20 Fun Replies to “WYA”


‘WYA’ is an acronym that stands for ‘Where You At?’ It is a common way to ask someone where they are currently or what they are doing. If you are looking for fun replies to ‘WYA’ instead of replying with boring statements, this article is a curation of the answers you seek. I have listed and explained 20 fun replies to ‘WYA’ that would spice up your conversation and improve your texting prowess.

The following are good-humored statements you can respond with when someone tells you ‘WYA:’

Somewhere I Don’t Wanna Be But I Have to If I’d Be Able to Pay My Bills 

Somewhere I don’t wanna be but I have to so I can pay my bills’ is a fun way to respond to ‘WYA’ from a friend. Not everyone likes the job they do but they have to show up so they can get the paycheck at the end of the month. This response allows you to express your thoughts without spilling too much information while sharing a laugh.

  • As much as I hate to admit, I am at work.
  • Please don’t tell me the boys are hanging out today, I am running a double shift.

Where The Mula At

When your buddy hits you up with ‘WYA,’ you can respond with a text like ‘I am where the mula is.’ Mula is a slang term that is used to refer to money. It is a statement to say in response to ‘WYA.’ Your homie is going to understand and if you need more ideas, here are a few:

  • You know ama to be about my purpose, chasing the bag.
  • The only place I’d be at by noon is where the money is.

In The Toilet, Dealing With My Shit 

In the toilet, dealing with my shit’ is another good-humored way to reply to a ‘WYA’ text. Since this response is quite informal, I recommend you use it when trying to give feedback on your location to someone you are friends with.

In Mars Looking For Love Cause You Earthlings Aren’t Worth The Effort

Another way you can sound amusing when you get a ‘WYA’ text is to say ‘In Mars looking for love cause you Earthlings aren’t worth the effort.’ This is a witty and flirty response that can open the door for you while texting a lady. You can also say:

  • On my Mars, since Elon is building lodges for human habitation.
  • Preparing to go to an alien world, maybe that’s where my soulmate is.

Right Where You Left Me To Go Hang Out With People You Feel Are More Important Than Your Girlfriend 

If your boyfriend or girlfriend texts you with a ‘WYA’ message after they leave you to go socialize with other people, tell them ‘Right where you left me to go hang out with people you feel are more important than your girlfriend/boyfriend.’ The goal is to sound petty while letting them know you miss them.

Where I Am Not Supposed To Be But Have To Because My Parents Believe Education Is The Key 

You can respond to a ‘WYA’ text with ‘Where I am not supposed to be but have to because my parents believe education is the key’ to let the person asking to know that you are in school or class. The person asking could be your partner or a coursemate.

  • School, only because I’ve got parents who desperately want me to be a lawyer like them.
  • In the library, and you are distracting me.

At Home, Teaching My Hamster To Do The Dishes 

If you need a very hilarious response to ‘WYA,’ you can use this one. You can use whatever pet you’ve got. The crazier the better. Also, you can tweak the response to suggest a handful of other domestic chores. For instance,

  • I am at home trying to get my dog to learn how to do the laundry.
  • My cat has been messing up the house. So, I am teaching her to clean up.

Minding My Business 

You can give a response like ‘Minding my business’ if you do not want to go into details about what exactly you are doing at the time you get asked ‘WYA.’ It is important to use this response when interacting with a person who understands your sense of humor so they do not assume you are being passively aggressive.

  • Just here, minding my business.
  • At a place called ‘I am minding my business.

At An Asylum Cause, I Am Considered Abnormal By Humans 

At an asylum cause I am considered abnormal by humans’ is another fun reply to ‘WYA.’ This is not a regular response and the person you are talking with won’t see it coming. If they know how crazy you are as an individual, they’ll get the idea and it’d be even funnier.

  • You know they say I am weird, yeah? Currently at a place where weirdness is the in-thing.
  • Just got signed into an asylum. Wanna know the location?

Anywhere You Want Me To Be, My Lord/Milady

If you want to sound amusing and flirty when responding to ‘WYA,’ you can say ‘Anywhere you want me to be, My Lord/MiLady.’ Interestingly, this response can be tweaked to be polite and formal. I have outlined two examples to show you how to use a sentence like this when responding:

  • Wherever you want me to be, King/Queen. I am at your service.
  • I can be anywhere you want me to be sir/ma.

