20 Different Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night


Are you looking to find different ways to ask someone to stay the night?

Maybe you are looking for alternatives because you want to spice up the appeal or sound less desperate about it. That’s not a problem because this article I have written has outlined and discussed 20 different ways to ask someone to stay the night.

Some of the responses try to masquerade the intent, others are a bit flirty, while there are some direct ones.

Read through them to see which responses fit the scenario and the person you are talking to.

20 Different Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night

  1. We have a spare room
  2. I don’t think it is safe to leave now because it is late
  3. We could see the entire episode
  4. I am going to feel lonely and scared if you leave
  5. I could share my bed if you don’t mind
  6. Wondering what or who is chasing you
  7. If you asked me, there’s no need to go home
  8. Didn’t you plan to sleep over?
  9. What would it take to make you stay?
  10. Rather than go home and be lonely, we could be each other company for tonight
  11. I have a special sleepover treat planned for you
  12. Don’t expect to leave when you come over
  13. Your chance to leave was three hours ago. So, sorry, you can’t
  14. I really could use a roommate for tonight
  15. I have a spare cloth if you have to go to work from here
  16. The only way we can finish up this task is if we work together and that includes all night
  17. Before you say you want to get going, this is me reminding you that it is not happening
  18. The last time I was at your place, I spent the night. You are returning the favor
  19. I wonder what chases you from my home and why it keeps you from sleeping over
  20. Think about all the fun things we could do together, without the lights

We Have A Spare Room

I recommend using a statement like “We have a spare room” when you want to suggest to someone that they could spend the night at your home.

This will come in handy if you have a large house and the person might think of the many people living in the house as a hindrance to them sleeping over.

So use this when you sense that the person might have a problem staying over if they knew they’d be inconveniencing others. This statement will let them know that they could stay over since there’s a spare room.

You could also say,

  1. There’s bedspace for you if you want to stay
  2. I had John prepare a spare room for you with some new sheets

I Don’t Think It Is Safe To Leave Now Because It Is Late

Another way you can ask someone to stay for the night is to let them know how unsafe it might be for them to leave. “I don’t think it is safe to leave now because it is late” is a statement you can use to express this thought.

You should use it when the person has stayed late into the night. This is an attempt to convince them and if the person isn’t a nightwalker like I am, chances are they’d agree to stay the night.

We Could See The Entire Episode

Suppose you were seeing a movie while they were at your place and they wanted to leave because it was getting late, you could convince them to stay by suggesting you guys could see the entire movie.

“We could see the entire episode” is a good way to put it. Try this when you have a friend over or your partner. If it is not a TV show or series, you could suggest seeing another movie.

If they want to, they’d get the message, and bunk for the night.

I Am Going To Feel Lonely And Scared If You Leave

If you want to convince a romantic partner or best friend to sleep over at your place, you could say “I am going to feel lonely and scared if you leave.”

This sort of emotional blackmail works and it is something I’d recommend ladies use. If they are not with you, you could say “I am going to feel lonely and scared tonight. Why not come over, Babe?”

Use any of the suggestions as you deem fit.

I Could Share My Bed If You Don’t Mind

You might have a single room and want someone to spend the night at your place. A good way to ask them to do so is to say “I could share my bed if you don’t mind.”

Whether they are a friend, someone visiting, a colleague, whosoever, this statement simply asks them to stay over with the promise you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable sharing your bed with them.

It helps to eliminate the awkwardness of asking someone of the opposite sex to pass the night.

Wondering What Or Who Is Chasing You

If the person is already at your place and they said they were leaving, “Wondering what or who is chasing you” is a cool way to ask them to stay the night.

Although there’s no question, the statement lets them know you think they should pass the night at your place.

I expect this statement to set up a kind of conversation where they either convince you about why they won’t stay for the night or succumb to your desire to have them sleep over.

If You Asked Me, There’s No Need To Go Home

Another way to ask someone to stay the night is to say “If you asked me, there’s no need to go home.” It is a nonchalant way to make your request but it definitely communicates the idea.

As they make their plans to leave your house, you could pass a remark like this. This is perfect for your conversations with a close friend, a family member, or someone you’re really familiar with.

Didn’t You Plan To Sleep Over?

Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night

“Didn’t you plan to sleep over?” is a good way to get started on your request to ask someone to bunk for the night at your place. Whether you mentioned it to them before or not, you can use that to suggest the intention of inviting them over was for them to stay overnight.

I like this question because it makes it look like you already expect them to pass the night so their desire to get going is surprising. If they want to be modest, they may say they didn’t but a little convincing from here could get them to stay.

What Would It Take To Make You Stay?

Moving forward, “What would it take to make you stay?” is another good way to make your appeal to them about passing the night at yours. It is the kind of question you should ask a partner or someone who’s a friend.

It has a flirty undertone so you should be a bit careful in using it. This is why I recommend you use this question when you are referring to your partner.

For friends, it also works.

Rather Than Go Home And Be Lonely, We Could Be Each Other’s Company For Tonight

“Rather than go home and be lonely, we could be each other’s company for tonight” is another alternative to use when you want to make someone pass the night. It has a flirty undertone just like the previous statement.

You should use this statement when you the person would be comfortable with your flirtatious attempts. This statement is actually suggestive and caution must be applied here.

I Have A Special Sleepover Treat Planned For You

“I have a special sleepover treat planned for you” is another way to say stay the night.

This statement means you have made plans for them to sleepover. It is something you must have planned before their arrival and haven’t mentioned.

If the person you are talking to is someone you are close to, I suggest you use this. It is quite informal and so it shouldn’t be used when talking with just anyone.

Don’t Expect To Leave When You Come Over

While you are making plans for them to come over, if you want them to pass the night, you could say “Don’t expect to leave when you come over.”

This is for when they haven’t arrived at your place yet. At the point where y’all are still making the plans about their coming over.

Your Chance To Leave Was Three Hours Ago. So, Sorry, You Can’t

Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night

If your partner came over and maybe you didn’t tell them you wanted them to sleep over, you can say “Your chance to leave was three hours ago. So, sorry, you can’t.”

I will also recommend you use this suggestion when you are talking to someone who you are quite familiar with.

I Really Could Use A Roommate For Tonight

When you don’t mind sounding needy, “I really could use a roommate for tonight” is a good way to tell someone to stay the night.

Clearly, you should be using this statement if the person is going to be comfortable with such a request. You should know people who are quite close to you that this suggestion will work on.

I Have A Spare Cloth If You Have To Go To Work From Here

Sometimes, to convince someone to pass the night at your place, you might need to give them a reason especially when you know it could stop them from saying yes to your appeal.

I have gone with “I have a spare cloth if you have to go to work from here” but there are a few others you can use:

  • I will give you a ride to work tomorrow morning.
  • We could have breakfast at your favorite place in the morning.

The only Way We Can Finish Up This Task Is If We Work Together And That Includes All Night

Talking about giving reasons, “Only way we can finish up this task is if we work together and that includes all night” fits a context where you have a colleague over and something to do.

Also, you can use this when you are talking to a classmate who’s over at your place either to do assignments or prepare for a test.

Before You Say You Want To Get Going, This Is Me Reminding You That It Is Not Happening

When someone is over at your place and you feel they might not be down with staying, you can present the idea to them before they tell you about leaving. “Before you say you want to get going, this is me reminding you that it is not happening” is a good way to present the idea.

I’d use this request suggestion on my friends, someone I am older than, or my partner. It can sound informal and still be used by someone superior.

The Last Time I Was At Your Place, I Spent The Night. You Are Returning The Favor

You can call a favor when you want someone to pass the night at your place. “Last time I was at your place, I spent the night. You are returning the favor”

It can be used when you are talking to anyone who you are close enough to have slept at their place.

I Wonder What Chases You From My Home And Why It Keeps You From Sleeping Over

“I wonder what chases you from my home and why it keeps you from sleeping over” is another way to make someone pass the night at your place.

If they have always visited you but never agreed to stay the night, this sort of gaslighting is a good way to get them to stay.

Think About All The Fun Things We Could Do Together, Without The Lights

Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night

Allow me to add a flirty way to ask someone to stay the night by saying “Think about all the fun things we could do together, without the lights.”

The message is explicit. It is clear and if they are down, they’d stay. I am not even sure anyone who likes you will want to pass on this opportunity.

Ways to Ask Someone to Stay the Night

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