15 Other Ways to Say “You Are So Kind”


The term “You are so kind” is a compliment that is used to address someone who has done something affectionate, selfless, or generous. It is often used when we feel like someone has gone out of their way to get something done for us or for us.

By saying “You are so kind,” you are attempting to acknowledge your gratitude for what they have done.

In this article, I am about to show you 15 other ways to say “You are so kind” that still capture the essence of the word but make the compliment even more special. I have also added scenarios and cases where you can use each of the responses provided.

What to Say Instead of “You Are So Kind”

  1. I wouldn’t have done this without your help. Thank you for always showing me that you have my back.
  2. Calling you a lifesaver would be an understatement. Thank you so much
  3. I wish there was a way I could repay all your kindness to me.
  4. One day, I’d tell the world about how kind you are and I’d make sure everyone listens.
  5. I have never seen anyone so generous like you. I feel lucky always
  6. Sometimes I wonder whether I am using you or I mistakenly cast a spell on you. Your kindness towards me is incredible
  7. I can’t fathom how lovely you are as a person. If I had to choose a friend, I’d always choose you
  8. No word best describes you like the word selfless and I am so happy you are my friend.
  9. Your thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me. How you know the exact thing to do for every situation is remarkable.
  10. Everyone can see how kind you are. Imagine trying to pacify him without even raising your tone
  11. I wish I could steal your heart. You are so empathetic and kind.
  12. I’d be jealous if you weren’t my friend. Thank you, Ann.
  13. Going out of your way like this for a stranger is absolutely bizarre. I admire you a lot
  14. Please, feel free to let me know when you need me because you’ve done enough for me already and it is high time I began to reciprocate
  15. When God was creating you, He gave you the kindness of a thousand people. If there’s a word more than kind, that’s what you are

I Wouldn’t Have Done This Without Your Help. Thank You For Always Showing Me That You Have My Back

One of the many occasions where we’d want to tell someone that they are so kind is after they’ve helped us do something. With this statement, you are not just appreciating them for what they have just helped you to do but also for their consistency in always showing up for you.

Where to use this statement:

  • When a friend helps you through a difficult time
  • When your colleague helps you get a task done and it has become a routine of some sort
  • While appreciating your spouse for coming through for you

Calling You A Lifesaver Would Be An Understatement. Thank You So Much

Other Ways to Say You Are So Kind

When someone repeatedly proves how kind they are to you, instead of just pointing it out to them that way you could call them a lifesaver. There are people in my life that have earned that title. They’d always come through when they knew I needed them.

When to Use this Statement:

  • When someone bails you out of a life-threatening situation
  • When your friend drops what they are doing and comes through for you last-minute

I Wish There Was A Way I Could Repay All Your Kindness To Me

If the person you want to say “You are so kind” to is a friend and they have a track record of showing their kindness to you, rather than go plainly, you could say “I wish there was a way I could repay all your kindness to me.

With a statement like that, you are letting them know that you’d love to reciprocate their gestures as you are getting uncomfortable always being on the receiving end.

When to Use this Statement:

  • Your friend helps you while moving into a new apartment
  • Someone supported you through a challenging emotional period and you want to express your appreciation.

One Day, I’d Tell The World About How Kind You Are And I’d Make Sure Everyone Listens

Another way to say “You are so kind” to someone who has consistently shown you how kind they can be is to say “One day, I’d tell the world about how kind you are and I’d make sure everyone listens.”

This cheeky statement conveys how grateful you are for their kindness while letting them know that you won’t pass up the chance to talk about it with anyone. It is one thing to appreciate someone and another thing to blow their trumpet to others.

When to use this statement:

  • When talking about a friend and you want others to know how kind they have been to you
  • You get unexpected help from them and want to show your gratitude

I Have Never Seen Anyone So Generous Like You. I Feel Lucky Always

If the kindness the person has shown you is based on their generosity, probably they did something for you or bought something for you because they were being generous, a perfect alternative to use would be “I have never seen anyone so generous as you. I feel lucky always.”

You can stick to hyping them up about their generosity if they are acquaintances. The second part of this statement should be for people you are quite familiar with or those who have a track record of always being generous.

When to Use this Statement:

  • A friend organizes a party for you or pays your bill
  • The person has always consistently supported you financially

Sometimes I Wonder Whether I Am Using You Or I Mistakenly Cast A Spell On You. Your Kindness Towards Me Is Incredible

If you’ve ever met a kind person, it is easy to assume you are using them because of how lovely and selfless they can be.

When the person you want to acknowledge for their kindness is a friend or colleague, you could say “Sometimes I wonder whether I am using you or I mistakenly cast a spell on you. Your kindness towards me is incredible.” I am pretty sure it is going to get them feeling butterflies in their bellies.

When to Use this Statement:

  • When you ask for their help and they always show up to help you
  • When you have a coworker who is always willing to assist you

I Can’t Fathom How Lovely You Are As A Person. If I Had To Choose A Friend, I’d Always Choose You 

Another way to appreciate a person who’s a friend and is always kind to you is to say “I can’t fathom how lovely you are as a person. If I had to choose a friend, I’d always choose you.”