You Need Me For Something? I Could Show Up If It Is Fun 

Fun Replies to WYA

You need me for something? I could show up if it is fun’ could be funny when used at the right time and during your interactions with certain persons. The first thing to note is that replying like this would show how you are a fun-loving person. Also, it will let the questioner know that you are willing to be anywhere there’d be fun.

Heading To The Gym To Build Muscles So I Can Beat The Hell Outta Life’s Challenges 

Going to the gym and someone sends you a ‘WYA’ text, you can respond with ‘Heading to the gym to build muscles so I can beat the hell outta life’s challenges.’ You are telling them where you are headed while adding a comic relief. If you are creative, you can use this idea for other things. For example:

  • At home playing Zombie Apocalypse so I can be better prepared when Zombies attack.
  • Watching Netflix instead of reading because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

In My Mancave, Sipping Wickedness And Chilling 

Get your friend cracking with a response like this if you are at home, in your dorm room, or at your favorite chill spot. ‘Sipping wickedness’ is the focus of this response and you can back your reply with a picture of whatever you are drinking.

Nowhere. I Am In A State Of Nothingness 

I am in a state of nothingness’ is a good way to answer a ‘WYA’ text. It suggests that a lot of things are going on and while it may not be fun, if your friend is crazy enough, this response could set you up for banters.

  • If you must know, I am on one of the planets. Not sure which one exactly.
  • After hitting the last joint, I am not sure where I am again.

I’ve Got Other Plans, Mate 

The person who’s asking you where you are may have communicated an itinerary with you and if you aren’t prepared to tag along as earlier agreed, you can respond with ‘Sorry, mate. I’ve got other plans’ or ‘Something just came up and I’d like to raincheck.’

Somewhere You Wouldn’t Want To Be 

Another unique and fun way to answer an individual asking you where you are is ‘Somewhere you wouldn’t want to be.’ With this reply, you can get them wondering where you could be. They may be forced to ask you to tell them your exact location since your answer piqued their interest.

  • I am at a place too dangerous for you to be. Where? My home of course, lol. Where would I be at this ungodly hour?
  • You wouldn’t want to know cause it’s quite dangerous. Where? My mom’s room.

On My Balcony, Shooting Stars

If you are at home, rather than reply with that exact detail, you can use a specific location in the house and something thoughtful to amuse them. Aside from the balcony and shooting stars reply, you can also use:

  • Standing on my bed because the ground is lava.
  • I am currently in the kitchen because my hungry belly is making noises louder than an 8.5-magnitude earthquake.

With People, I Shouldn’t Be Hanging Out With And Going To Places I Should Never Be 

For a response that is fun especially because it veils the actual thing you are doing giving it another representation, you can say ‘With people I shouldn’t be hanging out with and going to places I should never be.’ Imagine using this response on an older sibling and when they probe further you tell them you are with your friends and y’all are going to the library. Yeah, hahaha.

Why You Tryna Monitor Me, Dude?

Fun Replies to WYA

Spice up your relationship with a response like ‘Why you tryna monitor me?’ when your partner asks you about your location. Because this reply can be easily misinterpreted, it is important to follow it up with a laughing emoji.

  • Why do you keep monitoring me, sissy? Lol
  • Nona your business, bro. 😂😂

I Know You Miss Me. I’d Be At Yours In 15

This response will come in handy when you have a date with your partner and they keep buzzing your phone to know where you are or what’s delaying you. I do this with my girlfriend a lot. You shouldn’t always be late but if you can’t help it, here are fun replies to ‘WYA’ in this scenario:

  • Chill, bro. Not like you wouldn’t be wishing I didn’t show up five minutes into the date.
  • One would think I am about to have a lovely time. Your dramatic self wouldn’t let me have peace for a second.

Before You Go

Don’t be a boring individual. Use these fun replies to ‘WYA’ to crack up your friends, partner, or anyone who’s texting you. A good way to show that you are attempting to be humorous with your replies is to add emojis. Without emojis, some of the replies in this piece may look like aggressive statements.

Hence, use ‘hahaha,’ ‘lol,’ ‘lmao,’ or any laughing emoji to show that the response is supposed to be funny. If you are sure that the person you are texting or replying to understands sarcasm, then you can go ahead to use the responses as mentioned.


Fun Replies to WYA

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