20 Funny Ways To Say No When Someone Asks To Borrow Your Clothes


I know we’ve all been there: a friend eyes your favorite outfit with longing, and the dreaded question pops up – “Can I borrow that?”  While you might be happy to share your wardrobe treasures, sometimes saying no is the best option. But a flat-out “no” can feel awkward.  Fear not, fashionistas! I have curated 20 funny ways to reject their requests.

Be it a friend, relative, or colleague, this article offers 20 hilarious ways to politely decline a clothing loan, all while keeping the mood light and the friendship intact.  So, get ready to unleash your inner comedian and navigate the tricky world of wardrobe borrowing with a smile, and maybe a touch of playful sarcasm.

Table of Contents

Sure, But Let Me Warn You, My Clothes Are So Magical They Might Cast A Spell On You And Turn You Into An Erratic Dancer. Are You Up For It?

Be a little bit hilarious but do not fail to achieve your aim of refusal. This is a mild way to say “no” to someone who wants to borrow your clothes. Of course, they will get the message clearly because they do know that there is no magical spell on it and that you simply imply that you can’t give it out.

Why should you use this response? Of course, you will succeed in not only turning them down but doing so in a soothing way.

Oh Sorry! I Could Have Given You But My Pastor Had A Prophecy About Me Not Sharing My Personal Belongings With Anyone.

Scare them off with something spiritual; most of them can’t argue when it comes to instructions from men of God.  No one is going to have the audacity to keep being  persistent at you lending them your clothes the moment they hear “my pastor said….” This even hits well when the audience you use this tactic for is also a believer.

Those Jeans? They Bring Me Nothing But Good Luck. I Was Told If I Borrow Someone It Will Neutralize The Charm. I Wouldn’t Want To Mess With My Mojo.

Give them an incredible reason. I bet you upon hearing this incredible excuse, they are smiling inwardly and at the same time grabbing the underlying “no, I can’t give you” message.

If they are also as witty as you are they will have grasped the message from your expression.

I Love That You Have The Same Taste! But Everything Shrinks In The Dryer, Even Friendships…Maybe We Can Shop Together Instead?

I love this response. It gives you a mixture of a little bit of sassiness, sarcasm, and sweetness that the recipient wouldn’t even get the full effect of the harsh tone of the sarcasm embedded in the words. It is a witty way of saying “I can’t give you mine. Go get yours instead.”

Whoa, Weird! I Must Be Having An Out-Of-Body Experience Because My Clothes Just Walked Out On Me…

Funny Ways To Say No When Someone Asks To Borrow Your Clothes

You can be a little dramatic and give them an eerie feeling while at it. Waggle your eyebrows, pretend that you saw something strange happen, and then say  Whoa, weird! I must be having an out-of-body experience because my clothes just walked out on me”. They would know you don’t want to give them and you are also making a fool of them.

Those Pants Are Cursed! Last Time Someone Borrowed Them, They Ended Up Salsa Dancing On A Table. Not A Good Look.

Giving them a silly reason is another way to tell them you are not lending them your clothes. It is giving the message “I don’t want you mad and embarrassed in a public gathering so I’m doing you a favor by not giving you.” You know that you outsmart their request with an intelligent response.

Oh, I’m Sorry, Rihanna’s Stylist Borrowed That Exact Outfit For An Awards Show. Maybe Next Time?

Replying to them with a fashion pun is another funny way to reject their request such that they won’t get annoyed. More interesting is you portray the outfit as an expensive one that can’t be borrowed by just anyone.

Interestingly, the person requesting will get the message you are passing vividly. They know by this response that you are implying that it is so precious and you can’t just lend it out like that.

Uh oh, my grandma’s ghost is super attached to that sweater. I wouldn’t want to upset her.

Oh, this is another of my favorite lines and can be a good response for your covetous friend who loves to borrow your clothes and she has now made a wardrobe out of her own. Assuming she has just shown interest in your favorite sweater, use these lines to scare her off. It’s a mild and witty way to reject her request and still keep your friendship.

One more thing, it does not necessarily mean it should be a sweater. It could be another piece of clothing, you can still make use of these lines of prank to reject their requests.

Ugh, that sweater? It gets super attached and throws a tantrum if it’s not with me 24/7. Drama queen, I know.

Make it look like it is not your fault but rather the clothes’ who doesn’t like anyone apart from the owner. Silly excuse, right? But giving silly excuses is a smart way of telling them you don’t want to give them your clothes. No one would love to wear clothes that throw tantrums, right? Yeah! So let’s keep it that way…. Winks

Those Pants Are Part Of A Secret Society Uniform. We Meet At Night To…Discuss Bloody Secrets. Top Secret, You Understand?

