⁠20 Amusing Responses to “Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover”


‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ is one interesting phrase that means your opinion about people and things shouldn’t be solely based on how they look or even the impression you get about them at first.

It is a great metaphor that has proven to be true in some instances and ended in regret in others.

Beyond what people advise you to do, ensure you follow your heart, investigate things and people if need be, and test intentions before finally arriving at a decision.

Since there are periods where you need to inject some fun into your conversation, whether when sharing an experience or considering someone’s opinion, in this article are 20 funny replies to don’t judge a book by its cover. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

1. I’m Sorry I Laughed At The Cover Because It Reads ‘Amusing’

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

Most times, someone may not have intentions to judge others, but they may be forced to as a result of how the other person positions themselves.

And so, if you fall into this category of making fun of someone for their mistake or something they engage in that is funny and someone draws your attention to the fact that you shouldn’t have done that since it looks like judgment, you can say that it wasn’t intentional on your end only that the whole scenario was amusing, and that explains the reason for your action.

2. What If The Cover Catches Attention On The Book Shelf And Not Mine?

A thoughtful, funny reply you can give when someone tells you not to judge a book by its cover is to say to them that nothing about the cover of that book catches your attention.

This obviously points to the fact that you are not comfortable with someone’s attitude, and you won’t compromise for anything.

Instead, you would rather allow the person in question to remain attracted to the things and people that are drawn to them. It is also a polite way to respond to that contemplation.

3. Absolutely! Just Like The Cookbook That Made Me Throw Half Of My Salary Into The Trash Can.

When you completely agree with someone who says to you that you should not judge a book by its cover, then it could be a great time for you to talk about an incident that you have experienced that backs up that thought.

A relatable example can be a cookbook. You can simply talk about a recipe you wanted to prepare that caught your attention.

And so, you thought a cookbook would be the best way to get the ingredients and procedures, but it never worked out. You can emphasize the loss you incurred due to the fact that you judged the cookbook by its cover.

4. You’re Right, But What If The Book Cover Is Boring?

People have preferences; they have likes and dislikes, and sometimes they do not want to do things against their will, which others must learn to respect.

And so, if you are not comfortable with someone’s character, a movie, a meal, or a book in itself, you shouldn’t cover up your dissatisfaction.

When someone tells you not to judge a book by its cover, simply engage them to know what they would do if the book cover is boring or something they do not go along with.

5. I Think The Designer Still Has Some Work To Do. Not Judging, Though

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

It is possible to judge a book by its cover when the designer didn’t do a great job. This statement can drive a point to mean that something or someone isn’t at its best at face value, and you do not think looking at it from that perspective is a bad notion.

Instead, you feel the thing or person in question should be worked on. You can further say that if you do not judge it the way you did, someone else would, and so more attention should be paid to the fact that there is a need to work on a new concept, setting, or transformation that needs to happen.

6. Are You Trying To Say I Make The Best Pancakes?

A funny reply to don’t judge a book by the cover can be something like, ‘Are you trying to say I make the best pancakes?’ This is one of the best ways to tell someone with humor that they are good at what they do.

Or they should not be condemned entirely because they can learn from and improve on what they did that wasn’t excellent. And so, you can go on to ask if they said that because they believe in your potential.

7. Great Advice. But When It Gets Tough, I’ll Take The Book Away Completely

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

Don’t judge a book by its cover, for you may mean that you should not ignore someone or an occasion that situation presents to you.

Your reply can begin with the fact that you appreciate the advice. However, you should not fail to let someone know that you are still hanging on to a venture or relationship because of them.

Nonetheless, let them know that when it becomes unbearable on your end, you will not cross your arms and watch things go bad for you.

8. What If The Cover Wants Me To Judge It?

There are times when one may not want to say anything about someone or a pressing issue. However, as a result of the way it presents and rubs itself, others may have no option but to talk about it.

It could be a person who doesn’t mind their business or someone who loves to know what is happening to others, whether it’s their concern or not.

People can go all out in annoying ways to put themselves in your face. At this point, you can ask, ‘What if the cover wants you to judge it?’

9. True, But It Looks Like The Subject I Dislike Most.

Almost everyone who goes to school has favorite subjects and subjects that they dislike most or do not perform so well in.

When you encounter things or people that are not pleasant to you or you do not see the need to sustain a relationship with them, then you should not pretend about it.

At the point when someone says to you that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, you shouldn’t fail to say it looks like what you do not like.

