100 Funny Responses to “Happy New Week”


When someone wishes you a happy new week, what is the first thing that comes to your mind or what do you feel?

Depending on what you are expecting that week or what your routine is, your mood will be happy or solemn. For instance, if you have a job that you hate but have to do because you need to survive, you will not be looking forward to a new week.

If you have school and you hate going to school, the new week will not excite you at all. If your weekly routine is always the same, you will not be looking forward to a new one unless something new is bound to happen.

On the other hand, if you are going on vacation in the new week, or you are taking a break from work for the new week, then you will be more than excited and will not be able to wait for the new week to come.

From the examples given above, you will see that what you are expecting for the new week will determine what your responses will be. We don’t want you to give weird or uptight responses, so we will compile a list of funny responses just for you.

If you are looking to be a better conversationalist or you want good comebacks to express how you feel while keeping your humor, then you must read through this last down to the 100th response. Let’s go!!

100 Hilarious Responses to Give When Someone Wishes You a Happy New Week

  1. Is it still a new week? Can we get to the weekend already?
  2. That’s 28 weeks gone, 24 more weeks till we come to the end of this shitty year.
  3. With the way this rain keeps falling, we may soon be wearing underwear under this raincoat.
  4. Thank you for the wish, but you look a bit flushed, didn’t your fellow toilet tell you that?
  5. You say happy as the week does not begin and end the same way.
  6. Yeah, this week would have been a happy one if I had found the other worm in my apple, I don’t want to think of where it may have ended up.
  7. Aside from you, I think the ocean is the only friend that I have, at least it waves.Funny Responses to Happy New Week
  8. Oh! Thank you. My clumsiness is on another level, I forget that I’m not ‘snow’, it falls in winter but never gets hurt.
  9. Another day to go make a living, ugh, I wish I was a sugar baby, I’d marry a rich calendar because its days are numbered.
  10.  I hope I don’t go to work late again this new week. I broke the record for the most latecomer last week and the excuse I gave was that I’m a broom, I over-swept!
  11.  I can’t believe I’m starting this new week with a sore body, I fell off the bed wrapped in my comforter and screamed, “Oh, sheet!”
  12.  I hope I get better, less troublesome clients this week. Last week, I got a client who wanted to pay me a hundred bucks for a day’s job worth $1000, I told him to turn me into a deer instead.
  13.  We planned to go to the movies this week, but I only found out that the movies playing in the cinema this week are all horror, I identify as a tree, so they’d petrify me.
  14.  No one wishes a teacher a happy new week these days. I know we tell bad math jokes sometimes, but not all math puns are boring, just sum.
  15.  This new week promises to be exciting, I’m inviting some important people over and I told them that getting to my place shouldn’t be all that hard. They should just look out for the house wearing ad-dress.
  16.  Thank you darling, and remember to get rid of the car this week. It’s been sitting in the garage for months now like a vacuum cleaner gathering dust.
  17.  We are entering the Thanksgiving week, some folks need to learn to be grateful, I mean, even the dog sighs, “Woof, that hit the spot,” after dinner.
  18.  Just the person that I was looking for, we needed to go to the police station cause the belt got arrested for holding up a pair of pants.
  19.  What are you doing in my room so early and why are you letting the sun in? You must be a clock roach then, cause that’s the only bug that tells the time the way you do.
  20.  Oh finally! I hope I live down the embarrassing scene I created at the bar yesterday. I drank so much that I saw two bottles of beer speaking to each other and saying, “That’s ale a gold one.”
  21.  This is my week of adventure, I’m going to go find where I bought the Deja brew I drank last week, it’s the coffee with the sixth sense.Funny Responses to Happy New Week
  22.  Oh finally! It’s Christmas week. The spirit of Christmas is quite strong and I finally get to ask Santa for a Christmas present.
  23.  A happy new week indeed! My pet, a Llama is having her birthday this week and I promised to take her to go see her favorite movie – “Alpaca-lapse Now.”
  24.  A new week of coming up with innovative ways to get my children to do their chores. Last week, I used my son’s love for dinosaurs against him that if he didn’t clean his room, he would get Jurass-kicked.
  25.  I’ll never forget this new week cause it marks the anniversary of the week I became popular in school because of the rumor that I wore Alge-bra underwear…I was a math nerd.
  26.  Yup, a new week to try to become famous again. I’m going for another audition which I hope will be a step toward becoming a movie star, I’ll stay cool cause I’ll have lots of fans.
  27.  I’m going back to the store where I bought an award-winning cheese. Once I tasted the cheese, I couldn’t help but sigh, “Gouda job!”
  28.  Great! I need to attend another wedding, probably one more emotional than the one I attended last week, was so emotional that even the cake was in tiers.
  29.  I didn’t know this new week would start so dramatic. My daughter asked for a rabbit as a pet as if I would ever go to IHOP to get it breakfast every time.
