20 Polite Ways To Tell A Professor You Are Dropping Their Class


Many reasons make students drop a course or courses. Some of those reasons range from too much workload for the semester they are currently in, difficulty in assimilating, or it could be that your core course needs extra focus and the course you want to drop is not as important as the others.

Dropping a class can be stressful, especially if you respect the professor and you have built a good rapport with them. However, it is not difficult to project how you feel, which is why this article is here to guide you on how to communicate your decision politely and professionally.

In this article, I  have provided 20 ways to tell your professor you’re withdrawing from their class while maintaining a positive relationship with them.

Table of Contents

Dear Professor, I Am Writing To Inform You That I Will Be Withdrawing From This Course Effective Immediately. I Apologize For Any Inconvenience This May Cause.

One polite way to tell your professor that you want to drop his class is to write him an email expressing in the most genuine way why you wish to drop his class. By doing so, you are effectively communicating your decision while maintaining a respectful tone and maintaining a positive relationship with your professor.

If you need an email template on what to write then “Dear Professor, I am writing to inform you that I will be withdrawing from this course effective immediately. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause ” is a good way to start and perfect for you.

Unfortunately, Due To Too Many Demands From My Core Courses, I Will Need To Drop Your Class. I Appreciate The Opportunity To Have Learned From You Thus Far.

Polite Ways To Tell A Professor You Are Dropping Their Class

Your professors are not humans and yes they have emotions. If the reason you are dropping his class is because of too many demands from your semester’s work then you should explain to him. Explaining to him would even make him appreciate the fact that you count him worthy to know how you feel.

You have just communicated your mind in the most respectful and sincere; without burning bridges.

After Careful Consideration, I’ve Realized My Current Course Load Is Unmanageable. To Ensure My Success In My Remaining Classes, I Will Need To Withdraw From This Course.

Another polite way to tell your professor you are dropping his course is to be open to him and tell him how demanding other core courses are. He would surely understand since his course is elective.  Not only will he understand, but he will also wish you well in your other courses.

This is a perfect template to use that explains your need to focus on time management and prioritization.

Unforeseen scheduling conflicts could be the reasons you would have to drop your professor’s class but the enigma is how do you intend to communicate that to him such that he won’t see you as being lazy.

I regret to inform you that I will be withdrawing from your course due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts. I apologize for any disruption this may cause

Is a suitable expression to use to convey your mind. By this, the professor only sees your unwillingness to leave his class and your regret for doing so. I bet he will be the one urging you to go ahead with your decision.

I Am Struggling With The Workload In Your Course Due To The Complexity. I’m Unsure If I Can Manage To Catch Up. 

If you are struggling with a particular course, and it is not important, I think the best thing to do is to drop the course and focus on your core course. It is better than failing woefully in it.  However, communicating effectively with your professor also needs to be looked into.

One way to do so is to discuss the complexity of the course and indirectly tell him about your decision to drop the class.

I’m Concerned About My Ability To Perform Well In Your Course Given My Current Commitments. Would It Be Possible To Discuss Alternative Solutions Or A Withdrawal Process?

At the back of your mind, you know your mind is fixed on withdrawing but you have to communicate that respectfully while maintaining the strong relationship you have built.

Would it be possible to discuss alternative solutions or a withdrawal process?” is a polite way to tell your professor you are dropping his class without burning bridges and leaving a negative impression on your professor.

Thank You For Your Engaging Lectures In Your Course. Due To So Many Commitments, I Need To Withdraw. I Hope To Have The Opportunity To Take Another Class With You In The Future.

While telling your professor about your decision to drop his class, thank him along the line and even leave positive comments for him. Your appreciation for the course opens doors for future enrollment and relationships because you never can tell who will be taking your next elective course.

While I’m Disappointed To Withdraw From Your Course, I Appreciate Your Understanding. I Look Forward To Potentially Taking Another Class With You When My Schedule Allows.

You can express your disappointment about dropping his course while communicating your thoughts to him. This will pose you as someone who values your professor and his time spent. Telling him you look forward to another class that will be taken by him will be a good way to dismiss yourself while saving you from unnecessary probing.

This Email Serves As a Notification That I Am Withdrawing From Your Class, Effective July 7th.

If you don’t have a personal relationship with your professor and he happens to be always busy then a short email is what you need; just like the above lines.

