20 Ways to Charmingly Ask Someone to Buy You Lunch


Wondering some of the best ways to get someone to buy you lunch? You may be short on cash or constrained for time to buy your food or just want to get lunch on the other person’s account. Whatever the case, if you are looking for ways to ask someone to buy you lunch you are on the right page.

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Look At How My Eyes Are Teary. It Is Because I Am Hungry. Buy Me Lunch, Please 

Ways to Charmingly Ask Someone to Buy You Lunch

Look at how my eyes are teary. It is because I am hungry. Buy me lunch, please” may sound manipulative so you will need to say it to someone who wouldn’t see it that way. For instance, this is something I say to my buddies if I want them to buy me lunch. So, don’t use this on just any colleague or acquaintance.

You Said You Owed Me One. Remember? Please Make That Favor Lunch Today, Would You?

Another way you can ask someone to buy you lunch is to use an earlier promise of them owing you a favor. When someone says they owe you a favor, if you want them to get you lunch, you can tell them “You said you owed me one. Remember? Please make that favor lunch today, would you?

I Know I Make A Lot Of Demands But This One Is Needful. Can You Get Me Lunch?

This should be your perfect remark when you want to ask someone for lunch especially when you always make demands to them. You know that friend that is always your go-to when you need something? This is a good statement to use when you want to make another request for lunch.

I Could Use Your Help, Buddy. I Am Short On Cash. Can You Buy Me Lunch?

Another way you can get someone to buy you lunch is to express your inability to do it for yourself. One of the reasons you may not be able to get lunch could be because you do not have enough money. “I could use your help, buddy. I am short on cash. Can you buy me lunch?” They will be forced to consider you since you are asking in this manner.

There’s No Way I’d Come Into Town And You Won’t Take Me Out For Lunch

When you are visiting a friend or coming to town after a while, you can use “There’s no way I’d come into town and you won’t take me out for lunch” to ask them to buy you lunch. Anyone who is excited to see you or happy you are back would jump at the opportunity to take you out and catch up.

Let’s Finish Our Discussion Over Lunch And You Are Handling The Tab. Shall We?

You and the person may be discussing and want to fix your request for lunch. A good way to do it is to ask to finish your interaction over lunch. Also, mentioning that they are going to handle the tab will let them know that you expect them to pay for your food. This is important since they may buy the idea of continuing the discussion while eating but wouldn’t be cool with paying for you.

Can You Treat Me To A Free Meal During Lunch Break? I Promise To Return The Favor

This line is the perfect way to ask when the person is your colleague at work. Since you will be having lunch breaks at work, this is a nice way to ask them to get you food. You should be prepared to buy them lunch at a convenient time too.

I Know You Bought Me Lunch Yesterday But I Need To Eat Today Also. That’s What Friends Are For. For Inconvenience, Yeah?

This is another one of my go-to responses when I want to ask a friend for lunch. Instead of saying yesterday in your statement, you could use any recent time they got you a meal. You are acknowledging them for their help while mentioning you’ll need them to repeat the favor. Trying the emotional pull of saying you are friends will finish up the job.

It Is Lunchtime. I Am Starving But Don’t Have Any Money To Buy Myself A Meal

It is lunchtime. I am starving but don’t have any money to buy myself a meal” is another statement that can help you get someone to buy you food. While it can be used on someone who’s your colleague, I believe you can get just about anyone to buy you food by letting them know you are starving and cannot afford to buy a meal.

What Can I Do To Make You Consider Buying Me Food Today?

One of my friends uses this line anytime they want me to do something that I might not be willing to do. It sometimes gets the job done so I reckon it will work when you want to ask someone to buy you lunch. Most importantly, use this when talking with someone who is considerate and wouldn’t make you do something ridiculous because they are trying to help you buy a meal.

There’s This New Cafe Down The Street. They’ve Got Amazing Lunch Specials. Can We Check Them Out? Bills On You Though

Mentioning that there’s a new spot with lunch specials is another way to phrase your request for an afternoon meal purchase. This looks like you care about them getting nice meals but asking to be carried along. Don’t forget to let them know they are paying the bill so you do not join them and get stranded.

Today Is A Good Day To Take Me To That Spot You Told Me About. I Want To Eat Lunch

Ways to Charmingly Ask Someone to Buy You Lunch

This is another example that relates to the one above. In this statement, they are the ones who proposed trying out a new place. If they want you to check out the place, you can make your request using this line. You should make it clear to them that you expect them to pay for you.

When Are You Going To Eat? I Want To Tag Along

This is another example that will work when you are appealing to a friend or colleague. By letting them know you want to tag along, you are saying “I want to join you for lunch but I am not paying.” If you are not sure they get the idea, you should let them know in plain terms.

I Have A Proposal. Treat Me To Lunch Today And I’ll Grant You One Wish

If you are sure this person will want you to do something that wouldn’t leave you miserable, then you can use this line. I’ll recommend this one for friends and siblings. I had an older sibling who always fell for this line. I could ask her to buy me lunch then her wish wouldn’t be more than helping her do her assignment or joining her to get groceries for the family.

I Am Craving The Seafood Sold At The Greek Restaurant Downtown. Can We Go There For Lunch If You’ll Pay For Me?

When interacting with someone who’s a love interest, talking about your cravings is a good way to get them to pay for your meal. Someone who considers you a crush will want to please you and if you talk about being hungry, they’ll be cheerful to help you resolve that issue. I must warn you that you shouldn’t exploit someone because of their intentions toward you.

I Am A Little Overwhelmed Right Now. Can You Get Me Lunch Since You Are Heading Out?

This is a line I’ll recommend you use when you are asking a friend or colleague. Here, you should have the means to pay for it since you are not specifying. The person you asked may decide to buy it and bring it to you without charge. However, do not count on this. Be prepared to give them the money if it comes to that.

I Couldn’t Cook Babe Because Of How Stressed I Was. Please, Get Us Lunch On Your Way Back

This is quite a self-explanatory remark. You can deduce this would be a conversation between lovers. You could call your spouse as they come back to buy you lunch since you couldn’t prepare a meal. It can also work with a friend or roommate.

If It Wouldn’t Be A Burden For You, Can You Buy Me Lunch Today?

With this line, you are thoughtfully appealing to them. I have fallen for requests in this manner so I know it would work when you need just about anyone to buy you a meal for lunch.

Want To Make My Day? Lunch Will Do The Trick 

If someone asks about your day, this is a good way to get them to buy you lunch. A simple     Love interests, colleagues, and almost anyone who cares about you would fall for your request when you phrase it like this.

Instead Of That, Can You Help Me Buy Lunch?

Ways to Charmingly Ask Someone to Buy You Lunch

Sometimes, someone may propose to do something for you. You can ask that it be converted to lunch. I had a friend who would prefer I get her lunch than drive her home from work. If the person has offered to do something for you, you can say “Instead of that, can you help me buy lunch?

Final Thoughts

You must understand that buying your lunch could be a big deal for the person or they may not have the means to afford it. That way, when someone declines your request for lunch, you mustn’t feel entitled and respond with such a notion. Understand that they have the right to say yes or no to your request.

Also, being polite always wins. You can get anyone to buy you lunch if you ask politely. I am confident these suggestions are pointing you in the right direction as regards the question of asking someone to buy you lunch.

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