20 Smart-Aleck Responses to “Is That So?”


You may not know what “smart-aleck” means or who a smart-aleck person is, but I can assure you that you have met them before; I know I have.

Have you ever met a person who acts like they know it all or that they are the cleverest person in the room? Yup, that is a smart-aleck person, and they sometimes can be irritating.

The plot twist is that in certain situations, you are the smart-aleck person you want to be. For instance, when someone tries to be sarcastic by asking you, ‘Is that so?’, giving a smart-aleck response will be the best way to match that sarcastic energy.

In this article, I will be giving you twenty (20) smart-aleck responses to ‘Is that so?’

Table of Contents

Yes, That Is Sew Sullivan Coming Right This Way.

This smart-aleck response uses puns to pass its message. Since the question “Is that so?” ends with so, the response simply says, “Yes that is Sew (pronounced so) Sullivan coming right this way.”

It will be more hilarious if the person looks in the direction you are pointing at.

Nah, Of Course Not. I mean, I Would Willingly Waste My Whole Day Trying To Get This Information To You.

Smart-Aleck Responses to Is That So?

If you make an effort to get important information to someone and instead of showing some form of enthusiasm or interest, they merely shrug their shoulders and say, “Is that so?”

This response will be the best sarcastic and smart-aleck way to reply to their indifference.

I Don’t Know. Do You Need A Police Report To Assure You That Is So?

If you give someone important information and they doubt you by asking Is that so? you can use this smart-aleck response when replying.

Saying this with the proper attitude will make you appear obnoxious but in the right way.

I See. You Are So Smart That You Don’t See What Was Right Before Your Eyes.

There are people you will be trying to give proper information to, but they will try to act as if they know better than you or they may try to argue with you. When they do, you don’t need to stress yourself about what to reply, as this statement is the best response for such people.

Yeah, But That’s My Opinion Anyway, You Didn’t Want It But You Needed It.

When you are in a conversation with a person and they do not want to accept your point of view, you don’t need to fight it. When they say, “Is that so?” You simply need to use this response especially if you wish to sound smart-aleck.

Of Course, It Is. That Is Why I Did Everything Within My Power To Ensure That You Heard It.

This response is the best smart-aleck response for people who wish to be sarcastic when a person says ‘Is that so?’ to you.

So, if it does not cost you a thing to tell a person something but you wish to exaggerate a little about it, this is the best response to use.

As Useless As That Phrase Sounds, Yes That Is So, Which Is Why I’m Asking What You Think.

Well, being smart-aleck means that you can appear rude sometimes, even if you don’t mean to.

This response is suitable when you are asking someone for their opinion about something important and instead of giving you a straight response, they casually say, ‘Is that so?’

It Sure Is. Well, Unless You Have A Better Idea Which I Don’t Think You Do, It Is So.

If you are sitting at a round table or you are discussing with someone, and you guys are sharing ideas, but they don’t have anything intelligent to say, then this is the best response to use.

Sometimes, such people condemn other people’s ideas but will never bring any solution or ideas. So, when you meet such people, this is the best response for them.

After Pausing For A Minute And Rethinking What I Just Said, Yes, I Do Think So.

Sometimes, you share information or an idea in a hurry and even you do not understand properly what you just said. If a person then asks you, “Is that so?” you pause for a moment to rethink what you just said, and if you are assured that that is what you intended to say, you use this response.

I Wouldn’t Be Here If I Didn’t Think You Could Help Me, So Please, Say You Would.


With a smirk and just the right attitude, this statement will be the right smart-aleck response you are looking for.

The tone of the statement shows that you have to be speaking with someone that you are familiar with as it can sound saucy, but hey, we are giving a smart-aleck response right?

I Had This deep-seated urge Not To Respond To That Question, But For Your Sake, I Think So.

If you have this deep-seated urge to be rude, but then you change your mind, then this may be the right response to use when a person asks you, ‘Is that so?’

It shows that if you had given the response you had in mind, you probably would been extremely rude, instead you use this response as a form of warning.

