20 Better Ways to Say ‘Hope You Had A Great Weekend’


It sounds so caring to ask someone if they had a great weekend but it may portray some lack of professionalism in some formal situations like an official gathering or pass a different message when seen as a part of an email content.

This is why you need alternative ways to ask this question so it can fit different contexts. In this article, you’ll get just that–20 better ways to say “Hope you had a great weekend?” Let’s go right in!

Alternatives to ‘Hope You Had A Great Weekend?’

There are other words to say in place of ‘hope you had a great weekend’ in casual contexts. They express genuine concern or interest in someone, including the activities they engage in. Below are some of them:

  1. How was your weekend?
  2. Did anything exciting over the weekend?
  3. How did you unwind over the weekend?
  4. What was the highlight of your weekend?
  5. Got any chance to relax and recharge?
  6. What’s new and exciting in your latest experience?
  7. How’s your week starting out?
  8. Did you have a productive weekend?
  9. What’s on your agenda for this week?
  10. How can I support you this week?
  11. ‘I trust you had a relaxed weekend?’
  12. ‘I can tell you had a wonderful weekend. what was it like?’
  13. ‘Did you enjoy your weekend to the fullest?’
  14. ‘I hope you have some time to unwind this weekend?’
  15. ‘I hope you had a successful weekend?’
  16. ‘I trust you are rejuvenated and set for the week.’
  17. ‘What was your weekend like? Any hurdles or troubles?’
  18. ‘I trust you had a great week, filled with notable achievements.’
  19. ‘I believe you had a splendid weekend just like you?’
  20.  ‘I’m kicking off the week with so much energy and you?’

1. How Was Your Weekend?

This is a straightforward question that deserves a simple response. Simplicity in this situation can mean a detailed reply or a summary of one’s experience, depending on how much information the recipient desires to share about their weekend.

It is an informal way to know how the activities of a close pal were during the weekend.


  •    ‘Hi, how was your weekend? Ready for the new week?’

2. Did Anything Exciting Over The Weekend? 

The question ‘hope you had a great weekend?’ is quite overused and can be replaced with ‘Did you do anything exciting over the weekend?’ This statement shows your interest in the activities that someone engages in.

It indirectly gives them the idea that you want to be involved or aware of what they did during the weekend.


  •     ‘Hi, did you do anything fun over the weekend? I’m looking for creative ideas!’

3. How Did You Unwind Over The Weekend? 

Some weekends start screaming ‘relax’ on Thursday. With the knowledge of this, you can ask someone; ‘How did you unwind over the weekend?’ to know if they took out time to engage in self-care or not.

The question emphasizes knowing to what extent a person took time to rest during the weekend after a tiresome week filled with task upon task.


  •     ‘Hi, how did you unwind over the weekend? I’m planning my self-care activities for next weekend!’

4. What Was The Highlight Of Your Weekend?

Ways to Say Hope You Had A Great Weekend

In order to ask for a particular nice experience that someone had during the weekend, you can say ‘What was the highlight of your weekend?’

The question is specific about what happened to a person during the weekend that they enjoyed or will hardly forget.

This is a formal way to ask someone to share filtered details about their weekend.


  •    ‘Hi, what was the highlight of your weekend? I heard some good news somewhere but I need to hear yours!’

5. Got Any Chance to Relax And Recharge?

A person who asks to show care in words and deeds can ask the question; ‘Did you have a chance to relax and recharge?’ It shows how concerned you are about them and would love to know if they were able to relax and also get some of the benefits of relaxing.


  •     ‘Hi, did you have a chance to relax and recharge? You deserve it!’

6. What’s New And Exciting In Your Latest Experience? 

‘Hope you had a great weekend’ is an alternative that helps to broaden the conversation with someone beyond knowing precisely what happened during the weekend.

It seeks to know the latest event that happened during the weekend. Also, it gives room for more expression from the responder, because the question is not merely the usual direct one that demands a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.


  •     ‘Hi, what’s new and exciting in your latest experience? I want to stay updated!

7. How’s Your Week Starting Out?

This is an engaging way to focus on what is ongoing and what is yet to come. ‘How’s your week starting out?’ stretches beyond the ‘how was your weekend’ cliché.

It provides a cool description of how someone’s week ended; the highlight of their activities, what stood out for them from the weekend, including the aspects they need to work on as a new week begins. Answering the question tends to give you an incline of their goals for the new week.


  •     ‘Hi, how’s your week starting out? Any big goals or tasks?’

8. Did You Have A Productive Weekend?

One of the best ways to know if someone has an accomplished week is to interrogate them by saying;  ‘Did you have a productive weekend?’ instead of asking how their weekend was.

On another end, this can be a prompt from you, having them reflect on how the weekend was spent, including if the tasks they had before they were attained.


  •     ‘Hi, did you have a productive weekend? I’m trying to stay on top of my tasks!’

9. What’s On Your Agenda For This Week? 

The phrase ‘What’s on your agenda for this week?’ is an interesting way to inquire about someone’s plans for the week.

