20 Things You Say When Someone Makes a Good Joke


Do you want to applaud someone who just made a good joke? Are you looking for ways to compliment someone for their creative effort at making a hilarious comment?

Well, you are in the right place as this piece is designed to show you 20 things to say when someone makes a good joke.

Instead of laughing or hitting them with reckless abandon, these statements are going to help you show them how much you appreciate their joke and give them a thumbs up for their efforts. Let’s get into it.

That’s Hilarious. You Got Me Real Good 

Let’s start off with a compliment about how good you think they are. By saying “That’s hilarious. You got me real good,” you are letting them know the joke was good and that you consider them very funny.

I Have Heard So Many Jokes But This One Is New. You Were Really Creative

A lot of times people say jokes they’ve heard from other people or read in forum threads. If you are sure this person is saying something that’s entirely new, you can give them credit for it. By using this response, you are simply telling them you feel they are creative and original.

Your Delivery Was Spot On. It Made The Joke Even Funnier 

Sometimes, the words in the joke may not be as funny as the way it is said. Either through facial expressions or accents, there are ways you can make a joke sound funnier than it would if it were simply read.

If this is why you think the person made a good joke, you can commend them on that front by saying “Your delivery was spot on. It made the joke even funnier.”

This Guy, So Effortlessly Funny

This is one of my go-to remarks when I want to commend a friend for making a good joke. If they are always doing it, I like to use this comment.

It is simple, straight to the point, and direct. With this statement, you do not need to say anything else to make them feel appreciated.

When You Do Your Face Like That, With The Sneer, I Can’t Help But Laugh Like Crazy 

Another thing you can say when someone makes a good joke and they have found a way to do so with facial expressions, you could tell them “When you do your face like that, with the sneer, I can’t help but laugh like crazy.”

Understand that this compliment is direct and should be used in context that is when their facial expression made their delivery spot on.

Oh Lord, You’re Going To Give Me A Headache From Laughing 

It takes a deep level of being funny to make someone laugh until they get a headache. A time when you can use this statement to appreciate someone after they say a good joke is if they have been at it for some time.

So, if someone has been making you laugh that day and they struck gold with their response, you can say “Oh Lord, you’re going to give me a headache from laughing.”

Please Stop It Already. I Have Heard Enough To Laugh For Today

Just like the previous comment, if they have been making you laugh that day, you can say “Please stop it already. I have heard enough to laugh for today” to show how good they have been.

You should say this while laughing so that they don’t mistake it for you being fed up with their jokes.

Brooo, I Wonder What Goes On In Your Head. How Do You Come Up With These Jokes?

Asking about their thought process is another way to draw a remark when someone makes a good joke. There are times when someone can say something funny and you wonder how they thought about it.

You can probe into their thought pattern with a question like “I wonder what goes on in your head. How do you come up with these jokes?

You Crack Me Up Like No One Else, Dude!

A simple compliment like “You crack me up like no one else, dude!” is going to be enough to let someone know what you think about them when they say something funny.

They are definitely going to get the message and feel honored by your comment.

I Don’t Find Anyone As Funny As You. It Seems You Were Born To Be A Comedian

If you want to appreciate someone for being funny, this is another statement you can use. By saying “I don’t find anyone as funny as you. It seems you were born to be a comedian,” you are not only describing them as being funny, you are hinting at their success at comedy.

You might want to be careful with this one though. Only use it when you aren’t the only one who thinks so about them.

I Think I Just Cracked A Rib Laughing At Your Joke 

Another nice thing you can say when someone makes a joke is to tell them “I think I just cracked a rib laughing at your joke.”

Comedians often say they’ve got rib-cracking jokes but no one goes home with a cracked rib, so it should be easy for the person to understand what you mean when you say you might have cracked a rib while laughing.

You Might Get Us Ejected From The Library If You Don’t Stop These Jokes. I Can’t Contain My Laughter Anymore

I was the reason my friends stopped reading in the library as I would always make jokes and pass funny remarks while we read.

You might have someone like me as a friend and if you are in the library or somewhere you could be sent out of for being noisy, this is a good angle to draw inspiration for something to say to them.

If You Don’t Have One, Get A Blog Where You Post Your Jokes Cause What Is This? Hahaha

Suggesting that they get an archive to keep their jokes is another angle to draw inspiration for your remark to someone who makes a joke.

You might not suggest a blog, it could be a Facebook page or any platform where they can have access to and share their jokes with a broader audience.

The Fact That You Accurately Captured The Moment Makes The Joke Really Relatable 

Some people are skilled in using current events and trends to make jokes. If this is what this person has done, you can tell them “The fact that you accurately captured the moment makes the joke really relatable.”

It isn’t easy to make a hilarious remark about something that’s happening. It is borderline creative and quite exceptional.

I Can’t Be Serious Around You. Not With These Kinds Of Jokes

This was something one of my friends told me back in college. She said there’s no way she can be serious around me when I am always full of jokes to say. That’s how some of your friends are I believe. It can be hard for you to keep a straight face or not laugh when they are around.

If I Didn’t Know You, I’d Say That’s A Kevin Hart Prodigy. When Did You Become This Hilarious?

You can have a friend who suddenly recently began to dish out humorous content. If they are really good, one of the ways you can show your appreciation for their newfound ability is to say “If I didn’t know you, I’d say that’s a Kevin Hart prodigy. When did you become this hilarious?

If I Hear A Joke One More Time From You, I Will Send You Out

When the person has been making loads of jokes, you can issue them a warning like “If I hear a joke one more time from you, I will send you out” amidst the laughter.

Doing it without a peal of laughter can cause your statement to be misinterpreted that’s why it is important to either say it while laughing or with a smile.

Nah, Nah, Nah. You Don’t Get Enough Flowers For How Good You Are 

Talking about how good they are is one way to say something nice to someone who just did a good job. One of the ways you can express it is to say something like “You don’t get enough flowers for how good you are.”

We talk about giving flowers to people who are exceptional at what they do. So, if you think they are good at making jokes but do not get enough recognition, you can use this remark to make them feel special.

If You Started Standup Comedy, I Know You’ll Be A Force To Reckon With

Another way you can make someone who just delivered a good joke feel special and recognized is to say “If you started standup comedy, I know you’ll be a force to reckon with.”

This comment acknowledges they are good while stating that they may have success pursuing a career in comedy. It doesn’t explicitly ask them to do it but hints at possible success if they decide to walk that path.

There’s This Talent Hunt I Saw Advertised On IG. You Should Enroll For It And Show The World Some Of These Jokes You’ve Got 

One of the ways you can show that someone is good at something is to tell them about opportunities related to their field of expertise.

Since you think they are good at making jokes, you can recommend them to try going to a talent show.

If you have one in mind, better but if you don’t, you can stick to just advising them about going on shows to let others know what they’ve got.

Final Thoughts 

We all enjoy the company of people who give us very good jokes. These guys are our friends, siblings, colleagues, schoolmates, and so on.

It is important that beyond our desire to just laugh when they make jokes, we should appreciate them.

Our compliments, comments, and remarks after their jokes can go a long way in showing how much we appreciate them and how highly we think of their humorous ability.

I am confident that you are no longer going to just laugh when someone makes a good joke but say something thoughtful, inspiring, or witty thanks to the recommendations I have provided.

You Say When Someone Makes a Good Joke

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