15 Interesting Ways To Say Please Keep Your Promise


We’ve all been there: someone makes a promise, and then… radio silence. But how do you nudge their memory without sounding like a nag? Broken promises can leave us feeling frustrated and undervalued, and the fear of them not fulfilling their promise can make us apprehensive. Well, relax I got you covered.

In this article, I have provided 15 creative ways to politely remind someone about a kept promise, all while fostering communication and maintaining a positive relationship. This guide is here to equip you with 15 Interesting Ways To Say Please Keep Your Promise, in a way that you won’t be tagged as a nag or an entitled person.

From lighthearted inquiries to strategic questions and even a touch of humor, these techniques will help you get the results you desire without resorting to accusatory tones.

Just Checking in! Still Looking Forward To The Dinner Treat You Promised With You.

I know broken promises can make us feel devalued and frustrated, and the worry that they will not follow through can make us uneasy. Now, unwind; I have got you covered. “Just checking in! Still looking forward to the dinner treat you promised with you” is a casual approach that you can use to spark a conversation with them and still simultaneously remind them of the promise.

This is a method for encouraging communication and upholding a good rapport with someone while gently reminding them of a promise that was kept.

Is The 25th Of June Still On For Money You Promised To Raise For Our Book Club Event? Can’t Wait!

When someone makes a promise to raise money for your book club event, your mind is automatically tuned and alerted until that promise is fulfilled but what do we do when the promise is tarrying and the D-day is approaching?

I know you can be tempted to remind them to do their bidding but you should always be on the cautious side, threading carefully so you won’t sound bothersome.

Is the 25th of June still on for the money you promised to raise for our book club event? Can’t wait! is a stylish way you can remind them of their donation. By this, you are indirectly reminding them of their promise, while showing enthusiasm for the promise and confirming the details.

Spotted Something That Reminded Me Of The Bag You Promised Me. How’s That Coming Along?

Your friend promised you a bag and you need to remind them? Don’t worry, there is a great way to approach it without sounding entitled to their money.

By using these lines, you have politely reminded someone about a kept promise, all while fostering communication and maintaining a positive relationship.

I Was Thinking About What You Promised Me. Any Updates On When We Can Make It Happen?

Looking for another interesting way to remind someone to keep their promise without sounding annoying or like a broken record. Then point no 4 is a good strategic line to use.

“I was thinking about what you promised me. Any updates on when we can make it happen” is a creative way to show your interest and opens the door for a discussion about scheduling.

Just Wanted To Touch Base On The Promise. Is There Anything I Can Do To Help?

If you need creative ways to tell someone to please keep to their promise without looking like you are pestering them, the above lines can be used to politely remind them.

“Just wanted to touch base on the promise. Is there anything I can do to help?” is a creative way that poses your readiness to support and willingness to contribute but in the real sense, you want to remind them of their promise.

Looking Forward To The Sip And Paint Show You Promised Me? What Steps Are You Taking To Make It Happen?

Getting updates about what someone promised you isn’t a bad thing to do but you need to be careful you are not overdoing it and thus ending up being grouchy about it. Point no 6 is a guide to gently remind someone of a promise(which could be a sip and paint event) while encouraging communication and preserving goodwill in the relationship.

Hey, Remember That Time You Promised Me Zara Shoes? How Do I Get One? Asking For A Friend?

Your sister promised to get you Zara shoes and you need to remind her to keep to her promise without sounding naggy? The above lines are a witty way to ask them in such a way that they get the gist.

This is a playful humor and keeps things light. And do you know the funny part? Your sister knows you are that friend.

Is My Memory Failing Me, Or Did You Promise Me Some Money? Just Kidding

Another indirect and interesting way to remind someone of the money they promised you is using these crafty lines: “My memory failing me, or did you promise me some money? Just kidding.”

This lighthearted approach breaks the ice and indirectly reminds them.

Feeling Like A Broken Record Here, But Just Following Up On The Promise. Any Updates?

You can also use the proactive strategy to propel someone to keep their promise. By being proactive, I mean predicting their mind so that they are left with no choice but to deny that you are bothering them with your request.

I Can’t Wait To See How You Fulfill The Promise! It’s Going To Be Amazing

Interesting Ways To Say Please Keep Your Promise

Another way to remind someone to keep to their promise is by sounding enthusiastic, motivating, and positive with the underlying intentions which is sending a reminder.

“I can’t wait to see how you fulfill the promise! It’s going to be amazing” is a very effective way to remind someone to keep their promise because the positive vibes have already overshadowed your main intention.

Is Everything Okay On Your End? Just Checking In About What You Promised Me

Another method for encouraging communication and upholding a good rapport with someone while gently reminding them of a promise that was kept is to act concerned about them. This will pose you as a selfless person and even inspire them to keep their end of the bargain.

“Everything okay on your end? Just checking in about what you promised me” is a way to show concern and open communication about potential delays.

Is There Anything Holding You Back From Fulfilling Your Promise?

Offering to help is just very sweet and deceptive such that the person you are reminding won’t see beyond your good words, which is the effectiveness of good communication.

“Is there anything holding you back from fulfilling your promise? I’m happy to help in any way I can” is an approach that makes them believe you are supportive while still achieving your main intention which is reminding them to keep their promise.

No Pressure, But Any Updates On The Promise? If Not, Maybe We Can Explore Some Alternatives.

If you don’t want to sound desperate while reminding someone to keep to their promise then “No pressure, but any updates on the promise? If not, maybe we can explore some alternatives” is just the suitable word to use. By this, you are reminding them to keep their promise without sounding irritating or cheap.

Looking Forward To The Promise Whenever It Works For You! Just Wanted To Stay In Touch.

If you want to remind someone to keep to their promise without sounding bothersome or like a pest, “Looking forward to the promise whenever it works for you! Just wanted to stay in touch” is a creative way to do so.

By saying this, you are implying that you are not hastening them to do your bid which is a crafty way to make them hasten up in fulfilling their promise.

I Was Hoping To Follow Up On The Promise. 

Lastly, to politely remind someone to keep their promise without sounding demanding, “I was hoping to follow up on the promise. When can we expect to see some progress?” is an imaginative line to use. This direct approach is respectful and encourages accountability from their end.

Final Words

Keep in mind that keeping positive relationships while ensuring promises are kept requires clear communication and a positive tone. Thus, express yourself clearly, decide which strategy works best for the circumstances, and maintain the flow of the conversation. This article has provided you with 15 varied approaches to guide you in making polite reminders.

Interesting Ways To Say Please Keep Your Promise

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