20 Great Responses When Someone Says “You Dropped This πŸ‘‘”


You are going through your social media comments and you see a comment like ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ and you are wondering how to respond to it.

For starters, ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ is used when the recipient is deemed to have done something notable, noble, and remarkably positive.

It recently became popular as a compliment and affirmative response to a class act. In this article, you’ll find 20 of the best responses to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘‘ that’ll help you respond appropriately when you get a compliment like that on social media.

If We Keep Letting Things Like This Go Unchallenged, We’ll Soon Be Run Over by Unbelievable Ideologies

You are definitely going to get a compliment like ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ when you voice out your views about something that concerns the values and norms of society.

If what you shared is an unpopular opinion that still resonates with a few people who hold some of the values of society, they’ll want to acknowledge you with a compliment like that which makes responses like the ones below suitable:

  • I can’t keep shut when matters like this are discussed
  • If no one would stand against these new ideas springing up, I guess I have to.

Thank You So Much. I Really Appreciate Your Kind Gesture

How to respond to You Dropped This πŸ‘‘

One of the best responses to compliments of any kind is to show your appreciation. A simple β€œthank you so much for being so kind with your words” would be good enough as response to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’

If you need other ideas, there are a few below:

  • Oh my. Thank you a bunch for this heartwarming response
  • I truly appreciate that. Several thanks, mate

I Don’t Understand, What’s the Compliment For?

If you are wondering what exactly the compliment is for, you can use this response to try and understand the sender’s perspective.

Also, asking the sender β€œwhat’s the compliment for?” will allow you to get inspired as to what prompted their initial message. It is also a subtle tool to get more engagement on your social media profile.

Check out the following examples:

  • How exactly FAM?
  • You think so? That’s interesting

This Is Something We All Must Do – Work Towards The Good Of The World And Make It A Better PlaceΒ 

You can use an inspirational statement in response to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘.’ For instance, β€œwe should do the best we can to make the world better” is a response that can come in handy when the reason they are complimenting you has to do with global impact. It could be a hot take on leadership, global warming, war, and so on.

If you need more ideas, I have outlined a few:

  • It is, in my opinion, a collective responsibility if we are going to make the world a better place again
  • We must embrace inclusivity and become more accepting of people’s choices and their way of their life

I Guess It Is Safe to Say That Hard Work and Consistency Pays

For creatives, music artists, athletes, and people who do things that relate to talent and creativity, you can be told ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ after achieving a massive record or attaining a top-flight feat.

If this is the situation, you can respond with β€œit is safe to say all the hard work and consistent practice wasn’t for nothing.”

Refer to the following suggestions for other examples:

  • Well, my friend, all the hard work is now paying off
  • I’ve worked to achieve this feat all my life. So glad I get to imprint my name on the sands of time in this industry

It Will Always Be A Privilege To Represent This Great Club And I’ll Always Do My Best When I Have To

Another good response to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ for athletes is to say β€œit is a privilege to represent this club.” It is common for fans and supporters of sports clubs to tell players that they dropped their crown after immensely contributing to the success of their favorite sports club.

If you are getting such compliments after a positive outing for your club or country, indicating that it is a privilege will suffice as a good way to respond.

Check these recommendations for ideas:

  • It is an honor to represent the country and do my best to maintain his glory in the league of Nations
  • There’s one thing I’ve always done and I will continue to do and that is to do my best for the badge and the fans.

It Wouldn’t Have Been Possible Without Your Support. Thank You

β€œYour continued support is the backing we needed to achieve this feat” is another response to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ that works for athletes and creatives.

While fans are excited about the victory you just helped the team secure or the record breaking single you just released, you can make them feel extra special by telling them that you were only able to do it because they kept supporting you.

Other ways you can say this include:

  • It is because of your unwavering support we are making these progress. Thank you for never relenting in your support
  • This would have not been possible without your efforts and support for my brand. I am so grateful

Let Me Pick It Up. Lol. Thanks, Mate

You can also respond to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ in a funny and sarcastic manner. One of the ways you can do this is to say β€œOops, I didn’t realize. I am picking it up without delay. Thanks.”

They are going to get the message and understand the sarcasm. It could be the opening for more friendly conversations.

If you need other ways to reply in a funny manner, here are a few:

  • Don’t worry. I am picking it up. Hahahaha
  • Thank you man. What’s a king without a crown? Lol

Come Put it Back On. You Honor Me Too Much

If you want to add some sarcasm to your response, I will suggest you say something like this β€œcome put it back on. Thank you so much for the honor.” The good thing about such a response is that while you are trying to be sarcastic, there’s a deep sense of gratitude that’s communicated.

Here are some nice ways you can share a response in this light:

  • Would you do me the honor of placing it back? This is so amazing coming from you
  • I’ll gladly place it back. Your honor for me is never taken for granted

Nahhh. I am Just Your Average Instagram User

How to respond to You Dropped This πŸ‘‘

If you are not a celebrity or someone of public repute and a stranger leaves the β€˜you dropped this πŸ‘‘β€™ comment on your post, you can send a response like β€œNah. I am just an Instagram user like you.”