It is timely when organizing a surprise event, a date or simply seeking to know if someone will have time to spare for something upcoming or an idea you desire to share. You’ll get to know what the person’s priorities look like.


  •     ‘Hi, what’s on your agenda for this week? I want to make sure we’re aligned!’

10. How Can I Support You This Week?

Ways to Say Hope You Had A Great Weekend

‘How can I support you this week?’ is an alternative that offers help and assistance to someone, especially if they are too timid to ask for it or they don’t know how to go about it. It is most suitable to ask after the weekend, that is, immediately after the new week kickstarts.

Also, it makes them see you as one who is present to help.


  •     ‘Hi, how can I support you this week? I’m here to help! ‘ 

11. ‘I Trust You Had A Relaxed Weekend?’

In place of ‘hope you had a great weekend, ‘I trust you had a relaxed weekend?’ passes a more empathetic message after a long and tiring project.

When the weekdays are filled with a lot of challenges at work, home or in school, this question is most suitable. Also, it can be used to show someone care after they have worked very hard or to simply check up on a familiar person.


‘Hi James, 

I trust you had a relaxed weekend? I wanted to follow up on our previous discussion regarding our next meeting.

Regards, Sam 

12. ‘I Can Tell You Had A Wonderful Weekend. What Was It Like?’

If you want a more interesting way to ask someone how their weekend went this is a perfect pick. You can use it with people you have a close relationship with. They’re sure to find it fun and engaging.


I can tell you had a wonderful weekend. What was it like?

13. ‘Did You Enjoy Your Weekend To The Fullest?

Sometimes, people tend to plan their weekend but do not carry out these plans. This may be due to unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

It is a great way to inquire about a person’s weekend in depth. It is best used in informal contexts.

Here’s how you can use it:

Did you enjoy your week to the fullest? Tell me about it! 

14. ‘I Hope You Have Some Time To Unwind This Weekend?’

Another good way to say ‘how was your weekend ?’ Is ‘I hope you have some time to unwind this weekend?’ This is most fitting when passing a message to someone that they should take out time to rest from the stress and fatigue.

Here’s an Example: 

Dear Mary 

I hope you have some time to unwind this weekend? You’ve been working hard and deserve a break.

Best, Jane.

15. ‘I Hope You Had A Successful Weekend?’

This is another way to say ‘how was your weekend?’ It works so well if you are in the know of what the person’s itinerary is. It lets them know that you wish them success with their activities. You can use it as a friendly question to inquire about someone’s weekend.

Here’s an example:

I trust you had a successful weekend? How did you attend to your tasks?

16. ‘I Trust You Are Rejuvenated And Set For The Week.’

After a period of break, a festive season or a holiday, ‘I trust you are rejuvenated and set for the week’ is one of the best official ways to know what someone’s weekend was like. It is suitable to show concern when replying to an email.

Here’s an Example:

Dear Matt,

I trust you are rejuvenated and set for the week after your vacation? Welcome back!’

Best wishes, Phil.

17. ‘What Was Your Weekend Like? Any Hurdles or Troubles?’

Oftentimes people are inclined to say ‘yeah, fine’ when you ask them the traditional ‘how was your weekend?’ Now you might need to be more specific with your question especially if you feel they didn’t have a good experience over the weekend.

This phrase is very direct yet inquisitive. You can use it in both formal and informal situations.

Here’s an email sample:

Dear Daniel, 

What was your weekend like? Any hurdles or problems? Tell me!

Best, Lucy

18. ‘I Trust You Had A Great Week, Filled With Notable Achievements.’

In a case where you are aware that the person has some tasks or projects at hand to accomplish, you can use this phrase to not only ask about their weekend but also check up on their progress.

With this, you’ll show them that you’re mindful of them and their progress. You can use it formally and informally.

Here’s an Example:

Hope you had a great week, filled with notable achievements. Would you mind telling me about it?

19. ‘I Believe You Had A Splendid Weekend Just Like You?’

If you want an alternative that’s more fun then you should try ‘I believe you had a splendid weekend just like you?’ instead of the original phrase.

It gives them the idea that they have an appealing aura or character. It is more apt in informal contexts.

Here’s how you can use it:

I believe you had a splendid weekend just like you? Hope you did something fun!’

20. ‘I’m Kicking Off The Week With So Much Energy And You?’

If you intend to bring on a sense of friendliness, you should use ‘I’m kicking off the week with so much energy and you?’. It is a sort of motivational expression that seeks to know if their weekend was well spent. You can use it to know if someone had a productive weekend.

Here’s an example:

I’m kicking off the week with so much energy and you? Hope you are energized! 

In Closing

Each alternative in this article has a unique tone that focuses on allowing you to choose the one that best fits your relationship with someone, a friend, or a star.

It is also important to consider contexts and unveil your intentions through your email, calls, and other forms of communication.

Ways to Say Hope You Had A Great Weekend

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