20 Best Replies When Someone Calls You an NPC


Nothing can be as derogatory and annoying as being told you are a non-player character (NPC). When someone calls you an NPC, they could either refer to the fact that you are predictable during conversations or you seem never to have your opinion but share other people’s opinions. If you need creative comebacks to reply when someone calls you an NPC, I have outlined some of the best you can try. 

I Don’t Appreciate Being Spoken Less of By You 

Best Replies When Someone Calls You an NPC

This is my preferred way to respond to anyone who tries to talk less of me, especially when I am only giving them the privilege of interacting with me or when they only recently met me. 

I’d always follow this response with a question like “What makes you believe you have earned the right to speak less of me?” 

  • I am disappointed by your choice of words in referring to me that way. 
  • Please, refrain from using derogatory terms to describe me.

I Find Statements Like That Very Inappropriate And You Should Never Talk To Me In That Manner Again

A perfect comeback to being called an NPC is to say “I find statements like that very inappropriate and you should never talk to me in that manner again.” The person would clearly understand that you do not like what they just said and you’ll be making it clear to them that you do not intend to ever hear that from them again. 

  • I want to make it clear that calling me an NPC is very inappropriate and I don’t want to get that from you again. 
  • Statements like that cross the line and if you repeat such, you’ll be putting a strain on whatever we have going. 

Wow, What Makes You Think Of Me That Way?

In certain cases, deflecting their claim is the best way to keep them in check. One of the ways to do so is to ask them why they think you are an NPC. If they are trying to demean you, it would be easy to tell and if they want you to change your attitude, this offers them a window to tell you how to do so. 

  • That’s the first time I have heard that. So why do you think of me that way?
  • I have never heard someone call another person an NPC. What do you mean by it?

It Looks Like I Share Other People’s Opinions Because They Are In Sync With Mine

If you were called an NPC because the person thought you always shared other people’s opinions, you can let them know in your response that you think you share other people’s opinions because it usually sounds like people do say the things you have in mind.  

Well, Not Everyone Is Quick-Witted To Come Up With Their Opinions

One of the biggest ways to deflect statements like this is to send a response that agrees. If the person is trying to trouble the waters, you can stop them dead in their tracks by saying “Well, not everyone is quick-witted to come up with their opinions.” There’s nothing left for them to say after this except they are real troublemakers. 

  • I am not that intelligent so forgive me. 
  • Well, I am not in the league of smart people, so don’t be too hard on me.

If You Think So, Then I’d Rather Be An NPC Than A Nobody Like You

Instead of staying on the defense, you can take the fight to them by responding with “If you think so, then I’d rather be an NPC than a nobody like you.” With this reply, you could either silence them or poke the bear. So expect a comeback and if you are lucky, bask in your win. 

I Can’t Be Shy About Who I Am

I can’t be shy about who I am” is another good reply to someone who calls you an NPC when you are trying not to pick a fight and looking to let it slide. If you need more ideas, here are some you can try: 

  • That has now become a constant reminder. It doesn’t move me anymore. 
  • It could be who I am and I am tired of trying to explain myself. 

Don’t You Think It Is Because We’ve Known Each Other For So Long?

You can try some emotional blackmail when replying to someone who calls you an NPC. With a response like “Don’t you think it is because we’ve known each other for so long?” 

That’s Generally Accepted Ideology. I Am Only Echoing Something That’s A Norm Already

If you just shared another person’s opinion or ideology and someone uses that to call you an NPC, you can tell them that you were only stating something obvious. You can also follow it up with a massive comeback by stating that they may be the actual NPC being too dumb to realize what you were trying to do. 

  • It is not news, mate. Maybe you are the NPC after all, so dumb you don’t know what is what. 
  • I was only stating an obvious fact and if you weren’t trying to be a dumbass you would have gotten it. 

As My Friend, You Are Supposed to Know Me That Well, But Seeing You Make A Fun Of It Is Quite Sad 

I like to pull up the emotional blackmail card when my friends try to hit me with demeaning remarks. As you see in the response example, you are letting them know that as their friend, they should have your back and not say things like that about you. This response always works, except if you have frenemies. 

  • One would think that having you as a friend would count for something. 
  • You know what I am about as a person yet you still want to make jokes about it.