Please Accept This Email As My Official Withdrawal From Your Course

If you don’t wish to use the example in point no 9 then “Please accept this email as my official withdrawal form [ input the course name] is another short but straight-to-the-point email format to use. It will help achieve the goal of keeping the message clear and concise.

I’m Interested In Withdrawing From [Course Name]But Would Like To Know If Auditing The Class Is An Option.

I’m interested in withdrawing from [input your course]but would like to know if auditing the class is an option” is another polite and respectful way to tell your professor you are dropping his class. By using this strategy, you avoid being rude or blunt while speaking your mind.

I’m writing to inform you of my intention to withdraw from your class. I’d be happy to help with any transition tasks to ensure a smooth handover

If you want to tell your professor politely that you want to drop his class and you want to do so without disruption then “I’m writing to inform you of my intention to withdraw from your class.

I’d be happy to help with any transition tasks to ensure a smooth handover” is a proactive approach that will help curb further interrogation and minimize disruption from your professor.

Would it be possible to discuss an incomplete grade for the course instead of withdrawing? I’m committed to catching up if possible.

You already know you are doing badly in your professor’s course and you have been advised to drop the class but you need a smart approach to tell him in such a way that the proposal won’t be coming from you.

Then ‘Would it be possible to discuss an incomplete grade for the course instead of withdrawing? I’m committed to catching up if possible” is a perfect line to execute the plan.

By using these lines, the idea of dropping the class will be coming out from your professor’s mouth and not you.

Unfortunately, I Will Be Dropping Your Class. Is There Anything I Can Do To Catch Up On The Missed Material Before Officially Withdrawing?

Professors or lecturers like serious students which is one thing you need to consider when telling them you want to drop their course.  There are ways to tell your professor you want to drop your course without sounding unserious or lazy.

Unfortunately, I will be dropping your class. Is there anything I can do to catch up on the missed material before officially withdrawing?” is a statement you can make that will demonstrate your willingness to learn despite dropping the course…. Even though you and I both know you won’t read or revisit those materials.

I’m Writing To Inform You That I Will Be Withdrawing From Your Class. I Apologize Again For Any Inconvenience And Wish You And The Class All The Best.

Another polite and respectful way to inform your professor you will be dropping his class is writing to make your intentions known while showing your sincere apologies for dropping halfway.

I’m writing to inform you that I will be withdrawing from your class. I apologize again for any inconvenience and wish you and the class all the best” has a respectful tone that reiterates your decision to drop their class and expresses your well wishes as you go.

Thank You For Your Understanding Regarding My Withdrawal From Your Class. I Appreciate The Opportunity To Have Been In Your Class.

Informing your professor about your withdrawal from their class and appreciating them for the opportunity to have been part of their class works like fire. It is the most polite way to tell them you are dropping their class and still maintaining a strong positive relationship with them.

I’m Struggling With The Workload In My Semester’s Course. I’m Unsure If I Can Manage To Catch Up. 

If your reasons for wanting to drop their class is because of the hectic workload in your semester then bring it to them in a discussion. Your professor was once a student like you and they understand whatever phase you are going through.

To communicate that to them effectively, say it in this manner “I’m struggling with the workload in my semester’s course. I’m unsure if I can manage to catch up. Would you be available to discuss my options?” 

Please Accept This Email As a Notification That I Am Withdrawing From Your Class.

Keeping it short, concise, and respectful also works fine in communicating your thoughts on dropping your professor’s class. The above lines are another format you can use.

Regarding My Decision To Drop Your Class, I Appreciate Your Understanding. I Am Grateful I Had The Chance To Take Your Course.

For simple yet appropriate communication, use the above lines to convey your decision to your professor.  Not only do these lines relay your thoughts most politely, but they also do so with a sense of gratitude.

Given My Current Obligations, I Am Worried About My Ability To Perform Well In Your Course. Is It Feasible To Talk About Withdrawal Procedures Or Other Options?

For communicating the reasons you are dropping your professor’s class, the above format is apt in projecting your mind to them. The lines explain politely, why you want to drop their class and discuss other available options to avoid withdrawal.

Final Tips 


  • Always check your university’s withdrawal deadlines and procedures.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication.
  • Express gratitude for the opportunity to have been in the class (optional).

Polite Ways To Tell A Professor You Are Dropping Their Class

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