10 Expressions to Say After a Long Hectic Day


I will tell you a truth that no one told us – once you become an adult, every day of your life becomes a hectic day. For every hectic day that you have, there is always a corresponding expression to say after the day ends.

We know some common ones such as, ‘OMG!’, ‘Finally!’, ‘Thank God!’ etc. But the expressions are not limited which is why we have come up with at least ten (10) creative expressions after a long hectic day.

In this article, you will learn how to be more expressive after a long hectic day cause trust me, you need to let all that stress out.

What to Say After a Long Hectic Day

As you continue reading, you will see ten expressions to say after you’ve had a long hectic day that have been listed below:

  1. Oh my, it’s been such a long day, thank goodness it has ended.
  2. Nothing better than coming home to Netflix and a warm bed after a long hectic day.
  3. Who knew that this day would actually come to an end, oh my!
  4. If I have survived today, I can definitely survive anything life throws at me.
  5. Adulthood is a scam, I wish that I was still a child.
  6. Using the stairs after a long day is such a punishment.
  7. Ugh, I don’t need anyone to bother me at this point, I’m worn out.
  8. What I need right now is coffee, a buffet, and a hot shower.
  9. I love you guys, but I’m gonna need some personal space right now, I need to rest.
  10. All I need right now is a nicely prepared meal and a long sleep to recuperate.

Oh My, It’s Been Such a Long Day, Thank Goodness It Has Ended

You cannot use an expression after a long hectic day without actually saying that it has been a long day. What will make this expression complete, is the relief you express at the end that it has ended.

Whether you still have to take another run the next day or next week, this statement allows you to express the fact that at least, there’s a temporary break for such a hectic season.

Let’s take a peek at how this phrase can be expressed:

  • ‘Oh my, it’s been such a long day,…’
  • ‘I know right?’
  • ‘…yeah, thank goodness it has ended!’

Remember, with just the right amount of sighing and flopping on the couch, this expression will elicit the right response.

Nothing Better Than Coming Home To Netflix And a Warm Bed After a Long Hectic Day

I know right? When you remember that you have a warm bed with Egyptian cotton sheets and the latest episode of Bridgerton on Netflix, it tends to brighten you up from within.

It is a great expression if you have these two – Netflix and a warm bed – and you just had a hectic day. Others might have what they consider better, but this structure helps you to at least express yourself.

  • ‘Nothing better than coming home to Netflix and a warm bed after a long hectic day.’
  • ‘The best combination after toasted bread and peanut chocolate better.’

Who Knew That This Day Would Actually Come To An End, Oh My!

Everyone has had one of those days where it seems that the work keeps piling up and it appears as if it will never come to an end. When it finally does, you almost cannot believe it because, of course, it has been such a long hectic day!

If you’ve had one of those long days, then this is the best expression for you. As you say it, slop on your bed face down to give it the right effect that you need.

  • ‘Who knew that this day would actually come to an end…’
  • ‘I could sw*ear that this day would never end too.’
  • ‘…oh my!’

If I Have Survived Today, I Can Definitely Survive Anything Life Throws At Me

What to Say After a Long Hectic Day

It is said that what does not kill you makes you stronger, and for me, it is a long hectic day. If you’ve had one of those days that when you look back you wonder how you managed to survive it, then this is the most suitable expression for you.

It probably means that you were so sure that you would break down from all the stress but here you are reading this article with a clear mind.

  • ‘If I have survived today, I can definitely survive anything life throws at me.’
  • ‘You are a natural survivor already, so this should not be anything.’

Adulthood is a scam, I wish that I was still a child

Well, we all made the mistake of wanting to grow up so fast because we perceived that adulthood comes with some form of independence. By the time we enter into it, it gets too late to turn back and we are already in too deep.

Don’t be surprised that these thoughts often cross the mind after a very long hectic day. The responsibilities that come with being an adult can also provoke this expression.

  • ‘Adulthood is a scam, I wish that I was still a child.’
  • ‘It’s too late to go back now, don’t you think?’

Using the stairs after a long day is such a punishment

Imagine living in an apartment on the fifth or sixth floor, and the elevator does not work or has not been working for some time. You just stand at the foot of the stairs thinking about your life and how you got yourself in such a situation.

As you stand there thinking of how many stairs you still have to climb, you might as well say, ‘Oh my God, using the stairs after a long day is such a punishment.’

  • ‘Oh my God…’
  • ‘What is it?’
  • ‘…using the stairs after a long day is such a punishment.’

Ugh, I Don’t Need Anyone To Bother Me At This Point, I’m Worn Out

This is what any parent will say right before everyone surrounds them trying to get a piece of them. The use of this phrase is not limited to parents though as anyone can have people that they do not want to be bothered by.

  • ‘Ugh…’
  • ‘Are you okay?’
  • ‘…I don’t need anyone to bother me at this point, I’m worn out.’

What I need right now is coffee, a buffet, and a hot shower

You know what they say, and it shall be given to you, so after a long hectic day, I will definitely ask for a coffee, a buffet, and a hot shower in that order.

Well, I may not get a buffet, but it’s not so wrong to have wishful thinking, and I can munch on my sandwich while hoping for the best in the future.

  • ‘What I need right now is coffee, a buffet, and a hot shower.’
  • ‘I can make sure that you have at least two of those things, but you are not getting a buffet.’

I love you guys, but I’m gonna need some personal space right now, I need to rest

What to Say After a Long Hectic Day

No matter how much you love someone or some people, there are times when you just need your personal space to just recharge. One of those times is after you must have had a long hectic day.

If that is your situation, then this is the best statement to use to express yourself after a long hectic day.

  • ‘I love you guys, but I’m gonna need some personal space right now…’
  • ‘Why?’
  • ‘…I need to rest.’

All I need right now is a nicely prepared meal and a long sleep to recuperate

After a long hectic day, what you would need is to recuperate, and unlike others, I don’t need much just a nicely prepared meal and a long sleep especially if it is a weekend where I can get as much sleep as I can.

  • ‘All I need right now is a nicely prepared meal and a long sleep to recuperate.’
  • ‘I would need that too.’

In Summary

Instead of sighing and hissing after a long day, you can use these statements to express yourself properly especially if you are around children that are quick to copy your actions and words.

Also, it is better to use these statements to communicate better so that people will not see you as a grumpy fellow with all the eye rolls, sighing, and hissing.

Let us know what you think about the above statements in the comment section below and also drop more suggestions, if you have any.

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