15 Other Ways to Say “You Drive a Hard Bargain”


The phrase “you drive a hard bargain” is used to refer to someone who is very good at negotiating a deal or bargaining a price point. Such a person is someone who does not shift grounds when they bargain. They stay on the terms they want and either convince you or firmly maintain their demands rather than agree to yours.

When you encounter such a person, you can be tempted to say they drive a hard bargain but you want to say it in a different way.

If this is you, then you are going to be interested in the 15 other ways to say “You drive a hard bargain” that I have outlined and discussed in this article.

Whether it is the person you are negotiating with or you found someone who is quite the negotiator, these suggestions will help you express the idea seamlessly.

What to Say Instead of “You Drive a Hard Bargain”

The following are alternatives you can use when you want to tell someone how hard bargaining against them can be:

  1. Our haggling might continue till tomorrow and we may not agree on a price
  2. You make it difficult to even make a profit on this purchase
  3. I have grown weary from our back and forth over the pricing
  4. I thought my wife was good at bargaining but you are on another level
  5. Now I know why everyone claims you cannot be cheated on purchases
  6. I wish it wasn’t you doing the bargaining right now
  7. You are really concerned about not leaving money on the table
  8. I have to just throw in the towel because I do not see us coming to a common ground on what this costs
  9. Remind me to always take you with me when I need to buy something
  10. I am not sure negotiators like Nelson Mandela and Theodore Roosevelt could have beaten you during a negotiation
  11. Insisting on this price point either means it is the actual value or you are one hell of a negotiator
  12. I bet people call you stubborn sometimes
  13. Are you one to back down at all?
  14. You’ve had me by the scruff of the neck all through this negotiation
  15. Your skills will come in handy when I need someone to buy me products that’ll be bang for the buck

Our Haggling Might Continue Till Tomorrow And We May Not Agree On A Price

Other Ways to Say You Drive a Hard Bargain

Instead of saying you drive a hard bargain, you can tell the person that “Our haggling might continue to tomorrow and we may not agree on a price.”

This is a statement you should use when you are trying to purchase something in a store or from a salesperson and you have been going back and forth for a long time.

You Make It Difficult To Even Make A Profit On This Purchase

As a salesperson or someone who is about to sell a product, when there is a person or customer who is driving a hard bargain one of the ways you can let them know this is to say you make it difficult to even make a profit on this chase or products.

This is a statement to use when you are the one selling the products. Also, you can use this statement if you are buying to be resold and are unable to arrive at the price that is convenient for you as well.

I Have Grown Weary From Our Back And Forth Over The Pricing

Instead of saying you drive a hard bargain, you can also tell a person that you are negotiating with that “I have grown weary from our back and forth over the pricing.”

What you are simply trying to say is that you are tired of having to propose the price and have them oppose it with another price point.

I Thought My Wife Was Good At Bargaining But You Are On Another Level

If you and the person you are negotiating with know someone in common, you can use that to talk about how much the person negotiates. This example focuses on a wife but you can edit it to be anybody.

The goal is for both of you to know the person you are comparing them to. If the person’s name is “Grant,” then you can say “I thought Grant was good at bargaining but you are on another level.”

Now I Know Why Everyone Claims You Cannot Be Cheated On Purchases

Now I know why everyone claims you cannot be cheated on purchases” is another synonym for “You drive a hard bargain.” This is more like a compliment and it is a way of affirming something that might have been the buzz around about them.

So, if everyone believes that the person is a good negotiator and they show you how good they are, this is a perfect example to use in this context.

I Wish It Wasn’t You Doing The Bargaining Right Now

Another alternative to “You drive a hard bargain” is to say “I wish it wasn’t you doing the bargaining right now.” This will come in handy when you are talking to someone who might not be the original owner of the product.

Also, you can use this statement when the person bargaining was not who you expected to come. Maybe you guys had a previous arrangement but then there’s somebody in place now and they are bargaining really hard.

