20 Great Responses To When Someone Says “Very Kind Of You”



‘Very kind of you’ is a phrase often used to express gratitude or appreciation for someone’s actions, gestures, or words. You may have been told ‘very kind of you’ in various social interactions, whether formal or casual. Responding to this expression can be tactical as you may want a response that expresses sincerity, humility, and a willingness to connect with others on a deeper level.

In this article, you’ll get to read about 20  great responses when someone says ‘very kind of you.’ Let’s go right in!

Table of Contents

Oh! I’m Glad You Are Pleased With My Services

Great Responses To When Someone Says Very Kind Of You

When someone says ‘very kind of you’, they may be referring to your behavior when they need your service. One of the best ways to respond is simply to let them know that you are also pleased to be of service to them. 

Here’s how you can use it in a sentence:

  • I am glad I was able to serve.
  • Thank you! I am happy you are pleased with my services. 

C’mon That Was So Little, But I’m Glad It Meant A Lot To You

‘C’mon that was so little, But I’m glad it meant a lot to you’ is another great way to respond to ‘Very kind of you’. You can respond like this if you want the person to feel great about your efforts. This way they’ll know that you value them and you can even do much more if given the opportunity to. 

Try out these few examples:

  • C’mon, I just did a little!
  • Oh! Stop exaggerating. Thank you all the same. 

I’m Also Grateful For The Opportunity To Spread A Little Kindness 

You can express gratitude for the opportunity to show kindness, this way you take the attention from yourself to the person and express more kindness. The person gets to appreciate their effort to create a platform to help you show kindness. 

Here’s how you can use it:

  • Thank you for giving me the privilege to show kindness.
  • You gave me the platform to, and I owe you the gratitude

Trust Me, I’m Happy To Be Of Help Always. If You Need Me, I Am Just One Call Away!

Another great way to respond to ‘very kind of you’ is ‘Trust me, I’m happy to be of help always. If you need me, I am just one call away!.’ It also doubles as a genuine response. This way you depict yourself as one who is always inclined to show kindness and would be pleased to do so if given the opportunity to. 

In response here is what you may say: 

  • Oh, I’m always happy to help, please call me when you need me. 
  • Please don’t hesitate to buzz me when you need me, I’d help you any time, any day.

C’mon! I Owe You One, It’s The Least I Could Do And I Am Glad I Did It

If the person has shown you some level of kindness and all you’ve ever wanted was to reciprocate it, then the best way you can respond when they say ‘very kind of you’ is ‘C’mon! I owe you one, It’s the least I could do and I am glad I did it.’ It lets them know that that is the least you could do, which means that you are willing to do even more.

  • Oh dear! It’s the least I could do but I did it anyway.
  • It’s just a little out of the great things I envisioned.

Oh Please Don’t Mention It! You Are Deserving Of It And So Much More. Thank You

Great Responses To When Someone Says Very Kind Of You

An excellent response to ‘very kind of you’ is ‘Oh please don’t mention it! You are deserving of it and so much more. Thank you.’ It plays off the idea that you value the person and whatever way you were able to help them is little compared to what you would have done. They sure will feel special.

Try out these few sentence examples:

  • Trust me, you deserve much more, this is just a little. 
  • Oh dear! If I am given the opportunity next time, I’ll do even more. 

Oh, I Don’t Feel Like I Did Anything Spectacular! It’s All About Supporting Each Other You Know? 

Perhaps you need an expressive yet hearty response when told ‘That’s very kind of you,’ you can try ‘Oh I don’t feel like I did anything spectacular! It’s all about supporting each other you know?’

You can use it to let the person know that there’s nothing so special about what you did for them because you feel it is the right thing to do in support of their craft or whatever endeavor they are into. 

These sentence examples will give you a better insight:

  • Come off it! It’s nothing special.
  • Oh, stop it! It’s my little way of supporting you.

Oh Dear! I’m Just Paying It Forward! You Know, They Say ‘One Good Turn Deserves Another’

Another interesting way to respond to ‘very kind of you’ is to incorporate reciprocation. When you let the person know that you are ‘just paying it forward’, they will be reminded of something they did for you that expressed kindness in a way. 

Here are some sentence examples you can engage:

  • You’ve done more than enough for me, I’m just paying it forward. 

Let’s Do This Again! I Haven’t Felt This Fulfilled In A While. 

Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to respond to ‘very kind of you.’ This response in particular shows your gratitude to the individual for giving you the platform to show kindness, because they did give you a platform, you feel fulfilled and would want to do it over again. 

  • You made my day! Thanks for the platform to serve. 
  • I feel so fulfilled, thanks for the platform. 

You Left A Lasting Impression On All Of Us, Couldn’t Do Any Less

If you want to respond to ‘very kind of you’ in a way that they’ve also been kind to you and all you want is to reciprocate it even more, ‘You left a lasting impression on all of us, couldn’t do any less’ is your best pick. 

Try out the following sentences:

  • I am obliged to be kind to you!
  • What else can I do than reciprocate your kindness?

