15 Other Ways to Say “What’s Your Plan This Weekend?”


You can know what someone wants to do by the weekend by asking them what their plans are for the weekend. However, there are a number of ways in which you inquire about someone’s weekend.

In this article are 15 other ways to say, ‘What’s your plan this weekend?’ You can ask any of the following questions and more, depending on the context and the status of the recipient.

1. What Do You Intend To Do This Weekend?

Another way you can ask someone what their plan for the day is is to ask them what they intend to do that weekend.

This is a more direct way to inquire about how someone has planned for their weekend to go. It is an inquiry into the intentions that they have for the weekend.

The ‘what’s your plan for this weekend’ question may sound ambiguous in certain contexts, but a more direct synonym like ‘What do you intend to do this weekend?’ demands a more straightforward response notwithstanding the context.

2. Got Any Schedule For The Weekend?

A schedule is a more formal way to ask someone about their plans. In place of asking about the details or series of events or an action, you can seek to know the exact timing of the events someone has in mind for the weekend.

To this effect, you can ask someone if they’ve got a schedule for the weekend to specifically what they will be doing per time.

You can say this when you want to meet with them at a convenient time or when they are doing something that can afford them the opportunity to multitask.

3. Have You Planned Any Outings Or Trips For The Weekend?

Instead of going round and round seeking to know someone’s plan for the weekend one after the other, you can simply ask them a direct question in order to get a direct answer.

The question ‘Have you planned any outings or trips for the weekend?’ is suitable, particularly if you want to know if someone has outdoor engagements and, if possible, to know if they intend to go on a journey for one purpose or another.

Also, you can say this in order to know if someone will be in or out of town by the weekend.

4. Can I Know Your Agenda For The Weekend?

Most times, asking someone for their plans during the weekend can be a long route since they have to go into details as to how they want to spend their weekend.

However, you can ask for an agenda instead. This will give you a less comprehensive idea of their plans for the weekend.

You’ll simply get a brief, which is more economical and suitable if you don’t have so much time to spare listening to a long list of plans if you desire to make a decision quickly.

5. Do You Have Any Fun Activities For The Weekend?

When you have some time to spare, you can choose to engage in fun-filled activities to chill, recalibrate, and unwind.

To that effect, if you will have more fun engaging in these activities with someone else and not doing them alone, you can reach out to someone to know their plans for the weekend.

Nonetheless, this time around, ask them if they want to have any fun activities for the weekend instead. Afterwards, you can give them a rundown of what you have in mind concerning the weekend.

6. Are You Staying Indoors, Or Will You Be Engaging In Any Outdoor Activities This Weekend?

Your question to someone about their weekend can be asked with precision or on a general basis. A question like, ‘Are you staying indoors or will you be engaging in any outdoor activities this weekend?’ can give you an overview of what they want their weekend to look like.

Also, you can say this to someone who doesn’t know precisely how they want their weekend to unfold, but they have it in mind that they can either stay indoors or go out.

In some situations, they may do both, but it is left for them to provide a response.

7. Do You Intend To Go On An Adventure This Weekend?

Interestingly, you can make a request to know if someone wants to go on an adventure rather than ask them what their plans are for the weekend.

To that effect, go straight to the point with the question, ‘Do you intend to go for an adventure this weekend?’ so you can have an idea of what you should be working towards immediately they give you an answer.

Let them know what their response means to you, especially if you desire to go on an adventure with them during the weekend.

8. On Your End, What Is Happening This Weekend?

In order to get a personalized answer, you can ask someone what is happening on their end by the weekend. Their response will give an idea of how they desire their weekend play out.

You should say this in place of asking them their plans for the weekend so that they will give you a personal picture of their intention, even though there may be other plans that people want for them or they have been invited to partake in.

Additionally, you can break the news as to why you want to know about their engagement that weekend.

9. Aside From Work, How Will You Spend Your Leisure This Weekend?

Work can be done during weekends as much as weekdays; it all depends on the job description, roles at work, and personal preferences.

If you have an idea that someone has some work to do during the weekend, including some time to spare, you can ask them at the moment what they intend to spend their leisure doing that weekend aside from work.

Instead of simply asking to know their plans, this gives them a hang that you are aware of the work they have at hand but you still want to share their time or better yet know what they have set out to do during the weekend.

10. Will Your Focus Be On Work Or Hobbies This Weekend?

When someone is always engaged with work on weekdays and weekends, you can try your luck to see if they will include something fun in their weekend.

Whether they will put together a fun-filled activity or not during the weekend may not bother you so much if you want to spend time with them or invite them to play a game or an outdoor activity during the weekend.

In all, you need to respect their choices and know what their focus will be; in that case, you can ask them if their focus will be on work or hobbies during the weekend.

11. Have You Coordinated Some Events For This Weekend?

When you are aware that someone has a lineup of tasks to accomplish by the weekend or they’ve been invited to different programmes and platforms either as a participant, a speaker, or even both, it is obvious that they will have a number of activities to coordinate for the weekend.

And so, it is in place to ask them how they intend to bring balance or harmony to the different activities they have by the weekend.

You can extend a hand of kindness to assist them in planning or to do something within your capacity.

12. Are There Any Special Plans On The Ground For The Weekend?

There are special weekends when something super interesting is happening; it could be a celebration, a memory, or something that is unusual and doesn’t happen every now and then.

Everyone can have such weekends that they anticipate and can’t wait to experience. Beyond general celebration, someone can have a plan to go on an adventure, hiking, shopping, or something so dear to their heart that you can ask them about those specifics instead of talking about their entire weekend plan.

13. Have You Organised Your Weekend To Go In A Certain Direction?

At the point when someone is against having a meeting by the weekend or performing a task by the weekend and it is obvious that they do not want it by any means, it is possible that they have their weekend all planned out. In the sage vein, it is best to confirm and not assume.

A suitable question in this scenario can be, ‘Have you organised your weekend to go in a certain direction?’ This may give you a hint as to why they are turning down every meeting that should be held by the weekend and enable you to channel your energy to a more suitable time.

14. What Are You Doing This Weekend?

It may not be so difficult to ask someone about their plans for the weekend in a sweet-and-short way. A question like this demands a response that may not require them to crack their head.

It is simply straight to the point and shows your concern to know how they intend to spend their weekend.

Also, the question keeps their blank minds wondering if you want to spend some time with them or if you have planned out something that you want them to partake in during the weekend. If you have any other thing in mind that inspired your question, you can let them know about it.

15. What Are You Looking Forward To This Weekend?

When you can ask someone what their expectations are for the weekend, they will in turn get a better picture of the goals they should set to achieve during the weekend.

The things they expect to get will give you an idea of how they want their weekend to go. And so, in case you want to invite them to a party or want to drag them into having fun with you, you can guess if they will give you a space on their weekend.

‘What are you looking forward to this weekend?’ is an interesting question to ask someone who may not be able to explain in detail what they have in mind to do during the weekend.

Final Words

When organizing an event or planning an engagement with someone, you must not invite them directly to come to your event or hang out with you; you can try something different.

What this means is that you can seek to know what their plan for the weekend is. Afterward, you can ascertain if they will have time to attend your events or hang out with you.

On the other hand, you can ask someone about their weekend, not necessarily because you want to share their time with them but because you desire to know how they intend to spend their weekend. Cheers to a happy weekend along with your recipient.

Other Ways to Say What's Your Plan This Weekend

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