20 Best Responses to “Shalom” in English


Shalom is a Hebrew greeting meaning “peace.” It is an equivalent of the Arabic “Asalaam Alaikum,” the Indian “Namaste,” and the Italian “Ciao.” Jews typically use Shalom as a way to wish someone a happy Sabbath where they’d say Shabbat Shalom or as a salutation or farewell. 

Whichever reason someone tells you, Shalom, I have curated some of the best responses in the English language. These responses take into context every scenario where someone may tell you Shalom so that you can respond appropriately and creatively. 

Thank You and Have a Lovely Evening 

Shalom is mostly used to bid someone farewell and depending on when the person is bidding you goodbye, you can respond with a thank you and a wish for the rest of the day. If it was in the evening, you can stick to the main example for this point or use any of the following responses: 

  • I am grateful. Have a lovely day. 

And Peace To You And Yours

Shalom means peace and can be implied to mean “peace be unto you.” Hence, one of the many ways you can respond to it is to say “And peace to you and yours.” This sincere wish captures the very essence of Shalom as a declaration of peace. As they are wishing you peace, you are in turn wishing them peace. 

You’re Leaving? Do Take Care, Mate

If they tell you Shalom as a means of saying goodbye, you can respond by asking them if they are leaving and wishing them well as they do so. 

  • Isn’t it too early to leave? If you must, it is fine.
  • But you just arrived. How come you want to leave so soon?

Good Sabbath

Best Responses to Shalom in English

The typical Jewish Sabbath day begins from Friday evening until Saturday evening and Shalom is usually used to wish each other a happy Sabbath. Some may say Sabbat Shalom or just Shalom. As long as they are wishing you Shalom because it is Sabbath, you can respond by saying “Good Sabbath” or “Happy Sabbath.”

May God Richly Bless Your Heart

“May God richly bless your heart” is one simple prayer I use when someone wishes me well in a religious manner. It can also be used as a response to Shalom since you want to respond in English and not bother yourself with Jewish lingo. 

I Am Glad To See You Today

If they are your friend or someone you’ve been looking forward to seeing, your response to their Shalom salutation should be an expression of how ecstatic you are about seeing them. You can say “It is so good to see you today” or try any of the other options below:

  • What a wonderful surprise to see you today. 
  • I’ve been looking forward to my first meeting with you. It is truly my pleasure to meet with you. 

Have A Relaxing And Fulfilling Weekend/Day

Another way to respond to Shalom as a farewell is to say “Have a relaxing and fulfilling weekend/day.” This response is suited when they tell your Shalom as you part from each other. It could be in a conversation with your colleague as you close from work on Friday or someone you met and are leaving. 

  • Thank God it is Friday. I hope you have a great weekend ahead. 
  • Yeah. Have a lovely Hump day

I Agree With You On This One

A lot of times when people express their spiritual or religious views on social media, they end it with Shalom. It doesn’t matter whether they are Christians or Jews, they use Shalom for its meaning, ministering peace to their readers. If you read something online and the person ended with Shalom and you want to respond, you can simply voice your affirmation of whatever they posted. 

  • While I held a different perspective, I have to agree with this one.
  • You hit the bullseye with your argument. Good stuff. 

May The Peace Of The Lord Continue To Be With You Too

You can also wish them peace by saying “May the Peace of the Lord continue to be with you too.” This heartwarming and thoughtful prayer is a perfect response to Shalom and they’ll be thankful when you use this as a response. 

And You Too. Passover Is Around The Corner. What Are You Doing In Preparation?

If a Jew meets you and salutes you with Shalom, instead of just wishing them the same, you can talk about any Jewish holiday or festival that’s coming up or even salute them with the attendant greeting for the upcoming event. See the examples I’ve provided for more context: 

  • Same to you. Happy Holiday (For any holiday or festival) 

Thank You For Your Lovely Wish

If you don’t want to overcomplicate your response, you can say “Thank you for your lovely wish.” With this response, you are appreciating the person for the wish of peace and it’d suffice whether they are greeting you or saying goodbye. 

  • I am grateful for your thoughtful and kind wish. 
  • Oh, that’s so sweet. I appreciate that.