I Am Delighted To Be Of Help To Your Team, You All Were Also Resourceful To Me When I Needed Help

‘I am delighted to be of help to your team, you all were also resourceful to me when I needed help’ is another great response to ‘very kind of you’. It shows that you aren’t just reciprocating it because they did something for you at some point but that you value them and would always be there to help anytime. 

  • I’m pleased to help you, I can’t forget how valuable you were to me.
  • You helped me in immeasurable ways, I couldn’t do less.

Oh, Stop With The Compliments Already! Please Consider It My Small Contribution

If you are someone who doesn’t see the need to be complimented for your act of kindness, then this response is your best pick. It is a humble and hearty response to ‘very kind of you.’

Here are a few sentences you may try: 

  • C’mon! Stop with the compliments. It’s the least I could do.
  • Oh, come off it! Please consider it my little quota. 

You’re Too Kind For Noticing And I Am Encouraged To Do Even More

Great Responses To When Someone Says Very Kind Of You

Being kind to someone is one thing, but it’s another for them to acknowledge it without necessarily believing it to be their right. So it is only good you acknowledge their humility in response. 

Here’s how you can use this response:

  • You are too kind to have noticed that! I am encouraged!
  • Oh my! You are so keen on details, I’m encouraged. 

Trust Me, Any Attribute You See In Me Today, I Learnt It From You. You Are An Embodiment Of Kindness Yourself!

‘Trust me, any attribute you see in me today, I learned it from you. You are an embodiment of kindness yourself!’ is another excellent response to ‘very kind of you.’ It is your best pick if you also want to put them in the spotlight and compliment them. It’s a way of saying that they’ve had a positive influence on you and have helped shape your behavior.

Thank you for giving me the platform to help, I truly don’t take it for granted

When you say, ‘Thank you for giving me the platform to help,  I truly don’t take it for granted’, you show humility, gratitude, and an awareness of the value of the opportunity provided by the other person. It’s a respectful acknowledgment of their role in enabling you to make a positive impact.

Here’s how you can employ it in a sentence:

  • Thank you, you gave me the platform to show kindness.
  • I’m grateful you gave me the platform and I don’t take it for granted. 

It’s My Pleasure! I Would Be Delighted To Help You Out Anytime You Want

You won’t go wrong with a warm and welcoming response to ‘very kind of you’. Try ‘It’s my pleasure! I would be delighted to help you out anytime you want, which expresses eagerness to assist whenever needed. In a broader sense, It shows that you find satisfaction in being of service to others, which can make the person you’re addressing feel appreciated and valued.

Try out these few sentences:

  • It’s my utmost pleasure. I’d do it over again if given the chance to.
  • It is my pleasure, anytime you need me to help out, I’d gladly be of help. 

Who Wouldn’t Be Kind To You? You’re A Very Kind Soul And The Least I Could Do Is Reciprocate This Kindness

‘Who wouldn’t be kind to you? You’re a very kind soul and the least I could do is reciprocate this kindness’ is a lonely way to respond to ‘very kind of you.’ This response is a hearty acknowledgment of the person’s kindness, a sincere compliment on their character, and a commitment to reciprocate their kindness.  

Here’s how you can engage it in sentences:

  • No one won’t be kind to you. 
  • Everyone ought to be kind to you, you are so kind. 

Thank You! My Mama Taught Me To Be Kind To Everyone I Come Across. I Do This All The Time, It’s Nothing New To Me

Perhaps you want to attribute your kindness to your upbringing, then this response is your perfect pick. It also tells about how committed you are to practicing kindness and suggests that it’s second nature to you, rather than something you do for recognition or reward.
Try out these few examples:

  • Oh, I learn from the best -my mama!
  • My mama taught me to be an embodiment of kindness.

I Wish I Could Do Even More But I Wasn’t Informed On Time, I Would Have Brought Some More Helping Hands

This response shows that you sincerely want to contribute more and regret that timely information has prevented you from being able to do so.

When you say, ‘I would have brought some more helping hands,’ you express a specific way in which you would have liked to contribute more. This shows that you’re eagerly seeking opportunities to help and that you’re willing to bring on additional support to make a bigger impact.

Here are some sentence examples you can engage:

  • If I didn’t get the notice on time, I would have brought some more helping hands.
  • Oh, dear! You didn’t say it on time, we would have had more helping hands. 

Thank You For Letting Me Help. I Wish I Could Have Done More. If There’s Another Chance, Count Me In – I’ll Be Ready. Your Cause Matters, And I’m Here To Support It

Lastly, you can try ‘Thank you for letting me help. I wish I could have done more. If there’s another chance, count me in—I’ll be ready. Your cause matters, and I’m here to support it.

This response recognizes and shows appreciation for being allowed to assist. It also expresses a desire to contribute more. When you offer readiness for future involvement, it shows your eagerness to make a difference whenever needed. 

Here’s how you can use them in sentences:

  • ‘Thanks for letting me help. I wish I could’ve done more. Count me in for next time—I’ll be ready.’
  • ‘Your cause matters and I’m here to support it.’

Before you Go

There you have it! 20 great responses to ‘Very kind of you.’ You can now respond swiftly when next someone says ‘very kind of you’ be it in a formal or laid-back setting. Don’t forget to bookmark this article so you can easily access it when next you need these responses.

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