20 Polite Ways To Tell Your Advisor You Are Struggling


Universities and Colleges can be challenging, and sometimes you might need help navigating the workload or grasping concepts. Struggling in a course or with a project can be stressful and disheartening.

While seeking help is a smart and proactive move, It’s important to approach your advisor respectfully and politely, so they can better understand your needs and help you find a solution.

This article offers 20 polite ways to communicate your struggles to your advisor, ensuring a productive conversation and continued support.

Table of Contents

Hi Professor, I’m Reaching Out Because I’m Facing Some Challenges In Your Course.

Meet your advisor in his free time, and in a direct and clear tone, relay your struggles to him. You can approach him like this: “Hi Professor, I’m reaching out because I’m facing some challenges in your course.” By stating the purpose of your message this way, you have opened the room for further conversation and proper mentoring on how to navigate the difficulties.

I’m Writing To Discuss My Progress In This Course. I’m Finding It More Difficult Than Anticipated.

Take the honest and proactive approach/route to talk to your advisor. He is your advisor and be rest assured he is experienced in the field to help you overcome the difficulties you are encountering in a particular course.

To fix an appointment with you, you can send him the above response. Trust to be expecting feedback showing you the time and day to meet with him.

I’m Struggling To Understand This Specific Topic. Can We Discuss Some Resources That Might Help?

Your advisor is always going to be in a position to help. A university advisor has access to lecturers taking your course. If you are struggling to understand some certain topic in your course and you need materials and resources that can help you, you can meet with the advisor to give you some materials for that particular course you are struggling with.

The Workload For This Course Feels Overwhelming. Can We Discuss Strategies For Managing My Time Effectively?

Polite Ways To Tell Your Advisor You Are Struggling

I understand that some semesters can be bombarded with workloads, and if you lack time management, you will probably lag behind in some aspects. If you need to meet your advisor to mentor you on how to manage your time for the numerous tasks this semester then the statement “The workload for this course feels overwhelming. Can we discuss strategies for managing my time effectively?” is a good conversation starter that will open room for your advisor to guide you.

Professor, I’m Finding Myself A Bit Lost In The Course And Would Appreciate Your Insight.

Your advisor can also be your course lecturer, which makes it even more interesting and easier. Discuss your struggles with him and indicate that you would need his profound insights to help you understand the course. This will definitely encourage your professor to advise and guide you on how to overcome your difficulties in his course.

I’ve Been Considering Attending The Tutoring Center For This Course. Do You Have Any Recommendations?

Showing your enthusiasm to learn a course despite the difficulties you encounter is an attribute your advisor will find charming and will be motivated to help you.

If you need to approach your supervisor on tutorial recommendations and you don’t know how to go about it then use the above lines: “I’ve been considering attending the tutoring center for this course. Do you have any recommendations” to approach him?

I Know I Haven’t Been Keeping Up With The Readings As Well As I Should. Can We Discuss Strategies To Catch Up?

Most times you would agree that it is your fault that you don’t keep up with the course. Well, if as a result, you are lagging then acknowledging your shortcomings should come first before seeking solutions from your Advisor.

Politely tell your advisor this “ I know I haven’t been keeping up with the readings as well as I should. Can we discuss strategies to catch up?”   Your advisor would be so moved by your sincerity and he would be willing to help you.

I’m Struggling To Meet Deadlines Because Of Some Family Issues. 

If you are facing some personal crisis and it is affecting your concentration then your course advisor is someone you should confide in. Let him know of your current state of mind and seek help from him so that it won’t affect your grades.

I Appreciate The Resources You’ve Already Shared. I’m Hoping To Get Some Additional Guidance.

If you have been frequenting your advisor’s place and you are now timid to go there again, don’t fret. Your advisor should always tolerate you and your request until you are no longer struggling.

To feel confident in approaching him, you can start this way “ I appreciate the resources you’ve already shared. I’m hoping to get some additional guidance” to acknowledge their past contributions and seek their further support.

Thank You For Your Understanding. I’m Committed To Doing Better In This Course.