Grace To You And Abundant Peace In All Ramifications Of Your Life

One of the most popular prayers/wishes in the Bible is “Grace to you” and it can be used to respond to Shalom, especially when the person is saying hello or just wishing you well. Instead of just sticking with the prayer, I tweaked it some more to capture the essence of Shalom as a prayer for peace so the response now looks like ‘Grace to you and abundant peace in all ramifications of your life.’

My Wish Is That You Not Only Enjoy Peace But Prosperity In Good Health

Another response from the Holy Bible for Shalom is this one that talks about peace, prosperity, and good health. Here, you are wishing them peace while adding prosperity and good health to the equation. You can compose your response in the following alternative formats: 

  • Enjoy peace, prosperity, and good health.
  • My prayer is that alongside peace, you’ll enjoy good health and prosperity.

Thank You. Israel Is Always In My Heart And I Pray An End Comes To This Conflict In Time

As a Jew, speaking with another Jew or just someone trying to sympathize with the Jewish people, you can send a response like “Israel is always in my heart and I pray an end comes to this conflict in time” when you are told Shalom. Israel is almost always at war so this response can suffice but make sure to only use it when the country is in a state of conflict. 

I Love How You Aren’t Shy to Portray Your Jewishness. Keep It Up

Best Responses to Shalom in English

Jews who live in modern societies easily decide to keep their religious views aside and just act normal. Only a few try to greet you with Jewish greetings and if the person telling you Shalom is one of such people, your response can be “I love how you aren’t shy to portray your Jewishness. Keep it up.” This would inspire them to embrace their religious beliefs and not shy away from them.

  • I love how you say you are Jewish without really saying you are Jewish.
  • You are a true Jew and I am happy you don’t shy away from it even in conversations.

May God Spread That Peace Across The World, Especially To The Chaotic, Warring Zones

Just like your response of prayer for peace in Israel, you can also extend your prayers to other parts of the world when someone tells you, Shalom. You can reply to the person with “May God spread that peace across the world, especially to the chaotic, warring zones.” After all, it is not only Israel that requires peace and this shows your concern and care for humanity. 

I Am Truly Excited For The Weekend. Are You?

In a conversation with your colleague at work on a Friday and they tell you, Shalom, you can wish them a “Happy Friday” or talk about your plans for the weekend and maybe why you are excited that it is already the weekend. 

  • Thanks, man. This week has been stressful and I can’t wait for the peace I am gonna enjoy off work this weekend. What are your plans for it?
  • Yeah. Sandra is getting married and I am excited about the weekend. 

Have The Best Week Ahead

Probably you went to the synagogue on Saturday and someone said Shalom to you as you go your separate ways, “Have the best week ahead” is a good way to respond to them. The Jewish week begins on Sunday and it is not out of place to wish them a great week even though it is still the weekend for other people.

  • Sending you the warmest wishes for a week filled with happiness and joy. 
  • May the upcoming week bring you peace and be filled with positivity and happiness. 

May God Make Your Days And Home Peaceful

Another good response to Shalom is to pray for the person’s day and home by saying “May God make your days and home peaceful.” This would work well both in Jewish and Christian religious settings. You can try the ideas below for a more robust reply: 

  • Praying for God’s peace to permeate through your life and your home.
  • Continue to bask in the peace that God’s presence gives and enjoy its benefits now and always.

I Had No Idea You Were A Jew. Or Did You Just Learn That One Recently?

If someone just finds out that you are a Jew, they may want to wish you Shalom as a way of relating with your religious POV or they may be Jews too. This is why a response like this, even though cheeky, can open you up for more Interactions as you respond to their greeting of Shalom. You can also say: 

  • Peace! I must admit, I had no clue you were Jewish.
  • Wow, I never knew you were Jewish or did you learn Shalom as a Jewish greeting recently?

Before You Go, 

Being a Jewish greeting, there are several Jewish-based ways to respond to “Shalom.” However, because it can be adopted in settings outside of Judaism or can be used by non-Jewish people, these English responses are important to ensure that the conversation continues on your terms. 

Aside from the above fact, even as a Jew, you may want more creative responses to Shalom instead of something in Yiddish. I am sure you have found good replies to “Shalom” in English whether you are a Jew or not. 

Best Responses to Shalom in English

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