15 Polite Ways to Ask Someone to Borrow You Their ID


There are a lot of reasons why you would want to borrow somebody’s ID but the bottom line in all of it is that this is a very illegal thing to do. However, I understand that there may be scenarios where it is very important to borrow somebody’s ID, and in such cases, we may rule out the illegality of this idea based on need.

So, if you need to borrow someone’s ID you must ask in a way that does not seem arrogant, needy, or rude. That is why in this article I have highlighted 16 ways you can ask somebody to lend you their ID in a polite manner.

The following are some of the best ways you can ask somebody to borrow their ID:

Table of Contents

Could You Lend Me Your Id? I’d Return It In One Piece.

Let’s start nicely by telling them a simple “Could you lend it in your ID and I return it in one piece.” This is good enough to convince them to allow you to use their ID. You must understand that they may have concerns about what you want to use it for but if they trust you enough this line is enough to get them to borrow you their ID.

I Want To Make A Bizarre Request. Can You Borrow Me Your ID for Like 24 Hours? Seriously, There’s Nothing Legal About What I Want To Use It For But I Promise To Be Careful

Another way you can get them to give you their ID is to let them understand that what you are about to use it for may be illegal but add a promise that you are going to be careful. Sometimes, this level of honesty is enough to convince them.

I’d Be More Than Happy If You Allowed Me To Use Your Card For This Weekend. I’d Owe You One 

Polite Ways to Ask Someone to Borrow You Their ID

If you want to borrow someone’s ID and they are a close friend, you can just let them know that you would be more than happy if they let you use their ID for a day or the weekend. One way to make a convincing request is to tell them that you will be in their debt and promise to pay them back as soon as you can.

Can You Give Me Your ID? I Can’t Get The Things I Need From The Store Without It

Probably what you need their ID for could be something that will benefit both of you. In that case, you can ask them to give you their ID while claiming that you need it because it is beneficial for both of you. For clarity, you can put in the reason you need the ID.

I Wanted To Register An Account On This Website But It Says I Am Not Old Enough. Can You Help Me With Your ID?

As a younger sibling, you may want to borrow your older sibling’s ID because you are trying to apply to a site or register an account that demands you to be above 18 and you’re not. This is a good place to make use of someone else’s ID and if you have to do this this line presents a polite way to get it done.

I Know It Is Weird To Be Asking For Your ID But Can You Please Help Me With It? I Wouldn’t Do Anything Illegal

Sometimes asking someone for their ID can be downright weird and awkward. In such a scenario, you can exploit that idea by saying you know that it is weird to be asking for their ID but you do not mind if they help you. The truth is, you will need to promise that you’re not going to be using their ID for anything illegal for them to be convinced to let you have it.

You Remember You Owe Me A Favor? I’d Like To Have Your ID. I’ll Refund It Without Any Issues

Another way you can ask somebody for their ID is to call on a favor they owe you. I know this sounds cheeky but then if you need it you wouldn’t mind. You will have to promise them that you are either not using it for anything illegal or that you’re going to return their ID without any issues before they’ll be comfortable with giving it to you.

Just For Tonight, Please, Can I Have Your ID?

Let’s say you are about to go to a party or somewhere you’ll be needing an ID. You can just ask your friend to give you one. Since they are your friends, you may not need to be formal. While this does not say you should be rude or arrogant about it, I believe there are levels to our relationships that will not frown at informals.

Do You Trust Me? Since You Do, I Want To Ask For Your ID. It Is Not For Anything Bad Though

You can get somebody to borrow their ID while being polite by asking them if they trust you. If you have known them for quite some time they’d probably trust you and when they say they do you cannot follow up with your request. When you promise them you aren’t using it for anything illegal, make sure it stays that way.

There’s This Party That I Am Not Allowed To Attend. But I Need To. Can You Borrow Me Your ID?

A lot of times people want to borrow IDs because they want to attend parties. There are parties with certain age regulations that require only people above 18 to be in attendance. If you are below 18 and you would like to attend such a party you will need somebody’s ID. You can use this line to borrow somebody’s ID as it states the reason why you want it and asks them politely for it.

I’d Get Everything We Need Provided You Give Me Your ID. Do We Have A Deal?

Perhaps you have been tasked with buying items for your group’s gatherings. You could use this opportunity to ask for the ID of someone in the group who is old enough to purchase the items. While this may seem like a form of coercion, it can be seen as a fair and polite transaction.

I Am Hanging Out With Some Of My Friends On Tuesday And I’ll Need Your ID. I Know It Is A Bizarre Request. I Hope You’ll Be Kind Enough To Allow Me to Borrow It

Another way to ask someone to lend you their ID is to give a reason and appeal to their kindness. This means making them believe that you understand their nature and that they’ll be willing to help you. This method often works if the person has an ego to preserve, or if they see you as someone who deserves their kindness.

I’d Be Taking The Car Out. Just In Case I Get Pulled Over, Can I Have Your ID So I Can Wriggle Out Of The Patrol People’s Net?

If you are close to a sibling, you can use this line to ask to borrow their ID. This might also work with friends. The best time to use this statement is when you are going out and might need to show an ID. However, it’s important to note that borrowing someone else’s ID is illegal and can get you into trouble.

If I Promised To Not Do Anything That’d Get You In Trouble Would You Lend Me Your ID?

Because borrowing someone’s ID already spells illegal, one of the ways you can politely ask somebody for your ID is to tell them “If I promise to not do anything that gets you in trouble, will you still lend me your ID?” You have a responsibility to not break their trust by doing anything that gets them in trouble too.

We’ve Got This Little Thing With The Boys And I Cannot Buy The “Stuff” We Need. I Just Wanted To Solicit With You Big Bro To Help Me With Your ID Or If You Can, Help Us Get The Items

You can use this line to get someone to borrow their ID provided they are having some fun. By saying, “We’ve got this little thing with the boys and I cannot buy the “stuff” we need” any young person is going to understand what you want to do and if they are willing they’ll give you their ID.

If you observe closely you notice that this request also allows them to help you in another way instead of just borrowing with their ID. They may give you the idea instead because they would not want to be stressed unnecessarily.

Final Thoughts 

Boring someone’s ID is very illegal. It is an impersonation and if you get caught both you and the person who gave you the ID would be in serious trouble. This is why it is important to not use it for illegal things but if you must, being careful is non-negotiable. You don’t want to get into trouble with the police or any authority.

If you must borrow someone’s ID, I believe that you must have found a considerable amount of options and suggestions of things to convince the person to borrow their ID. A lot of times this person may express their reservations about your usage of the ID. You need to convince them that everything will be okay and back up their trust in you by ensuring that everything is truly okay.

Moreover, if you could do what you wanted to do without growing their ID or getting them to help you do it you’d be better off. We do not support illegal things but we know that there could be desperate situations that may be around you borrowing someone’s ID.

Polite Ways to Ask Someone to Borrow You Their ID

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