15 Other Ways to Say ‘Good Girl’


A wise woman once said that being a good girl does not pay, and another woman responded that that should not stop you from being a good girl and a good person in general.

So, if you are reading this either you are a good girl or you have a good girl around you. Most ladies consider being called a good girl an insult these days because it symbolizes that you are ignorant.

This has caused people to get new ways of calling someone a good girl without actually calling them a good girl. This article will list fifteen (15) other ways to say Good Girl.

If you hear anyone say any of the listed terms to you, then just know he is referring to you as a good girl.

What to Say Instead of ‘Good Girl’

  1. Nice girl
  2. The ideal wife
  3. Daddy’s Little Princess
  4. Understanding girlfriend
  5. Great girl
  6. Cool chick
  7. Beautiful girl
  8. Mother’s Choice
  9. Hottie
  10.  Respectful lady
  11.  Lovely young girl
  12.  Flapper girl
  13.  Nice-looking girl
  14.  Trouble-free lady
  15.  Thoughtful girl

Nice Girl

Other Ways to Say Good Girl

Has someone ever said to you, ‘Aww, what a nice girl!’? Cause if they have, it is them calling you a good girl but in another form.

This is because a nice girl is known for having the same qualities as a good girl such as avoiding confrontation at all costs and keeping the peace even if it costs her, her peace.

It also means that you are not mean, you do not give anyone a hard time and you always have something nice to say about other people. When you’re called a nice girl, it is sometimes a compliment and the person genuinely means it.

  • ‘You’re such a nice girl.’
  • ‘I’ve been told by many.’

The Ideal Wife

Every man and every society has their idea of who the ideal wife is. For instance, in the Western world, most men consider an ideal wife to be someone who can share everything with them including financial responsibility.

However, in Africa, an ideal wife does not necessarily need to be financially capable as long as she is a good manager.

To be an ideal wife, it means that you are a good girl, hence when someone calls you an ideal wife, they are referring to you as a good girl.

  • ‘I’ve been searching for the ideal wife and I’ve finally found her.’
  • ‘Oh where is she?’
  • ‘She’s right before me of course.’

Daddy’s Little Princess

When a man really loves his daughter and is present in her life, she will always be his little princess no matter how grown she becomes. Being Daddy’s little princess means that you are doing something right and that he approves of it.

And doing what Daddy approves of means that you are a good girl. When used in this context, it is actually a compliment cause every girl wants her father to be proud of her.

However, if another male who is not your father or is not acting as a father figure calls you Daddy’s little princess, it could be an attempt to demean or insult you.

  • ‘All Daddy’s little princesses are good girls, and can you guess who is a good girl?’
  • ‘Me!’
  • ‘That’s right.’

Understanding Girlfriend/Wife

Being called an understanding girlfriend is considered an insult, especially amongst Gen Zs. It simply means that you are tolerating more than you should and being treated the way you do not deserve to be.

While being understanding is a necessary ingredient to make a relationship work, it can be abused at times. This is because someone who is treating you badly will expect you to make excuses for them or accept their excuses even when it is not feasible.

However, it can be genuinely a compliment and a way for someone to appreciate you for being understanding. It is left for you to discern when someone is complimenting or when they are insulting and looking down on you.

  • ‘Imagine being an understanding girlfriend/wife, but someone else is reaping the benefits of your relationship.’
  • ‘You know what they say, being a good girl does not pay, but who knows?’

Great Girl

Another suitable way to say ‘Good Girl’ is to say ‘Great Girl’. This alternative is mostly used when the person genuinely means to compliment you probably because you have a great personality.

In this context, he/she may be calling you a good girl but he/she definitely means well. If you are the one using it, then you must use the term ‘great girl’ when you want to sincerely flatter someone.

  • ‘You’ve been such a great girl, I’m glad that I ever met you.’
  • ‘That was beautiful of you to say.’

Cool Chick

In the 21st century, if anyone is called cool, it means that they have the rare skill to remain calm even in the most stressful situations. Still, within that context, it is used to refer to someone that is fashionable and quite attractive.

Although it is another way to say Good Girl, it means that the person saying it admires you a lot.

  • ‘Gen Alpha will say that you are skibidi, but the millennials will say that you are a cool chick.’
  • ‘We are yet to survive Gen Z slang, now we have Gen Alpha?’

Beautiful Girl

You may not believe it, but when someone calls you a Beautiful Girl, it is another way to say that you are a good girl. It could be that they consider every girl who is pretty to be good.

I mean, what makes a woman more good than being beautiful within and without? This means that the beauty that they are referring to may be internal beauty, but all are beautiful nonetheless.

  • ‘I’ve always known that you are a beautiful girl cause you carry your beauty within and without.’
  • ‘Aww, thanks.’