Give them a creepy excuse to scare them away. You can even make it more creepy by saying wearing your clothes makes them a member automatically. No one dares go ahead to still want to borrow such clothes upon hearing that.

So should you need any creepy response to illustrate your clothes are strictly for you then consider this statement; “Those pants are part of a secret society uniform. We meet at night to…discuss bloody secrets. Top secret, you understand?”

Hold on, gotta consult with my fashion fairy godmother first. Turns out, some outfits only grant wishes when worn by the original owner.”

A playful way to waste the borrower’s time until they lose interest. When your colleague indicates their interest in your clothes and goes ahead to tell you to borrow them for an event, make it more interesting by tapping your chin thoughtfully, and then say “Hold on, gotta consult with my fashion fairy godmother first. Turns out, some outfits only grant wishes when worn by the original owner.”

Trust me they will get the hidden message from your response. They know there is never a fairy godmother you want to ask for and you waiting for approval is like waiting for Arsenal to win the premier league.

Ugh, That Dress? It Makes Everyone Look Like A Moron. But Hey, If You’re Feeling Daring…

A good way to say no? Discourage them from wearing it by saying the dress was made to fit only you. This excuse sounds plausible, yeah but your friend gets the message clearly that you do not want to borrow her and she knows better than to not be persistent.

Hey, I Know It Might Sound Weird But My Mom Is Going To Beat Me If I Lend You My Pants.

This excuse is childish but it is evergreen. Back then in elementary school, there was a boy in my class who avoided  sharing his toys with the rest of us by just saying “My mom is gon beat me if I let you play with my toys.” So we didn’t bother pressuring him to give us his toys because we felt he was doing the right thing by obeying his mother. That guy fooled us!

You too can use this excuse to avoid lending your friend your lovely dress. Trust me, this will portray your message clearly without even annoying them.

I Would Have Loved To Lend You But My Clothes Are So Loyal. It Doesn’t Suit Anyone Except Me, Its Owner.

Again, blame it on the clothes as the reason you won’t be lending them. This is a very hilarious excuse for saying “No, I can’t lend you my clothes”. Humor and sarcasm have been known to be the best way to state your point without offending the participant in the conversation.

My Dear, If I Give You Those Clothes You Will Be Charged For A Fashion Crime Because You Can’t Rock Them Like I Do. So Stay Out Of Jail

This is a real subtle jab at the borrower and it takes someone who understands sarcasm to know that not only has their request been rejected, but they have also been insulted. Use this euphemism to humorously tell your friend you can’t lend them your clothes.

I Wish I Could But That Skirt Is Vintage. My Grandmother Gave Me As A Parting Gift

Give it an emotional attachment. People don’t expect you to give out something that has an emotional attachment to you or that reminds you of a memory. They respect that a lot. So, this could be the excuse you need so badly to let a persistent beggar off your neck.

I’m Sorry I Can’t Lend You Mine But I Could Show You Where I Got It.

Most times you want to be rude but you don’t want to be rude verbatim, right? Then let me teach you how to do it in a scholarly way. “I’m sorry I can’t lend you mine but I could show you where I got it” is a polite way of telling them they should go get theirs and stop borrowing from you.

I Would Have But I Made A Decision Not To Lend Anyone My Clothes Because Of The Terrible Experience I Had The Last Time I Did.

Tie your reasons for not lending them around a bad experience. Using the victim card on anyone who wants to borrow your clothes is another effective way to avoid lending them your clothes. I’m sure by the time you say your woeful experience, they will be the ones telling you not to bother giving them anymore. Except they have no conscience.

I’m Sorry I Can’t. My Clothes Are So Attached To Me; It Is Like An Old Friend.

Funny Ways To Say No When Someone Asks To Borrow Your Clothes

“I’m sorry I can’t. My clothes are so attached to me; it is like an old friend” is another funny way to tell them you are not giving out your clothes. It is also a nice way to tell them that they wouldn’t feel bad for not giving them.

Oh A Bit Too Late! My Sister Just Traveled With It Last Night.

You are safe using this response. It is your clothes, it is your sister and they have no right to question if you are lying or not. And that is on period!

Final Words

Rejecting a clothing loan from your friend, colleague or relatives shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. I understand there might be times you don’t feel comfortable lending your clothes, as a result, you are stuck between borrowing them and displeasing yourself or refusing them and being tagged as an enemy for life.

Thankfully, this article is to your rescue of any dilemma such a request might put you in. This article has helped outline a few witty ways to say no to an otherwise awkward situation.

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