20 Ways to Ask Someone For a Video Call


When you ask a person for a video call, what could be the reason behind it? Is it a new friend you are trying to make online but have never seen before? Or could it be that you are already acquainted with the person but have yet to see them for some time?

Whatever your reason may be for asking for a video call, you should consider the best ways to make your request. I have some great ways to ask someone for a video call that mostly meets with approval from their end.

I’m very willing to share some of them in this article, so if you continue reading, you will learn at least twenty (20) best ways to ask someone for a video call.

Table of Contents

I Would Love To See Your Face, Is It Okay To Video Call At This Time?

This statement is quite neutral as it does not reveal the extent of your relationship with the person. This means that it can be used for a total stranger who you are yet to see what they look like or someone you know and admire.

The statement is courteous and shows that you respect the person in every aspect. Even if they say that a particular time is inconvenient for them, they will definitely reach out when it is convenient.

I Would Love To Show You a Video Of The Products You Wish To Order, Is That Okay?

This is a professional way to ask someone for a video call as it signifies that you are a business person. Most business people use it to assuage their customers’ doubts about making an online purchase from their store.

To Discuss The Issue Deeply And More Broadly, We Need To Speak On a Video Call, So Let Me Know When You Are Available For One

This is also a professional way to speak to a person about a vital issue. If you are a freelancer or you run a contact business that requires that you speak directly to customers, then this is the best way to ask for a video call.

It could be that you wish to offer help on a subject matter or discuss an important matter extensively.

We Received Your Application For This Position And Would Love To Confirm The Most Suitable Time For a Video Call

If you work as a human resource manager then this is the best way to ask applicants for a video call. If you have scanned through the list of applicants then a video call would probably be the next step especially if you are scouting for remote workers.

I Would Love To Finally See The Face Of The Person I’ve Been Speaking With, Are You Okay With Me Calling You Through Video?

This method of asking someone for a video call is quite straightforward and self-explanatory. It shows that you probably met the person online and don’t know what they look like.

This statement is a courteous way to ask them for a video call.

I Would Love To Get To Know You More, Is It okay If I Call On Video This Time?

If you have been speaking to someone that you find interesting, and you wish to get to know them more by speaking with them through a video call, then this is the right way to ask them for a video call.

Since We Are So Far From Each Other, Can We Have a Video Date Of Netflix And Chill?

In this age, technology has made everything possible. This statement is extremely suitable if the person is your friend or someone you are dating, and you both are in different locations.

I love chatting with you, and I finally want to see the beautiful face behind the voice, up for a video call?

Talk about being a smooth talker – this statement allows you to request a video call from a love interest whom you’ve been speaking to for a while but don’t know what they look like.

Remember that we will be having our virtual museum visit today, so let’s do a video call for our date

This statement is the best way to ask a person you are dating for a video call. It shows that you people already had plans in place and that the video call is just one of the ways to execute it.

Note that it does not necessarily have to be a virtual museum visit, as it could be another location.

Are You Interested In a Video Call So That I Can Finally Show You My Pet?

This statement is the best way for pet lovers to ask another pet lover for a video call. Having a pet is just a delight and if you just got one, you will excitedly want to show it off.

Reply to this message with your favorite emoji if you are okay with me video-calling you

It is always healthy to get permission from someone before calling them on as they may be doing something private or important. This statement is one of the most friendly ways to get them onboard.

I’ll only call you on video if you are comfortable with it else we will just put it on the back burner till next time

Trust me when I say that this statement is a great way to get the person you wish to call on a video call to get comfortable with you. It shows that you respect their boundaries and think about their needs before yours.

This is totally out of character for me cause this is the first time we are speaking, but would you like to video call?

If you are a daring type, then this could be the best way for you. You must be sincerely eager to see such a person for you to make such a bold request.

You must be prepared for a refusal cause no matter how sweet or respectful you may sound, some people will not be comfortable with it.

Let’s switch things up tonight – instead of chatting, let’s speak on a video call, are you up for it?

Since change is a catalyst for growth, once in a while you may want to switch things up to keep the flame burning. This is a great way to make a budding relationship more interesting, so you may want to use this statement to switch things up.

If I Was To Call You On Video Call, Which Social Media Platform Would You Prefer To Be Called On?

Most times, people want to be allowed to make a choice as it gives them some sort of power over the situation. So, when you ask them what platform they would love to have the video call, they will feel more likely to accept your request.

If You Aren’t Doing Anything Later This Evening, I Would Love To Video Call You, Is That Okay By You?

Informing someone ahead of time that you would love to give them a video call is one of the best ways to ask for a video call.

This is because it allows them to be more prepared for the call whether it is a love call, business-related or just a friendly check-up.

I Would Love To Watch You Cook Tonight, Can We Have a Video Call Virtual Date While You Cook?

To be able to use this statement, it’s either you can cook or the person you are speaking to can cook. If none of you can cook, you can use this as a sarcastic way to ask them for a video call.

If you cannot pull off the sarcasm, then it is advisable you pick any other of the 19 statements in this article to make your request.

Let’s Have a Video Call While You Taste The Wine I Recommended For You To Buy, It Will Be a Wine-tasting Date, Are You Interested?

This statement is mostly suitable for couples in a long-distance relationship or who may have temporarily travelled apart. The object is not limited to a wine as you guys may have talked about any other stuff.

The aim, however, is to continue some conversation you were probably having with this person.

I’m Inviting You For a Virtual Happy Hour Through a Video Call, Is That Something You Are Up For?

The term ‘happy hour’ used in this statement is not limited to something specific and can be interpreted based on your relationship with the person. The reason why the meaning is not limited is because ‘happy hour’ may be an inside joke.

I Bought This New Dress That I’m Dying To Show You, Would You Come On a Video Call To See It?

This is a great way to ask someone you are close to for a video call. The aim of this statement is to show how excited you are to purchase something new hence it must not really be a dress.

Excitement is quite contagious so the person will be really keen on this video call.

Final Words,

Asking someone for a video call should not be such a herculean task if you know the right things to say. And you don’t need to worry much about what to say cause we got you covered with the statements in this article.

Making a great conversation or improving the quality of your relationship just got better with these great statements on asking someone for a video call.

How to Ask Someone For a Video Call

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