Also, you can approach your supervisor politely by appreciating them for their constant help and also highlighting your commitment to doing better in the course you are struggling in. Your advisor will be glad to hear such words come out from you and will make themselves available anytime you need them.

I’ve Been Trying Some Studying Strategies. Do You Have Any Feedback Or Suggestions?

To politely tell your advisor you are struggling, you can creatively tell them about your effort in getting a hang of the course while seeking further help from them. “I’ve been trying some studying strategies. Do you have any feedback or suggestions?” can be used.

I’d Like To Schedule Some Office Hours To Discuss This Topic In More Depth. Would That Be Possible?

You can also take some proactive approaches to address your specific areas of difficulty in the course. To politely tell your advisor about your struggles with a specific course, “I’d like to schedule some office hours to discuss this topic in more depth. Would that be possible?” is a good way to approach your advisor.

Honestly, I’m Feeling Overwhelmed And Discouraged. Can You Offer Some Words Of Encouragement?

In the case of being demotivated, you can walk up to your advisor and tell him about how you feel, and how you can come off it. “Honestly, I’m feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. Can you offer some words of encouragement?” is a good response.

I’m Worried About Potentially Failing Your Cause. Can We Discuss Some Strategies To Avoid That?

Another polite way to tell your advisor you are struggling is to speak of your worries and vulnerability. Your advisor sees that and will be determined to help you in every way you can. To communicate with your advisor, use this sentence “I’m worried about potentially failing your cause. Can we discuss some strategies to avoid that?”

I’m Facing Some Personal Challenges That Are Impacting My Academic Performance. Can We Discuss Potential Accommodations?

Politely telling your advisor that you are struggling also involves addressing the root cause of your struggles and genuinely seeking appropriate support.

Make your advisor see the need to help you by using these lines for him; “I’m facing some personal challenges that are impacting my academic performance. Can we discuss potential accommodations?”

By using these lines, you have communicated vulnerably that you need help.

I’m Wondering If Dropping Your Course Might Be A Better Option For Me Right Now. What Do You Think?

If you have the privilege to drop a course giving you a headache then you can discuss that with your advisor. To make your advisor want to willingly lend you a helping hand, communicate with Jim this way; “I’m wondering if dropping your course might be a better option for me right now. What do you think?”

Is There A Possibility Of Taking This Course As An Incomplete To Catch Up Later?

Polite Ways To Tell Your Advisor You Are Struggling

To politely tell your advisor you are struggling also entails exploring alternative course completion options with the advisor’s guidance, after you have discussed your plights with them. If there are alternatives, your advisor will certainly let you know.

I’ll Keep You Updated On My Progress And Reach Out If I Need Further Assistance.

“I’ll keep you updated on my progress and reach out if I need further assistance” is another polite way to tell your advisor that you are struggling, and also to commit to continued communication and seek future support if needed.

Hello, Advisor. I’m Experiencing Some Difficulty With The Material And Would Appreciate Your Guidance.

You can also write an email to your advisor. That is one of the polite ways to tell your advisor that you are struggling.

“Hello, Advisor. I’m experiencing some difficulty with the material and would appreciate your guidance” this is a great way to tell your advisor you are struggling.

I’ve Been Putting In A Lot Of Effort, But I’m Still Struggling With Some Aspects Of The Course.

“I’ve been putting in a lot of effort, but I’m still struggling with some aspects of the course” is another polite way you can tell your advisor you are struggling. Your advisor on hearing this will be committed to helping you out of your struggles.


In conclusion, college can be a whirlwind of learning, and sometimes you might find yourself needing a helping hand. This article has equipped you with 20 diverse ways to communicate your struggles to your advisor, fostering a productive conversation and ensuring continued support.

Remember, honesty and clarity are crucial. Don’t be afraid to directly address your challenges, whether it’s grasping a specific concept or managing a heavy workload. Take responsibility for your learning while seeking guidance from your advisor.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t suffer in silence. Utilize this guide to craft a polite and informative message. Remember, your advisor is there to guide you, and by initiating a conversation, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming your academic hurdles and achieving your goals.

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