‘Thanks pookie’ is a phrase that perfectly blends sarcasm, fun, and care. Saying this to someone shows that you’re invested in your relationship with them, even when they’ve made questionable choices.
It’s also a playful way to poke fun at someone close to you. In this article, there are 20 hilarious ‘Thanks Pookie’ memes that describe the meaning of the phrase. Get ready to laugh!
1. Thanks Pookie For Acting Like You Didn’t Hear My Call
It can be so annoying to call someone several times but they don’t respond. But, you can thank the pookie for ignoring or pretending not to hear you. This meme shows the frustration and laughter in being ignored.
2. Thanks Pookie. Your Jokes Were Nice To You But Boring To Everyone Else
You can playfully tease someone about their sense of humor to signify that they are only funny to themselves. This meme says it all, especially with the serious look.
3. Thanks For The Treat Pookie. I Thought You Weren’t A Boring Person
Irony and sarcasm is the perfect picture of this meme, where you thank someone for a treat while you also tease them about being boring. This meme uses laughter to poke fun at others.
4. I Learnt You Called Me Wild And Obsessed With Power. Thanks Pookie
A serious look can as well come with a striking balance of wisdom and fun. When you address the way in which someone insults or criticizes you, this meme expressly shows how you can thank the insulter with sarcasm.
5. Thanks Pookie For Making Us Laugh So Hard
This is a genuine expression of gratitude for someone’s sense of humor, recognizing the joy they bring to others. This meme shows that you don’t overlook their sense of humour.
6. Thanks Pookie For Roasting The Rat I’ve Been On The Lookout For
Sometimes, solving a problem can give you a reward, other times, the reward can be an awkward one. Anyways, if it’s an unexpected situation, this may be your next move – to thank someone for taking the glory they should share with you.
7. For The Gift Of Your Fart, Thanks Pookie
Another ridiculous and playful way to poke fun at someone for passing gas is what these memes describe. It shows that you can make weird situations fun to an extent.
8. Thanks Pookie For Eating My Lunch
Sarcastically, you can thank someone for taking or eating something that didn’t belong to them. This meme displays exactly how someone in that situation will look. It might be different for a foodie’s reaction because they can literally put up a fight.
9. Thanks Pookie For That Shocking Reply
Someone’s reply can truly be shocking but, you can choose to thank them with a hint of sarcasm. That is what this meme is about, responding to unexpected situations with fun and some level of seriousness.
10. Thanks Pookie For Making Me Receive All The Injections Alone
There are moments when people need as much support as they can get or someone accompanying them during a challenging experience. Sometimes, when the going gets tough and you’re left all alone, this meme can describe your remark.
11. Thanks Pookie For Spilling Coffee On My Shirt
You can sarcastically thank someone for accidentally causing you a mess or inconvenience. This meme is an accurate picture of how humor can be used to respond to everyday circumstances.
12. Thanks Pookie For Destroying My Furniture
When someone causes you damage or breaks something of value to you, this meme is the exact look you can give alongside no comments.
13. Thanks Pookie For Leaving Me To Do The Chores
Sometimes, doing the chores alone can be so burdensome. When you’re asked to do the chores with someone and they offer you little or no help, you can temporarily name them pookie. At this point, playfully thank them for not pulling their weight or helping with responsibilities.
14. Thanks Pookie For Helping Me Ruin My Project
This meme is a picture of how you can thank someone for contributing to a failed or unsuccessful project. It describes the fun way you can cope with failure and setbacks.
15. Thanks Pookie For The Successful Shock Of The Year
When you receive the shock of the day, you might not have so much to say but, your non-verbal cues can say it all. Then, you need to appreciate the pookie for what they have done – just like this meme
16. Thanks Pookie For Defending His Lies
This meme can be your sarcastic expression of gratitude to someone for defending or justifying their lies.
17. Thanks Pookie For Scaring Everyone
When someone raises a situation that calls for alarm or fear, you can appreciate the pookie. Just to relieve the tense aura and lighten people’s mood.
18. Thanks Pookie For Always Coming Through For Me
This meme is a genuine expression of appreciation for someone’s consistent support and help. In a hilarious way, it explains your thanks to someone who has put in so much effort to come through for you.
19. Thanks Pookie For Waking Me Up At 4am
Sarcastically, you can thank someone for disturbing your sleep or peace. It can be so annoying but, sometimes, it’s okay if you express your dissatisfaction by thanking the pookie.
20. Thanks Pookie For Revealing My Secret To Your Favourite Pet
Sometimes, you may need to physically describe to the pookie how confidential the information you share with them is by shutting their mouth with your hands. Mind you, it should be done to poke fun.
It’s A Wrap
Pookie may have driven you crazy, but at least you can laugh about it. I hope you enjoyed reading through this ‘Thanks Pookie’ article and found some memes that resonated with you. Don’t forget to share.