  30.  A new week to do what I excel at best – sleeping, I do perfectly even with my eyes closed.
  31.  I think I finally have the perfect excuse to give my boss when I come late this week. I will tell him that I am a cloud and that I am feeling under the weather.
  32.  Yeah, a new week to learn not to share your secrets with legumes cause you know they will always spill the beans.Funny Responses to Happy New Week
  33.  I have to act as a polite clown this week to make a living. It isn’t very comfortable of course, but if that’s what pays the bills then it’s a nice jester.
  34.  I hope to have a funnier experience with my pupils this new week than I did last week. I asked them how the word “in-vesti-gator” came about and they said that lexicographer saw a crocodile wearing a vest.
  35.  Another week to have an exchange with my toddler about her choice of clothes for school. Told her that she was in kindergarten and should behave like one, and she corrected me that it is Kinderga-TEEN, ugh!
  36.  I have a trick for parents to use to get their children to do chores this new week – when you ask them to do something, just kiss their fingers and tell them, “I’m counting on you.”
  37.  I hope my roommate finally says something to me this new week. He has extremely dirty habits and last week, when he was looking for something, I asked him if he searching for his pigpen.
  38.  This week when his shampoo finishes, I’m planning to tell him to go buy a hogwash, cause that’s the only way a pig can get clean.
  39.  A great week to buy a ladder cause that’s the only way that I can hire a horse by putting it on a ladder.
  40.  I wish my roommate could have a better sense of humor this new week. Last week, I broke one of the tomatoes I bought from the store and she asked me to repair it with a tomato paste.
  41.  Finally, a new week to recover from last week’s embarrassment. Someone was answering a call on the train and randomly said, “What’s the pirate’s favorite letter?” I replied, “That would be the C” – I shouldn’t have said anything.
  42.  This new week, some years back, my college roommate who was obsessed with astronomy was thinking of hosting a party in space, and I suggested that she should plan-et.
  43.  This is the week that I get to advise my Nigerian friend on how to have an endless supply of palm oil – the solution is to fit the palm tree into his hand and bring it into the country.
  44.  You look quite happy for someone planning to go to the beach during a snowstorm, you must be a sand witch then – the only witch that dares to go to the beach during a snowstorm.
  45.  Guess who is going to the plastic surgeon this new week because they don’t feel so hot anymore – the sauna.
  46.  A great week to meet the only thing that walks on all fours and takes everyone’s shit everywhere it goes – the garbage truck.
  47.  Since I became jobless last week, this is a great week to look for a new job, but I’m just like an owl, I don’t give a hoot.
  48.  May this new week bring great clients to our paths, and not deadbeats who want jobs done for them for no charge as if we were dead batteries.
  49.  A new week to finally find the soap-stealer in my dorm, I hope he/she comes clean before I get my hands on them.
  50.  I’m going for more sit and sips painting get-togethers this new week, of course, I was afraid of going at first but I finally brushed the fear off.
  51.  Another week to regret growing up as I no longer get to play hide and seek cause good players are getting harder to find.
  52.  This new week, if I experience something more hilarious than a cross-eyed lady who says her eyes tell each other, “Between us, something smells so bad,” I’d die of laughter and probably not wake up.
  53.  You will not believe what happened to me last week – my daughter asked me why astronauts always appear clean and I told her that they have meteor showers. I hope no other weird questions pop up this new week.
  54.  It will only be a happy new week for me if I finally get a new roommate that is not so weird. My previous roommate would refuse to call any door that was left ajar a door, saying that changed its name.
  55.  My annoying neighbors are having their daughter’s christening this new week and they’re naming her Patty – such hamburgers!
  56.  A new week to learn something new on TikTok. Last week, I learned that the T-rex and velociraptor do not speak to each other because they’re extinct.
  57.  A new week to go to work and make more money to replace the one scammers stole from me. I should have known that they are jungle animals – always lions.
  58.  Since it’s a new week, I’m going to be trying out something new like pushing an egg to make an egg roll.
  59.  I’m visiting the doctor again this new week and I hope to see the leaf who had a bad fall last autumn, he was hilarious.
  60.  Great! A new week in the life of a mother, I’m going pet shopping for my son who wants a squid as a pet, he is planning to ten-tickle it to make it laugh.
  61.  I hope this new week is more promising than the last. I wear striped clothes to school a lot a rumor is going around that I wear ze-bra underwear.
  62.  A happy new week indeed and I am extremely excited to be going to the shopping center, at least, once I’ve seen one, I’ve seen the mall.
  63.  I’ll be visiting my aunt who murders the English language, not her first language though. We call her an ass-ass-in cause she’s not only an English murderer, she is well loaded down there.
  64.  My week has always been happy, especially now when I am on vacation.
  65.  If I see something interesting like I did last week then it will be a happy new week indeed. I work at a golf course and last week, I saw a golfer cry cause it was going through a rough patch.
