15 Other Ways to Say “That’s So Sweet Of You”


‘That’s so sweet of you’ is a phrase often used to express appreciation for someone’s kind or thoughtful gesture.

However, there are many other ways to say the same thing with different tones, depending on the context, or simply avoid repetition.

Perhaps you’re aiming to be more specific, express deeper appreciation, or simply switch things up, this article provides you with 15 alternative phrases that best fit ‘That’s so sweet of you’. Let’s go right in!

What to say instead of “that’s so sweet of you”

Here are 15 alternatives to say ‘That’s so sweet of you’:

  1. That’s really kind of you.
  2. How thoughtful of you.
  3. You’re so considerate.
  4. That’s really nice of you.
  5. You’re very generous.
  6. I appreciate your kindness.
  7. You’re so caring.
  8. That’s very touching.
  9. You’re really thoughtful.
  10. You’re incredibly thoughtful.
  11. You’re so kind-hearted.
  12. That’s really heartwarming.
  13. That’s very gracious of you.
  14. You’re so compassionate.
  15. That’s really lovely of you.

That’s Really Kind Of You

That’s really kind of you,’ is another way to say ‘that’s so sweet of you’. It simply means the same thing as the original which is an appreciation for someone’s nice action.

However, you can use it in more formal contexts unlike  ‘That’s so sweet of you.’

Here’s an example:

I never expected you’d show up but you did, that’s really kind of you 

How Thoughtful Of You

‘How thoughtful of you,’ is another great alternative for ‘that’s so sweet of you’ because it shows that you recognize and appreciate someone’s effort or care in what they did. It’s a simple way to say you notice and value their consideration.

Here’s how you may engage it: 

I love how you defended me on the matter, how thoughtful of you!

You’re So Considerate

Other Ways to Say That's So Sweet Of You

In some contexts, saying ‘that’s so sweet of you’ might come off as vague because it’s not pointing at a particular thing.  However, when you say ‘You’re so considerate,’ you clearly compliment the person for being mindful and caring about you.

It’s a more apt alternative to the original post and can work mostly in informal contexts because it sounds somewhat personal.

Here’s a sample example: 

I least expected that you’ll come this length, you’re so considerate! Thank you!

That’s Really Nice Of You

If you want a really easy-to-understand alternative, then try ‘That’s really nice of you,’. It’s a casual way to show appreciation for someone’s kind action and let them know that you value what they did.

You can use it in scenarios where you didn’t accept the person’s gesture.

Here’s how you may use it:

I never expected this level of attention from you, that’s really nice of you. 

You’re Very Generous

One of the reasons you might want to say ‘that’s so sweet of you’ is that a person was generous to you.

However, the original phrase doesn’t really express that and that’s why you should use this alternative. It is a simple yet satisfying way to make someone feel appreciated for their actions or gestures.

Here’s a sentence example: 

Your assistance came off as a great relief, you’re very generous. 

I Appreciate Your Kindness

Instead of just staying the obvious – that the individual has done something nice or sweet, you may want to consider showing appreciation instead.  ‘I appreciate your kindness,’ is a polite and sincere way to acknowledge their effort.

You can use it when you want to focus more on appreciation than just saying mere acknowledgment.

Here’s an Example: 

I appreciate your kindness in helping me with my project. It really made a difference.

You’re So Caring

Perhaps your reason for wanting to say ‘that’s so sweet of you’ is because you received a level of care from the person, then you should consider being more specific and that’s where this phrase comes in. It’s a simple compliment that clearly acknowledges their care.

Here’s how you can use it:

You’re so caring for taking the time to listen to my concerns. It means a lot to me.

That’s Very Touching

Other Ways to Say That's So Sweet Of You

This alternative is best suited if a person’s gesture had an emotional impact on you. It shows that you were moved by their gesture. It’s more of a personal phrase and will do well in informal contexts.

Here’s an Example:

That’s very touching of you to remember my birthday and send a gift. I really appreciate it

You’re Really Thoughtful

You’re really thoughtful,’ is an excellent alternative for ‘that’s so sweet of you’ because it highlights how the person’s actions show careful consideration and kindness.

It acknowledges their effort to be considerate.


You’re really thoughtful about planning this surprise party. It shows how much you care.

You’re So Kind-Hearted

This is another quite straightforward alternative. It recognizes the exact way the person has behaved towards you other than just saying ‘that’s sweet of you’ without a reason.

You can use this phrase if you want to commend someone for showing you kindness. It can go well in both formal and informal conversations to commend someone.

Here’s an Example:

I never expected that you’d volunteer for the event after the stress you went through. You’re so kind-hearted! 

That’s Really Heartwarming

‘That’s really heartwarming,’ is another way of saying ‘that’s so sweet of you’ because it expresses that the person’s action made you feel warm and happy inside.

It’s a way to say that what they did had a good impact on you. It’s more suitable for informal contexts.


‘That’s really heartwarming of you to check in on me during a tough time. It lifted my spirits.’

You’re Incredibly Thoughtful

In some contexts, the original phrase- ‘that’s so sweet of you’ may sound too mild to express how much someone has done for you. That’s where this phrase comes in!

It is a way to tell someone that they put a lot of care and attention into what they did for you, especially if they went out of their way to think about your needs or feelings and took action based on that.

Here’s an Example:

You’re incredibly thoughtful for remembering how much I love that book and getting it for me.

That’s Very Gracious Of You

Other Ways to Say That's So Sweet Of You

If someone has behaved in a courteous manner towards you, then you may want to try this phrase instead of the original phrase. It can be used in formal and informal settings, unlike the original phrase which is more suited for informal conversations.

Here’s how you can try it : 

That’s very gracious of you to offer your help when I was struggling with the workload.

You’re So Compassionate

‘That’s so sweet of you’ is more general and can apply to any kind or thoughtful gesture, big or small. However, ‘You’re so compassionate says more about the care or empathy you’ve received from someone.

So, instead of vaguely saying the original phrase you can use this one to commend someone for their specific compassionate gesture toward you.

Here’s an example: 

You’re so compassionate for listening to me when I needed someone to talk to.

That’s Really Lovely Of You

That’s really lovely of you,’ is a subtle alternative that does not only commend a person’s gestures but shows appreciation for it.

It’s a warm and friendly way to acknowledge what someone has done for you, be it a favor or just any gesture.


 That’s really lovely of you to organize this dinner.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! 15 great ways to say ‘that’s so sweet of you’. While ‘That’s so sweet of you’ is a lovely way to thank someone, having a variety of alternatives allows you to match your response to the situation more precisely.

So whether you need something more formal, informal, or just a different way to show you care, there’s something for everyone.

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Other Ways to Say That's So Sweet Of You

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