15 Other Ways to Say “Thinking of You”


It is so important to your friends and loved ones that you are thinking of them when they are going through something tough.

Also, you can let someone know that you are thinking of them in order to give them a hint of how much support, concern, and love is flowing from you to them. One of the best things saying to someone I’m thinking of you can do to them is to let them know that they are not forgotten.

There are so many equivalent words that can be used instead of ‘thinking of you’. ‘I’m musing about you’ fits perfectly in when showing affection, while ‘You’re in my prayers’ offers encouragement and motivation to someone.

Amongst many alternatives, 15 words similar to ‘thinking of you’ are explained in this article. Ensure to consider the context and the status of the recipient before picking a suitable phrase. Besides, it is best to use ‘Sending you best wishes’ or ‘I hope everything is okay’ in formal situations.

Is It Appropriate To Say ‘Thinking Of You?’

‘Thinking of you’ is a mindful phrase that can be used in different contexts. Although the contexts it can be used differ, for appropriate usage, the relationship and tone between the speaker and the recipient in most cases need to be cordial.

For example, when having a conversation with friends, family, or loved ones, ‘thinking of you’ can be used to show care.

When showing support to someone who is suffering from a health challenge or an accident, you can use the phrase as well. Also, you can let someone know that you are thinking of them during their special days. It is a thoughtful way to reach out to someone.

In a professional or formal context, the phrase ‘Thinking of you’ is not appropriate. This is because it sounds too personal, and in that setting, it is expected to be free but not casual.

Furthermore, the phrase is not suitable for acquaintances since it has a sort of flirty tone and can be misunderstood.

15 Alternative Ways to Say “Thinking Of You”

The following are 15 alternatives to ‘thinking of you’. Along with it are the contexts in which they can be applied with some practical examples.

  1. You’re on my mind.
  2. I’m thinking about you.
  3. You’re in my thoughts.
  4. I’m pondering you.
  5. You’re in my heart.
  6. I’m thinking about you.
  7. You’re in my prayers.
  8. I’m sending you love.
  9. You’re not far from my thoughts.
  10. I’m keeping you in mind.
  11. You’re in my reflections
  12. I’m thinking about you.
  13. You’re in my consideration.
  14. I’m holding you in my thoughts.
  15. You’re near and precious to me.

You’re On My Mind

Other Ways to Say Thinking of You

‘You’re on my mind’ is a casual substitute for ‘thinking of you’ that gives a literal meaning. It is most appropriate to use when a person’s thought is consumed by someone else’s actions, smiles, or words.

It is one friendly statement you can say to a close pal or loved one with whom you are in a conversation.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’ve been thinking about our conversation, and you’re on my mind. I hope everything is okay!’
  • ‘I’ve been stressed lately, and you’re on my mind. Wish you were here to talk.’

I’m Thinking About You

A more direct and straightforward way to say ‘thinking of you’ is ‘I’m thinking about you’. This match can be used in informal and some formal settings.

It gives a clue to the recipient that someone is mindful of them. Furthermore, the message this phrase passes is beyond saying flirty words; it can also be utilized to make a correction that has been pressing on a person’s mind.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m thinking about you and trying to know how your day has been. Can’t wait to catch up later!’
  • ‘I’m thinking about you and all the times we’ve had. Nevertheless, this relationship must end!’

You’re In My Thoughts

‘You’re in my thoughts’ slightly differs from ‘thinking of you’ since it is used in more formal contexts. When someone says to another, ‘You’re in my thoughts’, a lot of pictures tend to flash before the eyes of the recipient as he or she makes efforts to decipher what exactly is in the thought of the speaker.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re in my thoughts, and I’m sending positive vibes your way. Take care of yourself!’
  • ‘You’re in my thoughts, and I’m hoping all we’ve discussed works out.’

I’m Pondering You

The phrase ‘I’m pondering you’ is a ‘thinking of you’ replacement that gives deep insight into someone’s emotions and sense of judgment. ‘To ponder’ means to contemplate or reflect deeply on something or someone.

The statement is most applicable in a situation where someone wants to show the extent of work put into a matter before coming up with a resolution.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m pondering our last conversation, and I’m still thinking about your words. You made me put a lot into consideration.’
  • ‘I’m pondering our last conversation, and I think John’s perspective is great. Let’s go with it.’

You’re In My Heart

‘You’re on my heart’ is a flirty ‘thinking of you’ replacement that conveys an emotional connection, which is usually in a romantic manner.

It is proper in a conversation with a crush, a romantic partner, and loved ones in general. Nonetheless, the equivalent ‘You’re on my heart’ can also be used to show empathy during the loss of someone dear or something vital.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re in my heart, and I’m praying for your well-being. Stay strong!’
  • ‘You’re in my heart, and I’m cheering you on.’