10. Yeah, But I Think We Should Not Look For The Author Of The Book From The Opposite Angle

There is an expectation that an author should not be the opposite of what they put together in a book. It can end up being so on rare occasions.

And if you find yourself in such a situation, it is possible to do what you deem fit, and in such an instance, the advice ‘don’t judge a book by the cover may come to you’.

At this point, you can boldly justify your actions by saying the thing or person you are not going to judge is doing the opposite of what they preach.

11. So, You Mean I Can See The Chef In Me After Making Everyone Visit The Toilet In Turns?

It is always good to inject fun into your conversation. If that is your intention, when someone defends you by saying that others shouldn’t judge your food by its cover, you can talk about the aftermath that people had after eating your meal.

Afterward, engage them to know if you can become an expert in an area you didn’t do so well in before.

12. Fair Enough, But I Think It’s Not Good To Blind My Eyes When They Should Be Active Like A Dog’s At Night.

There are times when you should turn away your eyes from things that do not deserve your attention.

On other occasions, you should not pretend, since it is to your detriment. When it seems like you are judging a book by its cover, you should make it clear that your eyes shouldn’t be closed all the time and you need to protect yourself.

13. I Love Your Disposition. For Me, I Won’t Allow Anyone To Rock Me Like A Rocky Chair.

You mustn’t tolerate every kind of attitude that people express towards you. When they go against your values and principles and you have exceeded giving pardon, simply appreciate someone who asks you not to judge a book by its cover in their case.

Include that you refuse to be ridden on here and there like you do not have a will of your own.

14. What If The Cover Is A Book That Has Empty Pages Without Content?

People can put in a lot of effort to ensure that they protect something or someone they have in mind.

They can also go as far as persuading you to believe that you should shift grounds in your decision since you should not judge a book by its cover. But if you do not see the need to invest in that person or thing as persuaded, let them know.

15. I Tried, But People Don’t Always Read The Reviews Or Even The Content Before They Fall In Love With Or Hate The Book

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

Telling someone that ‘people don’t always read the reviews or even the content before they fall in love with or hate the book’ is a profound way to say that someone else in your position will make the same decision as you on a matter for certain reasons.

One of which is that first impression is most often what determines how a relationship will flow.

16. True, It’s One Of The Most Adventurous Risks I Ever Took That Made My Head Spin For Days.

Possibly you got a medication after so much persuasion of its usefulness, or you took a step or made a decision because you were advised to, and from first glance, it was glaring that it would yield positively, but it didn’t turn out so well in the end.

In such cases, you can tell someone who tells you not to judge a book by the cover of the aftermath you had to suffer for such a decision.

17. You Think My Head Is Not Calculating Faster After Seeing The Earrings, Tattoos, And Piercings, Right?

Blunting gives responses when you have to. Although the response ‘You think my head is not calculating faster after seeing the earrings, tattoos, and piercings, right?’ sounds quite judgmental, it functions excellently in certain contexts.

It is also symbolic to say that if you do not like something or someone, don’t sweep it under the rug, even when you are persuaded not to judge a book by its cover and you have your reasons with evidence.

18. What If The Cover Is Not Ready To Be Opened?

Open-mindedness means a lot in several instances. Just in case someone comes to plead on another’s behalf, saying that you should not judge a book by its cover, you can throw a direct question at them.

A response like, ‘What if the cover is not ready to be opened?’ is a great way to say you won’t if they are not ready to be open-minded.

19. You’re Correct! But I May Not Be Interested In The Book Entirely.

There’s no need to revolve around it again and again. Once you know what you stand for, you shouldn’t compromise your standards.

Things can happen, and you can have special intervention moments for people, but when you are not entirely interested, this is one comment you can use.

20. I Need To Turn Into A Ghost Already. I Should Ignore The First Impression, You Mean?

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

As previously established, first impressions paint a lasting picture, except if changed with stronger approaches, which of course take time.

When you’re not satisfied with how someone presented themselves to you at first and you are advised not to judge a book by its cover, you should ask them if they mean you should ignore the first impression.

Final Thoughts

Just as a book cover may paint the exact picture of what the content entails, you shouldn’t conclude how things are based on their initial looks.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you should be blinded by the fact that people can be manipulative and things may not always go as they seem.

So, as established previously, learn to examine things and people. Test intentions and instinctively make decisions.

How to Respond to Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

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