Mother’s Choice

Other Ways to Say Good Girl

In most cultures, before a man and a woman get hitched, the families must give their approval. It is not compulsory of course, but it is important to an extent.

This means that if you are the mother’s choice, then you are probably a good girl. It is interpreted that no mother would want their son to end with a toxic woman.

However, just ensure that you are both mother and son’s choice to ensure balanced acceptance. This is because no matter how much the son loves the lady, being at peace with his family is imperative.

  • ‘You seem to be every mother’s choice, what do you have that every mother wants for her son?’
  • ‘I don’t know.’


Is it true that good girls are hot? There is a notion that good girls are nerdy and innocent-looking. That may have been the trend in the 80s or 90s, but currently, even the hottest girl on the block may be the good girl you are searching for.

To know a good girl, you will have to spend some time with her and observe the way she treats other people. So, the next time you come across a hot girl, try getting to know her first, cause she may be the good girl that you’ve been searching for.

  • ‘Who knew that such a hottie would be so good and kind, oh what a good girl?’
  • ‘If compliments were a means to wealth, I’d probably be the richest girl alive. Thank you.’

Respectful Lady

There’s nothing that spells being good more than a lady who has respect for herself and for others. It shows that such a person is considerate of other people’s feelings and tries not to step on their emotions.

Since a good person is naturally humane, being respectful will definitely qualify a lady to become good. Let us not be quick to forget that respect is reciprocal, and while you are trying to be a good girl, you should get the respect that you deserve.

  • ‘Aside from being pretty, you have proven to be a respectful lady which is good.’
  • ‘Respect is reciprocal, so you are probably getting what you have given.’

Lovely Young Girl

Another way to say that someone is a good girl is to say that she is a lovely young girl. The term ‘lovely young girl’ was popularly used by elderly people to describe girls who they believe are good.

When an elderly person believes that a young girl is lovely, it could mean that she has a character worthy enough for marriage. It was always one of the ways that eligible men find ‘good girls’ to marry.

  • ‘I thought that there were no good girls anymore till I met this lovely young girl.’
  • ‘Who’s that?’
  • ‘You, of course.’

Flapper Girl

Calling a good girl a flapper girl may seem quite contradicting. This is because a flapper girl was known to exhibit unladylike behavior such as drinking, smoking, going out without a chaperone, wearing revealing dresses, etc.

So why would a good girl be referred to as a flapper girl? Well, in some sense, the activities of the flapper girls brought about the liberation that most women experience today.

Were it not for the rebellion of the flapper girls, what we know as feminism today would not have existed.

  • ‘Despite the reputation the flapper girls have, they helped to start the movement for female liberation.’
  • ‘Sometimes, a flapper girl is the cure we need.’

Nice-looking Girl

Saying that someone is a nice-looking girl instead of a good girl can be interpreted to be the same thing. It could mean that you are just meeting the lady and the impression she gives is that she will be a good girl.

Some people will assume that putting the word looking in the term may make it seem as if the person is not genuine in his compliment. Because, why not just say that I am nice instead of saying that I appear nice?

But let’s not put much thought into it, shall we? It may be an honest mistake that just needs correcting as far as their intention is genuine.

  • ‘You are not only a nice-looking girl, you are also brainy and hardworking which is impressive.’
  • ‘I’m not nice-looking, I am nice, brainy, and hardworking.’
  • ‘I stand corrected.’

Trouble-free Lady

What’s more good in a lady than being free of trouble? This means that she gives peace of mind to everyone around her, especially her partner. Women are generally known to be full of drama that sometimes they don’t know when to draw the line.

So, when you finally find one that is free of drama, there is a tendency that you will consider her a good girl. However, just because she is trouble-free and a good girl does not mean she is not to be valued.

  • ‘It was wrong of me to assume that trouble-free ladies don’t exist anymore when I hadn’t met you.’
  • ‘Well, you only just met me, so don’t conclude yet.’

Thoughtful Girl

Other Ways to Say Good Girl

Another way to know a good girl is if she is thoughtful cause not many ladies are considerate of others these days. After searching for the pin in the haystack, and you find that one good girl, you can just use the term ‘thoughtful girl’ instead.

This allows you to be versatile in your praises and more specific in your description. So, the next time you wish to appreciate a good girl for being thoughtful, you can just call them a ‘thoughtful girl.’

  • ‘You are pretty, but what makes you more beautiful is the fact that you are a thoughtful girl.’
  • ‘Thank you.’

To End With

Having more than one way to say ‘Good Girl’ can prove to be very helpful especially when you are looking for more expressive ways to describe someone.

It also helps you to shower compliments in various creative ways and to know when not to sound disrespectful. There are circumstances where calling someone a good girl will appear to be insulting.

Hence, it will be safer to just pick one of the terms listed in this article and use it instead.

Other Ways to Say Good Girl

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