They are going to get the message and appreciate you for being real with them. If they aren’t your friend and you want to let them know you think they are very kind, you could say “I can’t fathom how lovely you are as a person. You have a very rare personality.

When to Use this Statement:

  • After spending time together with them and you wanted to share how kind they are
  • During heart-to-heart conversations with your best friend

No Word Best Describes You Like The Word Selfless And I Am So Happy You Are My Friend

While this alternative is designed to appreciate your exceptionally kind friend, you can use it to appreciate anyone who is kind to you as well. For your friend, you could say “No word best describes you like the word selfless and I am so happy you are my friend.”

When to Use this Statement:

  • When they go out of their way to help you or a stranger
  • During their birthday or a special occasion to celebrate them

Your Thoughtfulness Never Ceases To Amaze Me. How You Know The Exact Thing To Do For Every Situation Is Remarkable

Other Ways to Say You Are So Kind

Another way you can tell someone that they are so kind is to say “Your thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me. How you know the exact thing to do for every situation is remarkable.”

This statement points to their thoughtfulness which must have birthed their kindness. It is a good statement to use when someone does something for you.

The statement above works for friends and relatives and if you want something for acquaintances, here’s one: Your thoughtfulness is truly amazing. How did you know the exact thing I wanted?

When to Use this Statement:

  • After a friend gives you a perfect gift that shows that they truly understand you
  • When your partner tries to make you feel good by helping you handle some of your chores

Everyone Can See How Kind You Are. Imagine Trying To Pacify Him Without Even Raising Your Tone

People can show how kind they are in certain situations. When the person does something kind even though it isn’t directly to you, you could say “Everyone can see how kind you are.”

The second part of this statement would be you mentioning the exact thing they did that made you settle for the idea that they were very kind.

When to Use this Statement:

  • While discussing how the person knows how to handle difficult situations
  • When you are narrating how they doused the tension in a raging situation with kind words

I Wish I Could Steal Your Heart. You Are So Empathetic And Kind

I had a friend who was so kind, I felt like stealing their heart. They gave me the inspiration to use a statement like this.

By saying “I wish I could steal your heart. You are so empathetic and kind,” you could sound covetous but then it only shows the level of how kind you think they are, which is obviously a state of the heart. If you want their heart, it shows how highly you think of them and how kind they are.

When to Use this Statement:

  • To express your admiration for their kind heart and how you wish you were as kind as they are

I’d Be Jealous If You Weren’t My Friend. Thank You, Ann

This is another way you can make your friend feel appreciated for their kindness. I often tell my friends “I’d be jealous if you weren’t my friend.” I will feel elated when someone tells me they’d be jealous to not have me as their friend.

You can go on to personalize this statement by telling them Thank you and mentioning their name or a pet name for them. If they are not really your friend, you could tell them “I’d be jealous if you weren’t on my side.”

When to Use this Statement:

  • When your friend comes through for you and you want to appreciate them
  • If you are going to publicly praise your friend for being kind

Going Out Of Your Way Like This For A Stranger Is Absolutely Bizarre

If you just met someone and they do something that you find too kind, you could say “Going out of your way like this for a stranger is absolutely bizarre.

With a statement like this, you are complimenting them for being so kind and selfless. It is capable of building a strong bond with them and it could be the start of an amazing friendship.

When to Use this Statement:

  • When your friend is kind to someone else without reservations and you want to acknowledge them for it.

Please, Feel Free To Let Me Know When You Need Me Because You’ve Done Enough For Me Already And It Is High Time I Began To Reciprocate

Another way you can acknowledge someone for being kind, especially towards you is to let them know that you are going to reciprocate their gesture.

A perfect statement to use to express your thoughts is “Please, feel free to let me know when you need me because you’ve done enough for me already and it is high time I began to reciprocate.”

Maybe it was a one-time thing or something that just happened, you could say “Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me when you need me. I won’t pass on the opportunity to repay you for your kindness.

When to Use this Statement:

  • If you want them to know that you want to reciprocate their kindness to them
  • After receiving favors and help from the person and you want to show your indebtedness.

When God Was Creating You, He Gave You The Kindness Of A Thousand People. If There’s A Word More Than Kind, That’s What You Are

Other Ways to Say You Are So Kind

This is one of my personal favorites when I want to appreciate or acknowledge someone for their kindness. It is quite poetic if I say it to them physically but that doesn’t limit its delivery. You can tell someone whether it is over the phone or while you are with them.

By telling them “When God was creating you, He gave you the kindness of a thousand people. If there’s a word more than kind, that’s what you are” you are going to get them feeling overly special and I can guarantee that.

When to Use this Statement:

  • During the person’s birthday or wedding
  • While you are reflecting on all the people who have influenced your life

Final Thoughts

As always, I strive to let you in on creative ways to have conversations. The goal is to always show you how to be better when you interact with other people.

In this article, I am sure you have found creative ways to say “You are so kind” without using those words. Spice up your conversations with these examples and make whoever you are trying to compliment feel really special.

Other Ways to Say You Are So Kind

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