So, you don’t sound arrogant, your response should be mixed with a bit of appreciation.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Well, I am only a high school senior with an X account. Thank you anyways
  • I am grateful brother, but I am a regular user like you

You Are Really Gonna Make Me Cry

You can spice your response with a bit of emotion. There’s a way someone would appreciate your efforts no matter how little you’ll wonder what it is that they really see in you. Such moments will warrant a response like β€œyou are really gonna make me cry.”.

The sender is going to see how much you value their words and the special place they hold in your heart. This is a good way to interact with people both on social media and physically.

I have listed other examples for you:

  • This reply just made me really emotional. I am so grateful for this
  • Thank you so much for such lovely thoughts.

What Will I Do Without You, My King/Queen?

This response to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ depends on your relationship with the person. I’ll only recommend you use a response like this when you have become more than just acquaintances with the social media user so much so that you know their gender and have enjoyed their support.

You are also appreciating them by acknowledging that they are a part of whatever success you have achieved or are the reason you stay afloat.

You can also phrase your reply in the following ways depending on the person’s gender:

  • My king/queen, you know how we roll
  • Habibi. Thank you so much, man/babe

Oh How I Love You, FAM

Another response I believe should be only used for social media users who are more than just acquaintances is β€œI love you so much, FAM.”

This response doesn’t necessarily acknowledge the crown or what’s been said but celebrates the friendship shared and your love for the individual who sent in the compliment.

Here are other ways to say it:

  • You know I love ya, Momma.
  • Best girl, I really do love you NGL

Well, I Need To Give Credit To Whom It Is Due

Sometimes, what you are being celebrated for may not be entirely original to you. It could be that someone was largely responsible for the idea you shared, the award you won, the feat you achieved, and so on.

If this is the case, you can mention their names, giving credit to them in response to the ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ claim.

It doesn’t in any way diminish your status but solidifies public opinion about the quality of your character.

You get the idea right? Well, there are two ways you can respond in this manner:

  • @mentionsomeone deserves credit for their amazing help in doing this
  • I couldn’t have done it without @mentionsomeone and @mentionsomeone. They were important contributors

Maximum Respect, Mate 🀝

How to respond to You Dropped This πŸ‘‘

β€œMaximum respect” followed by an emoji like 🀝or 😎would be a good way to reply the ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ compliment.

Whether the sender is a mutual friend or just someone who randomly interacts with your profile, you can always show that you respect them for the way they honor you.

Other ways you can phrase your respect response for ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ include:

  • My respect for you continues growing too. Several thanks mate.
  • I’ve got nothing but love and respect for you Fam. Thank you plenty

Real Recognizes Real

Another common response that you must have seen making the rounds on social media is β€œreal recognizes real.” It means that only someone genuine and authentic can identify another person of the same class.

So if the person thinks you are a king or queen who just dropped their crown, by saying β€œreal recognizes real,” you are putting it to the person that they are a king or queen too.

This is going to make them feel special. You can use such a response on both mutual users and regular acquaintances.

The following examples can guide your reply:

  • I am not surprised you noticed. Real recognize real
  • You could see that because you are a king/queen yourself

I’ll Take It Only Because It’s From You

With a response like β€œI’ll take it only because it’s from you,” you’ll be making the person so happy and honored. T

hey already see you as a true and genuine person and when you acknowledge that you are because they say so, it makes them think they own a special spot in your heart which is something everyone wants to experience.

You can also say:

  • I’ll have it only because it’s yours to give
  • Thank you for the honor. You deserve one too

Noble of You to Rate Me This Highly

Not every response should contain deep-seated emotional undertones or sarcasm. This is why β€œnoble of you to rate me this highly” will suffice as a good response.

This pretty much shows that you appreciate their thought towards you and it does acknowledge them too.

These other examples may make more sense:

  • You have a really high opinion about me. It’s cool to know though
  • Wow, my crown? That’s a pretty deep elevation

I Was Only Saying the Truth

When what you are told β€˜you dropped this πŸ‘‘β€™ for is about something you said that resonates with someone or a group of people, you can respond with β€œI was only saying the truth.”

You can also go a step further to say that you find it encouraging that what you just said made sense to someone.

You can use other variations of this response in this manner:

  • So glad you agree with me. It is nothing but the truth
  • There can be no truer words than this. I am happy you see it that way too

This Love You Give, I Heartily Receive

If you are a celebrity or social media influencer, one unique response to give to a fan when they tell you that ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ is to say that β€œthis love you give, I heartily receive.”

Some people wouldn’t see any different perspective from your point of view. Anything you say, they’ll agree with it. Such people love you and they don’t care whether you are right or wrong.

It is those set of people that you can use any of the following on:

  • Thank you for showering this much love on me. I heartily accept it
  • Your love for me is vocal. Difficult not to notice it.

Social media usage has given rise to so many new words and phrases and ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ is one of them. You’ll typically find it being used in tweets, replies, captions, etc.

If someone sends you such a compliment, I am confident you’ll find suitable responses to ‘you dropped this πŸ‘‘’ in this article.

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