20 Funny Replies When Someone Says ‘Busy’


Getting upset with someone who tells you that they are busy may cause them to shy away from giving you their attention. You can inject some fun into the way you respond to them when they tell you what they are in between.

Make it fun and engaging if possible so they will feel comfortable to make you understand or create more time for you as time goes by. In this article are 20 humorous replies you can use when someone says to you that they’re busy.

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

1. Are You Settling Critical Issues Between A Cat And A Dog?

Someone’s claim to be busy can make you ask them if they are settling critical issues between a cat and a dog. A cat and dog can have unending issues so long as they remain in the same spot; they will act out their differences.

When someone tells you at a stretch that they are busy and it looks like they no longer have free time, this is one of the best responses to them.

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

2. I Never Knew You Had Repented From Procrastination For Real.

You can say to someone who procrastinates a lot that you never knew if they have repented from the habit they often exhibit. This implies that you know the person who says they are busy as someone who postpones events a lot.

You can add fun when responding to someone who tells you that they are busy, saying to them that you are excited about their newly repented state.

3. Did You Just Choose To Say You’re Busy To Avoid Doing The Chores?

At face value, someone can say they are busy for various reasons; most times they are personal in nature. If you notice that someone always says that they are busy when it is their turn to do the chores or when they are asked to work on a task, then it might be that they have found an escape route to flee from work.

However, it might just be an assumption that on your end, it’s best to ask them in order to be sure that their excuses are on clear ground.

4. Who In The World Are You Trying To Help?

Since there are so many reasons why someone can say they are busy, helping someone can be inclusive. Just in case the explanation behind their busy schedule is that they are rendering help to someone, you can seek to know who the person is.

To add to that, you can request to know the nature and extent of help they are offering to someone.

5. You’re Pretending To Be Busy Even When You’ve Been Active On Facebook Since Morning, Right?

Your reply to someone who says they are busy can be funny, especially if all indications point to the fact that they are pretending or not telling the truth.

Prepare yourself for a defensive statement like ‘but you have been active on Facebook since morning’ when they keep insisting that they are busy.

It clearly shows that they spent their time on social media, where their attention may not have been fully maximized if they weren’t doing anything profitable.

6. Have You Been Taking Jobs In Order To Make A Name For Yourself In The Snack Shop?

Someone can make a name for themselves in a snack shop by making strides that no one has attempted before at a place where snacks are sold. It depends on what they are making efforts to protect or prove.

Nonetheless, you can engage them in a conversation to know why they are super busy, especially if the jobs they took made them busy. Then inquire to know the reason why they took jobs.

7. Are You Constructing A Building As Big As Noah’s Ark?

When the response you get from someone who says they are busy all the time is that they are busy building a brand, working on a project, or building anything at all, you can give them a playful response in turn.

A response like ‘Are you constructing a building as big as Noah’s ark?’ is just perfect to say to them.

8. Is Napping Part Of The Activities That Made You This Busy?

Being fully aware that someone spent their whole day napping, you can give them a lighthearted retort like, ‘Is napping part of the activities that made you this busy?’

This is to bring to their knowledge that you are aware of how they spent their day and you should have given another response instead of saying they were busy.

9. Are You Preoccupied With Being A Superhero To Crush Everyone Around You?

You can name some people’s helpers because of the way they reach out to aid people at different levels. When you reach out to someone and they say to you that they are busy helping people here and there, you can say something engaging and humorous to them like, ‘Are you preoccupied with being a superhero to crush everyone around them?’

10. If You’re Busy Planning An Outstanding Outdoor Event, Count Me In

There are people who enjoy planning events every now and then. When you notice that someone is preoccupied with organizing events and meetings, you can easily assume that they are engaged in planning an event.

So, if you have some time to spare or would love to be a part, ask them to count you in.

11. Don’t Forget To Reach Out If You Need Help From The One Who Is Crushing On You In Secret That You Openly Ignore.

Don’t always settle for less when someone says to you that they are busy. If you have plans to take them out, but they can keep you pending by saying they are busy, you can introduce some fun to your conversation by saying they should reach out to you for help as you’re secretly crushing on them.

12. Are You Busy Doing Something Worthwhile, Or Do You Simply Want To Blow Away Real Life Happening Like A Smoke?

The very best throwback that can infuse fun and some form of morals to someone who doesn’t invest their time properly but always says that they are busy is, ‘Are you busy doing something worthwhile or do you simply want to blow away real life happening like a smoke?’ It is a casual response for someone you’re familiar with.

13. Maybe You Should Just Say That You Have Been On Netflix And Chill.

A movie lover always saying that they are busy may be busy spending their time on Netflix. In a situation where you have evidence that someone spent their time chilling on Netflix, your reply to them can be, ‘Maybe you should just say that you have been on Netflix and chill’.

Add that they didn’t spend their time flexing, so it was more like they had time to chill.

14. What New Thing Are You Working On At Your Toilet Currently?

You can ask someone what they are working on when they say they are busy. However, you can inject some fun into your response to someone who says that they are engaged by asking what they are working on in the toilet that has occupied them.

Ensure you say this to someone who is your close pal.

15. I Can Be A Co-inventor In The New Thing You Are Working On.

When someone says to you that you are busy trying to create something, you can say to them that you want to be a co-inventor with them. It is way beyond saying that you will help someone. It’s making a joke of them that they need help and you want to be a co-partner with them.

16. I Hope You’re Not Wrapped In Something Epic That Will Restrict Me From Seeing You Forever

From being busy today and busy tomorrow till you finally get tired and lose touch with someone.

If that has happened to you before and you sense that it is about to happen again, your reply to someone who says that they are busy can be, ‘I hope you’re not wrapped in something epic that will restrict me from seeing you forever.’ This is a funny way to kind of request their attention.

17. Why Does My Heart Tell Me That You’re Gradually Working Toward Becoming A Professor?

It takes a lot of work and investment of time for professors to get to the level where they are. And so, when someone frequently says to you that they are busy, especially doing research or something related to academia, it is not out of place to ask them in a humorous tone; ‘Why does my heart tell me that you’re gradually working towards becoming a professor?’.

18. It Sounds Like You Are Planning To Go On An Adventure With Your Favourite Pet

You can say to someone that the way they claim to be busy indicates that they are planning to go on an adventure. Including an adventure with their favorite pet means they intend to spend so much time away.

You can include that they should not elope alone or run with their pets since you still have plans to be around them.

19. I Hope You’re Not Acting To Be A Workaholic

A workaholic is obviously the opposite of a sluggish person. If you are close to someone whom you know in and out but keeps telling you that they are busy when you need their attention, you can respond to them in a hilarious way.

An engaging statement like ‘I hope you’re not acting to be a workaholic?’ is a suitable way to begin.

20. I See You Are Doing Well, Hero

When someone keeps going here and there not necessarily to gain favors but to spend time reaching out to persons who are in need of help.

If they love to save the day and you’ve noticed that they spend a lot of time handling such circumstances, you can hail them or name them a hero. If they explain precisely a situation where rendering help made them busy, you can say ‘I see, you are doing well, hero’ in response.

Final Thoughts

Someone can say to you that they are busy when they are engaged with work or something that has taken their attention. In some other scenarios, when someone doesn’t want you to encroach on their time or they don’t want to share their time with you, they can say to you that they are busy.

Whatever the case may be, you can use a funny statement to initiate a funny scenario in response to their ‘busy state’. In formal contexts, the responses shared in this article are not appropriate.

However, you can say any of the following to your close pals, people you are familiar with, or in a casual context.

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