You Are Really Concerned About Not Leaving Money On The Table

Other Ways to Say You Drive a Hard Bargain

You can also say this example instead of “You drive a hard bargain.”

When you say that somebody does not want to leave money on the table, it means that they are trying to get the best possible deal or make sure that the product is exactly what every penny they are paying for it.

You can use this statement during a purchase or when trying to strike a deal.

I Have To Just Throw In The Towel Because I Do Not See Us Coming To A Common Ground On What This Costs

I have to just throw in the towel because I do not see us coming to a common ground on what this costs” is a good alternative to use when you are bargaining about the price of something.

This statement lets them know that you agree to their terms not because it benefits you, but because you recognize that they will never agree with you.

Remind Me To Always Take You With Me When I Need To Buy Something

If you just find out that somebody, probably a friend or a relative, really drives a hard bargain, you can tell them “Remind me to always take you with me when I need to buy something” as a way to let them know that you think they are very good negotiators.

You can also use any of the other examples that I have provided below:

  • When I go to the market next time, I am definitely taking you with me
  • Didn’t know you were this good with negotiations. You should be in the meeting with those guys on Monday morning

I Am Not Sure Negotiators Like Nelson Mandela And Theodore Roosevelt Could Have Beaten You During A Negotiation

Other Ways to Say You Drive a Hard Bargain

In world history, there are several men who are considered good negotiators. Two of these men are Nelson Mandela and Theodore Roosevelt.

If you want to use this example, you can say “I am not sure negotiators like Nelson Mandela and Theodore Roosevelt could have beaten you during a negotiation.”

Use this when you want to tell someone that they drive a hard bargain. You can also make reference to somebody who is a good negotiator that they might know.

  • You remember Simon, right? He negotiated and helped us secure that property but I am sure you’d have done a better job
  • If there’s a role for a negotiator in a movie, I am sure you’ll be a natural

Insisting On This Price Point Either Means It Is The Actual Value Or You Are One Hell Of A Negotiator

Here’s another alternative to “You drive a hard bargain” and it is a good option to use because if someone is going hard on a particular price point for a product it is often because what you are about to pay for it is actually value or they are simply just being rigid with their bargaining.

I Bet People Call You Stubborn Sometimes

It takes a level of stubbornness to be hard on a bargain. This is why a statement like “I bet people call you stubborn sometimes” is another good alternative to “You drive a hard bargain.”

They should see it as a compliment rather than an attack on their character. However, you should be sarcastic or appear to smile when you say it so they don’t get it in the wrong way.

Are You One To Back Down At All?

Another way you can say that someone drives a hard bargain is to ask them “Are you one to back down at all?” If you were speaking to someone who’s trying to buy something from you and they insist on a particular price, you can use this example.

Negotiations over a deal are perfect to use this example. For instance, negotiating over a salary structure, a contract agreement, a promotion, and so on.

You’ve Had Me By The Scruff Of The Neck All Through This Negotiation

Another example of an alternative to “You drive a hard bargain” is “You’ve had me by the scruff of the neck all through this negotiation.”

I recommend that you use this example when you feel unfairly dominated by the other person during the negotiation process. You can see this if the other party has always had the upper hand in the discussions and it made it difficult for you to convince them to agree on your own terms.

It is more of a show of vulnerability and a lack of power in the situation.

Your Skills Will Come In Handy When I Need Someone To Buy Me Products That’ll Be Bang For The Buck

Finally, another way you can say that someone drives a heart bargain is to say “Your skills will come in handy when I need someone to buy me products that’ll be bang for the buck.”

This is when you recognize the person’s ability to find good deals or value-for-money products. You are showing them that you appreciate their skills in negotiating and bargaining and would want to rely on them when you want to make purchases in the future.

Final Thoughts

Now you know what to say to people instead of the regular, nonchalant “You drive a hard bargain.” Feel free to use any of the suggestions in the article I have provided based on the contexts and scenarios I have tried to paint for each.

You can bookmark this page so that you do not have problems remembering the suggestions I have provided.

Other Ways to Say You Drive a Hard Bargain

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