I Can’t Understand Why You Don’t Get What I’m Saying ‘cause It Makes Complete Sense To Me.

Have you ever tried so hard to explain something to someone but they don’t seem to be getting you? It can be frustrating, especially if what you are explaining makes complete sense to you.

When that happens, the best smart-aleck response to give is, ‘I can’t understand why you don’t get what I’m saying ‘cause it makes complete sense to me.’

The statement communicates your frustration, in a ‘nice’ manner.

You Suddenly Can’t Hear Me Or Do You Want Me Repeating A 10-sentence Paragraph?

Imagine spending lots of time to explain something to someone in detail and they simply respond with, ‘Is that so?’ and ask you to repeat.

Of course, the thought of repeating such a long explanation will get you worked up, so instead of lashing out, you can use this smart-aleck response instead.

It is advisable to say it in a cool and calm manner so that you will not seem to be overreacting.

Don’t Be So Surprised, I Always Had It In Me, You Just Didn’t Notice.

Sometimes, when you are good enough to hide a certain part of yourself. People would assume that you are too nice and can be treated in any manner.

When you finally decide to stand your ground, they may be surprised and react with, “Is that so?”

At that point, the best response to use is, ‘Don’t be so surprised, I always had it in me, you just didn’t notice.’

I Understand That It Seems Unbelievable, But I Can Assure You That This Is Accurate.

There are instances where you are trying to share information with someone and they find it difficult to believe; maybe because it is too good to be true.

At that point, the phrase, “I understand that it seems unbelievable, but I can assure you that this is accurate,” will be the best response to use.

You Are Quick To Jump To A Conclusion, But Just Give Me A Minute To Explain Properly Before You Start Making That Face.

When you are speaking to a person who is extremely expressive facially, their reactions to some things you say or do will immediately show on their faces.

It usually occurs when you are trying to explain something, but you are failing to explain it properly and the person you are speaking to is not understanding the message properly.

At that instance, you make an effort to calm them down then first then explain yourself properly using this statement.

I Don’t Always Have Great Ideas, But I Can Assure You That You Will Love This One…if You Just Let Me Give Some More Details.

If you are the type of person who always comes up with great ideas that seem so great to you but do not seem great to others and you finally get the perfect idea that you are sure that they will love, then this is the best response for you.

You Sound Like It Is Unbelievable, Or Is There Something Else You Are Curious About But Not Saying.

There is some information that might seem so good to be true when you share with someone, but instead of expressly saying that they do not believe you, they make gestures of unbelief.

If you want to give a smart-aleck response to that reaction, then saying, ‘You sound like it is unbelievable, or is there something else you are curious about but not saying,’ would be the perfect response to give.

Instead Of Being So Sarcastic, You May Want To Share Your Thoughts On This Instead.

Smart-Aleck Responses to Is That So?

Most times, when someone says, “Is that so?” it is an attempt at sarcasm. If you wish to return the sarcastic energy with a smart-aleck response, then you can use the statement, ‘Instead of being so sarcastic, you may want to share your thoughts on this instead.’

This lets them know that you are aware of the sarcasm, but you choose to ignore it and you wish to know their opinion on the matter.

I Couldn’t Believe It Myself Too ‘cause It’s Something Out Of A Movie, But It Is So.

Have you ever taken a “tea” so good that you wonder if it is legit? Well, I have and I can tell you that hearing whispers here and there can be the most outrageous yet entertaining thing to do.

Now, I’m not saying that I support gossip, but you know, it’s rude to turn someone aware who is offering you tea. The best response would be to give this smart-aleck statement that says, ‘I couldn’t believe it myself too ‘cause it’s something out of a movie, but it is so.’

To End With,

You see, unlike what you would have previously believed, it is not so hard to behave as if you know it all, especially if you intend to irritate the person you are speaking with.

With these statements, you will not only achieve that goal but you will also leave the place, feeling very satisfied that you have accomplished your aim. Don’t mention, I’m glad I could help!!

Smart-Aleck Responses to Is That So?

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