I’m Thinking About You

To reminisce means to cast one’s mind to the past. And so, when recalling a picture of fond memories, ‘I’m reminiscing about you’ passes a more direct message than ‘thinking of you’.

Also, the phrase can be used as a reminder of past memories, which may not entirely be a happy or sad one.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m reminiscing about our time together, and I miss you. Those were good times!’
  • ‘I’m reminiscing about our childhood memories, and I miss you.

You’re In My Prayers

‘You’re in my prayers’ is another statement similar to ‘thinking of you’ that is proper in religious situations. In spiritual settings, this statement, when spoken or written to someone, gives them a hint that they are given support and cared for. That is, someone is concerned about them.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re in my prayers, and I’m asking for blessings and guidance for you. Stay safe!’
  • ‘You’re in my prayers, and I’m asking for your safety’

I’m Sending You Love

Other Ways to Say Thinking of You

The phrase ‘I’m sending you love’ is another equivalent for ‘thinking of you’ that is used in emotional or casual contexts to show affection.

When someone is in a tight situation in need of help or getting for a competition, saying to them, ‘I’m sending you love’ is a super great way to express support to them.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m sending you love and positive energy. Hope it brightens your day!’
  • ‘I’m sending you love and inspiration. Have a productive time!’

You’re Not Far From My Thoughts

‘You’re not far from my thoughts’ is a thoughtful way to say to someone that they are often in your mind. It also implies that someone may not have been thinking about another all day, but they thought about them time and time again, even though not constantly.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re not far from my thoughts, even when we’re apart. You’re always on my mind.’
  • ‘You’re not far from my thoughts, even when we’re busy. I miss you.

I’m Keeping You In Mind

The ‘thinking of you’ substitute ‘I’m keeping you in mind’ suggests that someone has given some level of attention to something. In regards to decision-making, ‘I’m keeping you in mind’ is a statement that mirrors someone’s consideration before or when a decision is about to be made.

Practical application:

    • ‘I’m keeping you in mind as I make this decision. Your input is valuable to me.’
    • ‘I’m keeping you in mind as I plan this surprise party. What do you think?’

You’re In My Reflections

When seeking to know a person deeper during examining their emotional and mental process, it is in place to say to them, ‘You’re in my reflections’.

It shows how thoughtful a person is in their endeavor about another to the extent that they are under consideration.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re in my reflections, and I’m thinking about our journey together. We’ve come a long way!’
  • ‘You’re in my reflections, and I’m meditating about our growth as partners.

I’m Thinking About You

A casual and relaxed statement to notify a person that they are on someone’s mind is ‘I’m musing about you’. This gives someone a sense of daydreaming and a feeling that they have a special place in someone’s heart.

Also, this statement is a clear indication that anyone who says this has a crush on the person they say it to.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m musing about you and wondering what you’re up to. Hope all is well!’
  • ‘I’m thinking about you. I hope brainstorming is an exciting activity.’

You’re In My Consideration

The phrase ‘You’re in my consideration’ is another more formal way to say ‘thinking of you’. It is mostly used in times of decision-making to indicate that someone is not neglected but is being taken into account.

The statement is a direct and considerable way to respond to someone who claims to have been forgotten when that’s not the case.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re in my considerations as I plan this project. Your expertise is crucial.’
  • ‘You’re in my considerations as I make this important decision. Your opinion matters.’

I’m Holding You In My Thoughts 

A show of support and assistance can be hidden or very clear, depending on how it is conveyed in writing and speech. Nonetheless, ‘I’m holding you in my thoughts’ is a straightforward way to say to someone that they’ve got emotional support or the connection needed to move to another height.

Practical application:

  • ‘I’m holding you in my thoughts and sending comfort your way. Stay strong!’
  • ‘I’m holding you in my thoughts with love and concern in trying times like this. Stay strong!’

You’re Near And Precious To Me

Other Ways to Say Thinking of You

‘You’re near and precious to me’ is a personal expression that signifies that someone is very close to a person’s heart, mind, and emotions.

It expresses closeness and recognition of a relationship. Furthermore, the statement expresses a sense of care and commitment to push a connection further.

Practical application:

  • ‘You’re near and precious to me, and I’m so grateful for our friendship.’
  • ‘My family is near and precious to me, and I’d do anything to support them.’

Parting Words 

Shared in this article are 15 other ways to say thinking of you. On a normal day, the statement is an unprofessional one. However, there are a variety of ways to say to someone that you are thinking about them.

A few were shared in this article and exemplified. There are a few other alternatives to use in formal contexts in order to sound like an expert while communicating.

Other Ways to Say Thinking of You

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