20 Table Bargain Responses


If this is your first time hearing the term ‘table bargain’, then you are in the right place. If you’ve probably heard the term before, you are still welcome as learning never ends.

The term ‘Table Bargain’ is often used interchangeably with Table Negotiations, and is used to refer deals or negotiations made at the negotiation table especially when it involves formal discussions or business.

If the parties are seated at a table, it means that they are seeing each other face-to-face when reaching an agreement. So, when someone offers to have a table bargain with you, what will be the best response to give to them?

Now that you have learned what Table Bargain means, you will also learn as you read further twenty (20) best responses to say to a person who offers a table bargain.

Table of Contents

See Who Wishes To Sit At The Table, Well, Hope You Brought Your Deal-closing Skills?

Since table bargain involves negotiating until the parties come to an agreement, one will need great deal-closing skills, especially if you intend for the deal to end favorably for you.

We Can Table Bargain Using a Video Call, That Is Since We Assume That We Have a Table Between Us And We Can See Each Other.

In this technology age, most bargaining is now being done online since people now transact from different locations around the world.

The concept of table bargaining involves people sitting face to face with each other on a table and making negotiations.

However, if the parties can agree to an imaginary table between them, then they can close any deals through a video call.

Wow, I didn’t know that this agreement involved a table bargain, it seems more serious than I thought.

Whenever the term table bargain is used, it transcends mere exchange of ideas, and it calls for serious business. Hence, if you were not expecting the negotiation to be so serious, you can use this statement when you find out that it is.

I also think that a table bargain is the best way to reach an agreement for this deal.

If you are in a meeting with someone and it becomes obvious that table bargaining will be the only way to reach an agreement, then you can use this statement also show your agreement.

Give me an address and a time, and I will definitely show up for the Table Bargain.

This response is used when you are willing to enter into a table bargain with someone else. If the table bargain will be physical instead of virtual, then this is a great way to get the address and time.

This statement can also be used metaphorically to mean that you will always be ready to negotiate any deal.

You bring the wine while I bring the deals, I’m sure we will have a great time sealing this deal.

For table bargains to exist, there have to be deals to be discussed and parties who are involved in the deals.

Hence, if you are working with a partner in bringing deals in and you are the better person to bring the deals in, then this statement will be the best table bargain response for you.

You selected the right person to sit for the table bargain on your behalf, I’ll be sure to close this deal.

If you are extremely good at closing deals and you are selected to table bargain on behalf of someone or a company, then this response will be most suitable for you.

When using this response, ensure that you really have what it takes to close that deal.

Should I just open the champagne, cause I know you always work your magic at the Table Bargain?

This response is mostly suitable when the person you are speaking to has been selected to represent the team in a table bargain probably because they are extremely good with closing deals.

I’m Always Afraid To Sit With You At The Table Bargain, You Are So Good At Negotiating, You Always Beat Me To It.

If someone invites you to the table bargain, and you know that they are extremely good at negotiating deals to their favor, you will be quite skeptical about honoring their invitation cause you know they will definitely eat you raw.

This Will Be My First Table Bargain As a Partner, I Hope To Get This Account For The Firm

Table Bargain Responses

This statement is created for those who work in the legal profession and have just been promoted to the position of partnership. Probably, he/she has just been invited to a table bargain to officiate their entrance into partnership.

If you are such a person, then this will be the best response to use and express how you feel about the situation.

You are the only person who can table bargain anything without actually sitting at a table.

You know, the saying, ‘Flattery will get you everywhere’ is represented in this statement. This is one of the best table bargain responses because it aims at flattering the other person’s ability to table bargain any deal.

Since this is extremely important to the both of us, maybe we should adjust the terms to meet both our needs.

When you are invited for a table bargain, it is because you have an interest in whatever deal that is made. So, instead of allowing it to get to a sit-down (table bargain), you can just adjust the terms to suitable conditions.

This mostly works in legal situations or diplomacy where the parties settle informally before it gets to a table bargain.

Table bargaining is always a starting point for such valuable offer, it makes for a good negotiation.

If you are using this statement, it means that the table bargain is actually a good thing for you. It could mean that if deals like that start with a table bargain, then it definitely means something good for both parties.

I totally understand your point of view, but I would love it if we revisit the terms once more.

Before the conversation leads to a table bargain, you may wish to revisit the terms of the agreement and see if the deal will be favourable.

This is because going formal (table bargain) may require certain rigorous steps that you may not be willing to go through.

The only place I’m ever interested in sitting is on a table bargain with you cause you bring the best deals.

If you are like me, the only table bargain that will excite you is the one that brings the best deals without much stress. If you have anyone around you who always brings great deals for you, then this is the best response to use for them.

This table bargain offer is great for us except for a few tweaks here or there to make it more feasible.

If you are already sitted on the table bargain and the deal is still ongoing, then this is the best response to use. Perhaps in the cause of discussing during, you would want to add the tweaks that will make the negotiation feasible for you.

I love your offer already, and yes, we can table bargain further to arrive at a mutual ground.

There are some offers that are so good that you will be willing to sit on a table bargain without even receiving an invite. The offers are so promising that you are willing to move it further during a table bargain.

Thank you for accepting to table bargain, and I hope we arrive at a conclusion that will be mutually beneficial

Table Bargain Responses

This response is mostly suitable when you are the one who makes the offer, and whether or not you sit at the table bargain depends on whether the other person takes the offer.

This response is further targeted on the fact that the other person has agreed your offer and is hoping for a mutually beneficial conclusion after you guys table bargain.

I would love to agree to this table bargain, only if you are willing to adjust some terms to make the deal favorable to me.

If you are already sitted at the table, and you feel like the bargain is something you would agree to if it was a lot more favorable, then the best thing is to negotiate till the terms are favorable to you.

After all, table bargain is all about making deals that profit you in every way, so use this response to ensure that you are getting the best out of that table bargain.

This Table Bargain Seems Great, But We Will Have To Revisit It In Six Months If We Are Considering Going Long Term.

When sitting on a table bargain, you have to be sensitive to know the type of deals that need to be revisited. Probably because the deal is a flexible one and needs constant adjustment to ensure that it is continuously favorable.

Also, the six-month period could be the trial period then after the revisiting, it becomes a permanent business relationship.

Final Words,

By now you should know what table bargain or table negotiation means, and when it is used. Also, you should know at least twenty suitable table bargain responses for all situations and all persons.

After reading this article, you should not find it difficult to respond to any table bargain comment or offer depending on the context or situation it is used.

Now that we have solved your table bargain problem, you can let us know what other responses you would love us to help you with to improve your communication skills.

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