement for the phrase, ‘Thank you for having us’ cause it captures how you feel about both the food they cooked and their company.

This statement is mostly suitable if it is used in an informal setting. For instance, if you have some form of loved-up relationship with the person, then this will communicate your appreciation better.

  • ‘I don’t know what was more delicious, your food or your company…’
  • ‘I’m flattered.’
  • ‘…Thanks for today!’
  • ‘You’re welcome.’

Final Words

Now that you know other ways of saying, ‘Thank you for having us’, you don’t need to be tongue-tied about how to creatively appreciate your host after spending a swell time with them.

These statements will help you to be more expressive rather than just saying the basic, ‘Thank you for having us’, and it will make your host feel more appreciated.

We would love to know how these alternatives have helped you and the experience you’ve had while using them, so drop your experience for us in the comment section below.

Other Ways to Say Thank You for Having Us

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