20 Polite Ways to Say No to Covering a Shift


As far as you are in the labor force, you will always find a colleague asking you to cover a shift. They may have an important reason for their request (such as health challenges) or it could be a casual excuse like a date.

Whether you are saving a life or matchmaking the potential latest couple in town depends on whether you agree to cover that shift. However, you could say no to covering and what will be will still be.

There are two types of people who will ask you to cover a shift – those that always cover for you too and help you out when you need it, or those who will always need your help to cover a shift but will never cover or help you out.

You don’t actually owe anyone an explanation for saying no, but it will be nice especially if you let them know the reason for your refusal whether or not they have helped you in the past.

In this article, you will learn twenty (20) polite ways to say No to covering a shift. The statements written below may perfectly suit your situation or will simply serve as a guide on how to craft your polite response.

Table of Contents

I Would Have Loved to But I Have An Important Engagement Prior To This That I Cannot Miss

Polite Ways to Say No to Covering a Shift

Sometimes, you really wish to help them but you already had an engagement that you cannot reschedule or miss. If that is your situation, then this is the best way to turn them down politely.

Is It Possible To Raincheck At a Later Shift? ‘Cause I Have Somewhere To Be Now.

Another way to politely turn down someone’s request to cover their shift is to offer to cover a later shift which will be convenient for you. It could be at that point you have something urgent to do, and the only solution would be to raincheck.

I Have Already Taken Two Shifts, And I Had Planned For This Time Off To Get a Much Needed Rest So That I Don’t Break Down.

Sometimes, you pick up extra shifts to meet financial demands on you. This means that you will definitely need to have a long rest after taking those consecutive shifts.

It will not do you any good pushing your body past its limits as it is only a living being that can enjoy his/her money.

I Would Have Loved To Help But This Time Is Really Inconvenient For Me, Hope You Understand.

Well, whether they understand or not, we will stand on business and say no firmly. However, in the spirit of politeness, we explain that that time is really inconvenient, and hope that they actually do understand.

I Will Not Be Available At That Time, You May Want To Ask (Mention Someone Else’s Name)

When you let them know that you will not be available, do you offer them a solution, or do you allow them to figure it out themselves?

If you know someone else who you think may be free at that time, you could suggest it to the person asking you to cover their shift.

I Can’t Cover That Shift For You Cause It’s My Birthday And I Will Be At The Bar Celebrating With My Friends.

This polite excuse is more specific than the rest. You are giving the person the exact reason why you will not be available and where you will be at that time.

The event may not necessarily be a birthday, it could be a wedding, a family gathering, etc. Whatever it may be, your answer is still NO.

It’s Against The Company Policy To Work That Long Without Taking a Break, So I Won’t Be Able To Cover For You At This Time.

Most companies have a certain number of hours that an employer can work in a week. This is to ensure that employers are not overworking themselves and putting their health in danger.

So, if your company has such a policy, then it could be your reason for saying no especially if you have picked too many shifts.

You Know I Always Cover For You, But I Have An Important Appointment At That Time, So It Will Not Be Possible.

An appointment could mean a professional meeting or a visit to the doctor. Whatever it may be, this statement is used if have always covered up for the person, but an appointment is standing in your way this time.

I Don’t Want To Lie And Say That I Have Something To Do At That Time, So I Will Just Be Honest With You – I Don’t Want To Cover For Anyone That Day.

Like I always say, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Telling a little white lie will not hurt anyone, but if saying the truth will set you free, then ensure you are generous with the truth.

I Always Do Cover For You, But You Never Return The Favour, So I Think I Will Have To Decline This Time

Polite Ways to Say No to Covering a Shift

If the person asking you for a favor is a leech that keeps receiving without giving back, then this is the most polite way to say no to them. It communicates clearly the firmness of your decision and the reason behind it.

I don’t appreciate the fact that you are pushing this when I have already told you no, please just accept and respect my decision.

Sometimes, when you have already told them no, they keep pushing hoping to change your mind. It can be irritating especially when you have an important engagement at that time and they don’t care.

I Don’t Need Any Extra Shifts Right Now, And Even If I Did, Your Night Shifts Are Quite Inconvenient For Me.

This response also specifies your reason for refusing to cover the shift. It could be that the shift that they want you to cover is not convenient for you, this statement is a polite way to let them know.

I Guess Luck Is Not On Your Side, Cause I Will Be Unavailable At That Time, Goodluck Though!

Usually, you could be the go-to person whenever someone wants their shift covered. However, there are days you may have already made plans and will have to disappoint the person.

At that point, this is the best polite way to go about it.

You Got The Worst And Busiest Shift Ever, I Won’t Be Able To Cover For You Cause It Will Wear Me Out.

Most people are unfortunate to have shifts that are the busiest ever, and most times, you may want to help out, but when you remember how stressful the shift is, you will be forced to decline.

Oops, Colour Me Unavailable, I’m Sorry That I Will Not Be Able To Help You Out, You Can Ask Someone Else Instead.

This is a nice way to politely let the person know that you will not be available. Instead of just leaving them hanging, you can recommend that they ask someone else who may likely be more available.

I Have An Engagement Outside Of Town Which Means That I Will Not Even Be Available To Help Out.

Well, being in town and not being able to help is one thing, but being totally out of town is something different, and it shows that you actually will not be able to assist them.

I Think I’m Going To Have To Pass, Cause I Can’t Keep Covering Unpaid Shifts As I Have Bills To Pay.

There are companies that use their workers badly which is not nice. You cover a shift for someone which the company is aware of, but they will not pay you for whatever reason known to them.

If you still insist on working there probably because you don’t have another choice, then you may wish to use this polite response to say no to covering that shift.

I Can’t Do It Cause I Will Be In School At That Time, Sorry That I Couldn’t Be Of Much Help To You.

If you are a student worker, it will never be easy to combine work with school even though it is compulsory. So, if you have school and it clashes with the time of the shift, you may not be able to help out.

It Will Be Impossible For Me To Cover a Shift At That Time As I Have To Pick Up My Children From School Then

This polite response is suitable mostly for parents who have to do school runs after work. It is the most suitable and polite way to let them know of your responsibilities which they should understand.

The Only Way I Can Cover For You Is If You Agree To Permanently Switch Shifts, And I Know You Will Not Want To, So No Deal.

Well, if your shift is not really favorable to you, you may want to get the best deal from covering a shift. It could be that you are just humoring the person and there is some other reason why you may not be available.

To End With,

Remember, you don’t need to feel too bad that you cancel something important to you just to please someone. It is okay to say no, so stand firm in your decision.

Polite Ways to Say No to Covering a Shift

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