Don’t worry. I Am Working On Myself, I’d Do Better

Another reply that’d sidestep their NPC comment move is “Don’t worry. I am working on myself, I’d do better.” There’s no better way to deflect any demeaning remark than with a response that suggests you are trying to do better. It will stop any banter dead in its tracks. 

  • You can expect me to be better soon because I am already working toward it. 
  • I may not be a bright and shiny example but I am doing my best to be better.

Thankfully, I Can Express Myself And Not Stare Dumbly Like You Always Do

Best Replies When Someone Calls You an NPC

You can also fire some shots at the person who tells you that you are an NPC player with a response like “It is a good thing I can express myself in conversations instead of staring as dumb as you do.” They are never going to expect it and if your delivery is swift and clear, this could be a TKO. 

  • Good thing I can talk and express myself. Unlike you who’s always looking like they have a hard time processing information. 
  • I wonder which is better for you: acting like a dumb person or saying dumb things. 

I Am Past That Stage Where People Get To Force Their Perceptions About Who I Am On Me

You can respond by showing your superior mindset by saying “I am past that stage where people get to force their perceptions about who I am on me.” Such a response lets them know that their opinion about you doesn’t hold any weight. This is a formal response and you can use it when conversing with anyone.

  • Maybe I’d have cried if you told me this some years ago, but now? I don’t care. 
  • Your idea about my personality is incorrect and I am too busy to school you. 

Isn’t That What This Job Expects Us To Be?

Your colleague may tell you that you are an NPC and you can reply to them with “Isn’t that what this job expects us to be?” If it is not a conversation you are having with a colleague, your response could be “That’s what you become when you work where I do.”

I Have My Opinions Too But Your Mind Is Too Shallow To Understand Them

A good way to reply to someone who thinks you are predictable or only share other people’s opinions is to say “I have my opinions too but your mind is too shallow to understand them.” Attacking their mind or IQ will be like a blow below the belt. You can also say: 

  • I share what I know you can only understand. Don’t want to bother you with things above your comprehension.
  • I’ve sized you, that’s why you only hear these things from me. 

That’s Rude Of You

Calling someone an NPC is a thing common among Gen Zs. If someone you are older than tells you that you are an NPC, you can respond by saying “That’s rude of you.” Whether they are Gen Z or not, if you are older than them, there’s no point trying to exchange words with them. You should just dismiss them with a projection of how rude they are.

  • If you were cultured, you’d know that’s not a way to talk to someone older than you. 
  • Why are you so rude? 

You Should Get To Know Me Because You Have No Idea Who I Am

One of the ways you can respond when someone calls you an NPC is to say “You should get to know me because you have no idea who I am.” This will let them know that their understanding of your personality is shallow and instead of trying to label you, they should put more effort into studying you better. 

  • You have a lot of schooling to do as regards who I am. 
  • If that’s what you think of me, you need to spend more time trying to understand me. However, I won’t be surprised because I know you have a shallow mind. 

Just As You Are An NPC In My Game

Just as you are an NPC in my game” is a good comeback when someone says you are an NPC. You are serving them their medicine with a response like that, making them understand that the feeling is mutual.

  • You shouldn’t be surprised because you are an NPC in mine too.
  • In both our worlds, we are the same. Get comfortable with that.

This Says A Lot About The Kind Of Person You Are, Ugh 

Best Replies When Someone Calls You an NPC

You can hit at the person’s character when replying to them. A response like “This says a lot about the kind of person you are, ugh” clearly exemplifies this idea. You don’t have to be specific, you can just say something that relates to having an opinion about their personality. 

  • Ah, your words reveal so much about your character, it’s disheartening.
  • It’s interesting how your words reflect your true colors in such a clear manner.

I Won’t Take This Personally. I Don’t Care What You Think 

In replying to someone who calls you an NPC. Whether the person was calling you an NPC out of sheer banter or looking for a way to let you know what they think of you, this response shuts them down and presents any progress they may want to make. 

  • Your opinion is inconsequential to me, so I won’t let it bother me.
  • I couldn’t care less about your judgment, so it won’t affect me in the slightest.

Before You Go, 

Do not lose your cool when someone calls you an NPC. No doubt, it is a very rude thing to say whether it is a joke or not. You can use your words to deflect the statement or make the person understand how much you do not fancy such a reference to your character. With the replies I have provided, I am sure you would give anyone who calls you an NPC something to think about or make them realize you are not cut out for any of their trash talk. 

Best Replies When Someone Calls You an NPC

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