  66.  A happy new week with happy, interesting situations. My ignorant neighbor threw her bills out the window cause she wanted to send them via airmail.
  67.  So, this new week, I’m planning to weigh my words in Tele-gram, so that I don’t say something hurtful to anyone.
  68.  I hope I go somewhere new with my man this new week, I’m gradually turning into a cow cause he’s always taking me to the moo-vies.
  69.  I hope I don’t meet these network marketers this new week, they’re always trying to convince me to leave my banking job, be like a tree, and branch out on the things that they are offering.
  70.  I need to go shopping this new week for a burial I’m attending. A friend is mourning her career that is in complete ruins, she was an archeologist.
  71.  I hope my colleague finally listens to me this new week and starts keeping a record of her spending. I mean, even the lumberjack keeps a log of how many trees he’s cut down.
  72.  I’m planning to go into the Uber business this new week and I’m looking for drivers to hire. Someone said that I should hire barbers, that they know lots of shortcuts around town.
  73.  I’m not trusting any Toms this new week. I trusted A-Tom and I was disappointed, I didn’t know that he made up everything.
  74.  This new week’s motivation is never to look down on anything. For example, I bought a broken guitar that was up for sale last month with no strings attached, and now it plays amazingly.
  75.  According to my work calendar, I have no days off this week. At least, I will get to see the woman with lots of issues, she collects magazines for a living.
  76.  I’m glad the new week is here, maybe I’ll have a second chance at not embarrassing myself like I did last week.
  77.  What’s happy about being trapped in a water tank and saying something stupid like, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”, I wanted to disappear.
  78.  You are wishing me a happy new week in the middle of the week, oh well, it’s never too late to be thoughtful.
  79.  I never thought it was possible, but I made loads of money cleaning up leaves last week, I hope to rake more in this new week.
  80.  I hope I get a new nickname this new week, everyone’s calling me a hard drinker as if it’s something hard to do, but it’s quite easy.
  81.  Ugh, I have a math quiz this week at school and I don’t know if I’m prepared, turned my math book downwards at the dumpster cause it had lots of problems.
  82.  Oh, it’s a new week already? I’m planning to travel to get my special pencils sharpened at Pencil-vania cause that’s where they were invented.
  83.  I’m starting a new work this week, I couldn’t continue working at that circus paying me peanuts while I worked like an elephant.
  84.  I’m starting a new work this week and I already have a nickname – the Invincible Guy, cause during my interview, I turned down their job offer at the first pay they offered, I just couldn’t see myself doing it until they made another offer.
  85.  Unless I’m going to Switzerland this new week, it won’t be a happy one. That is my dream country, and the flag is a plus.
  86.  Oh yeah, everyone will be talking about the ski trip at the office. It started fine, then all of a sudden, it went downhill fast.
  87.  I’m taking my laptop for repairs this new week, it went on a diet last week and it stops eating immediately after one byte.
  88.  Welcome to the new week too, I would have told you a great joke about doctors but I’d have to diagnose it first.
  89.  My new weak resolve is not to tell Dad jokes, but he would be sad if I stopped cause he loves them.
  90.  I’m going to try to avoid my neighbor this new week, he tells these cheesy pizza jokes that he expects are funny.
  91.  For someone who falls in love every other week, you seem “happy,” hope you have nothing to do with an artist, heard they’re quite sketchy.
  92.  I’m professing my love to my new crush this week, we both have a volcanic attitude so I think we will ‘lava’ each other.
  93.  I’m doing something new this new week, I’m taking steps to avoid anything I hate, and the first on my list is an elevator.
  94.  Will you keep in touch with the local news this new week? Last I heard about the kidnapping, they had woken her up.
  95.  I hope there are no other fires to put out this week. Last week, I had to put the cat out, didn’t know that it was on fire.
  96.  A new week to make meaning out of life and not just be pointless like a pencil with erasers on both sides.
  97.  I will be going back to the community swimming pool for a swim this week cause it was not safe for diving last time; when I asked when it would be ready, they said it deep-ends.
  98.  I’m going glue shopping this week cause the last time I bought a book about glue, I couldn’t even keep it together.
  99.  Yeah, a happy week for my son cause he’s finally going camping, it’s on the tents of the month.
  100. I’m going grocery shopping this new week, would have continued eating the clock at home, but it’s too time-consuming.


We must first celebrate you for taking the time to read the whole hundred. Congrats on adding 100 extra responses to the list of responses you had for the wish “Happy New Week.”

We can’t wait to get feedback on how these responses have helped you in your conversation with others, and how it has enhanced your relationship with others.

Is it possible that there are more funny ways to respond to a happy new week that we didn’t include in the list above? Well, we can’t wait to hear your idea, drop that hilarious response in the comment section below!

Funny Responses to Happy New Week

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