30 Ways to Tell Someone You Don’t Love Them Anymore


When you find yourself falling out of love with someone, the experience can be too much to swallow. Surprisingly, I am writing this piece from such a point.

I am uncertain about how I feel towards someone whom I have loved for quite some time. And if that is any consolation, you should know you are not alone in feeling like you’ve fallen out of love with someone.

Well, depending on the reason you are falling out of love, the best course of action is to call it quit and move on. Doing this isn’t easy but if you know you need to.

In this article, I am going to show you 30 ways you can tell someone you don’t love them anymore. These suggestions are mostly from my experiences and some from people who shared their breakup stories with me.

They are going to help you put words to the feeling in your heart which I believe must be overwhelming at this point. Let’s get into it.

30 Ways to Tell Someone You Don’t Love Them Anymore

How to Tell Someone You Don't Love Them Anymore

The following are some of the best, creative suggestions to communicate how you might have drifted apart from the person emotionally:

  1. Let’s face this because we’ve had it coming for a long time. Things have changed between us and honestly, I do not feel the same way I used to feel about you. There’s no reason for me to stick around seeing I don’t feel that way about you anymore
  2. It would be a waste of time to keep being with you. We are heading nowhere at least I am not following through in the direction you are heading. Sooner or later, you are going to need to decide for us and I wouldn’t be willing to follow through on it. So, I should let you know that there is nothing lovely I feel for you and I am sorry
  3. I can’t keep pretending. I can’t keep lying to myself that there could be a change. I have waited for such a change to no avail. Since this is how it is going to be, I’d rather call it quits than move on while insinuating that everything is fine when it isn’t
  4. I’ve had this weight on my heart for as long as I can think of and it is ruining everything.
  5. You deserve better and unfortunately, I do not feel good about leading you on. Yes, it feels like I am leading you on because I am unable to bring myself to the point where I used to love you. Now, everything feels forced and I can’t. I just can’t
  6. You have asked me what is wrong so many times and I have kept it from you
  7. I would do anything to experience the joy and aura we shared when we first met and started to date. I have hoped and wished we could go back to the good old days but there is no going back whatsoever.
  8. Looking at the future, all I can say is I don’t want to be a part of this future. The future we all speak. This one we feel we have been working towards. There’s nothing in it for me and that’s because I do not love you anymore
  9. Sadly, the love I feel for you has been replaced with feelings of being underappreciated. And please, do not try to convince me about change. I have given you enough time to show the slightest desire to change but it hasn’t happened and I must face reality
  10. What would you do if you were somewhere where the treatment meted out on you is unfair and builds resentment within you? Leave, right? Well, it is unfortunately what I need to do because the love I thought I should have been lost to the resentment that has built up in my heart
  11. Let me do us the honor of calling this quit because we can tell that our efforts are no longer appreciated and neither are we making any progress.
  12. With our differing perspectives about life and the future, I think I have drifted away from loving you and it is impossible to get back on track with it
  13. I have tried to forgive you ever since you cheated on me but it isn’t happening. Every night I think about it and tears rush down my eyes. I can’t be with someone who has broken my trust in them and it is something I feel you should know
  14. What I am about to say may be surprising but you won’t say you didn’t have it coming. There is no moving forward except if you want to be in a relationship with someone who is stone-cold dead in feelings for you
  15. I have constantly found myself drifting away from how I used to feel about you. I appreciate everything you have done and your efforts but then there is no progress in this and I don’t want to continue deceiving you
  16. My biggest wish over the last eight months has been the possibility of loving you as I used to. But with each passing day, I realize it isn’t possible. I have had enough of putting up with the emotional trauma you put me through and I don’t think I can talk about loving you
  17. The moments we share have been brilliant but they are a far cry from how I feel. I hate to have to admit it but we can’t be together, at least not with the way I feel about you
  18. Over the last months, there has been a shift in my emotional state and how I feel about loving you. It is not what you’d want but then it is happening. I hate to be in this position but I’d have to pull the plug on our relationship
  19. I wanted to see how long it’d take you to accept your fault and come to terms with the need to take responsibility for your actions. Unfortunately, the more I waited, the longer it took for you to do so. I can’t continue loving someone who is not ready to be responsible for these things
  20. I am concerned about us. It feels weird to mention “us” in the same sentence because while I also believed in the possibility of being with you, every day comes with a note to say “This isn’t worth the effort.” For me, it honestly isn’t worth the effort anymore and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
  21. Every time you raised your hands to hit me, an ounce of whatever love I had for you left. At this point, there is nothing left and I don’t want to keep pretending like there is.
  22. One of the single most important essentials for a relationship is communication. Tell me, in the last three months, how often have we spoken? Don’t even try to sugar-coat it. If relationships survive on communicating, ours has been dead and there’s no reviving it
  23. I can’t imagine a future with you when you still don’t want to get over your addictions. It is clear where your priorities lie. You love the feeling you get from substance abuse better than my desire to feel safe around you. That’s fine as I won’t be sticking around with you anymore
  24. You have neglected me so many times. You have turned deaf ears to my appeals. You have not shown me you value me or prioritize any aspect of my life. Being with you has been a waste of time for me and I can’t wait to get rid of you
  25. I understand how our past traumas can affect our future. How it is possible that experiences from the past can hinder the flow of our lives? But you see, yours is too much for me. With every turn we make in this relationship, I find you unhealthy and your projections of insecurity are hurting me. We can’t keep doing this
  26. You are always invalidating my feelings and now I feel numb towards you. Sorry, but it is what you’ve made me and I guess this is not leading anywhere. So, I should call it quit
  27. The standards you’ve set for me are outrageous. I constantly find myself trying to raise towards meeting your demands to no avail. I am gradually losing myself. And you know what else I am losing, the love I had for you. Yes, had, because it is all gone. I am sorry
  28. I really hoped for the best out of our relationship. I wanted to get to be with you and all but always comparing me with other people is a major red flag. I am not other people and if you want those other people maybe you should go and be with them
  29. This might be hurtful but I must say it anyway. It was important for me to reassess what I thought I felt for you. Unfortunately, there is nothing. I am sorry I wasted your time but it is better I say it now than allow you to go on with the lofty ideas you have only for me to take this same step at a later time
  30. I am imperfect and human but you act like I should be incapable of making mistakes. I know your instinct now would be to try and fix things but no. There’s no fixing this. I have my mind made up and I am not going back on it. Thank you

How to Tell Someone You Don't Love Them Anymore

Final Thoughts

It can be downright painful to feel out of love with someone. There are several reasons why this could happen and it would form the basis for communicating it to them.

In this post, I am sure you have found enough suggestions to help you tell someone you don’t love them anymore. It might be hard but having such conversations is important for your emotional health.

Before you call it quits with them, it is necessary to see if there is a way to resolve your issues. If it is feasible, then by all means try and work things out.

You know what’s best for you and you shouldn’t be cajoled to stay in something that is unhealthy for you.

How to Tell Someone You Don't Love Them Anymore

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