15 Other Ways to Say “Snitches Got Stitches”


The phrase “Snitches get stitches” means that people who inform on others are going to face negative consequences which sometimes might involve physical harm. 

This colloquial phrase has been used severally to say that someone who tells other people about a person’s business or life (the snitch) is going to get themselves in trouble (the stitch).

As the popularity in the use of this phrase continues, you might want to get alternatives and that’s why I have discussed 15 other ways to say “Snitches get stitches.”

If you don’t want to use the expression as it is commonly used, there are enough options in this article for you.

Table of Contents

What to Say Instead of “Snitches Get Stitches”

  1. As a talebearer, you are not going to get the access you used to enjoy. Sorry, but no sorry
  2. You are leaky. I can’t keep someone like you on my side
  3. I might be tempted to do something bad to you since you keep snitching on me
  4. You aren’t welcome around here anymore since you learn stuff about me to teach others
  5. The way you are going, disclosing things I told you in confidence, I might do something to you we both would regret
  6. I hate to have loose ends and unfortunately, I consider you a loose end
  7. When you’ve got a tear, what do you do? Fix it right? Well, you are one tear that requires fixing
  8. You’ve abused the privilege of access and abusers get axed
  9. This is the last time you are going to hear from me and that’s on you
  10. You know what they say about snitches, yeah? Well, I am trying to restrain myself from doing just that
  11. I honestly believed we could be friends but I cannot be friends with someone whose mouth always bears tales
  12. I won’t hesitate to cut off anyone who’s unable to show me in their actions that they’ve got my back
  13. Take this as a cue to not go about telling on me cause there’d be serious consequences that would follow
  14. What’s your health insurance status? Hope you have one. Cause you might have to make a claim since you can’t put a lid over your mouth about my matter
  15. I have been thinking of the best thing to do to you so you know how ridiculous the idea of snitching on me is. I guess loyalty is hard to come by these days

As a Talebearer, You Are Not Going to Get The Access You Used to Enjoy. Sorry, But No Sorry

Other Ways to Say Snitches Got Stitches

Let’s start off with a statement like “As a talebearer, you are not going to get the access you used to enjoy. Sorry but no sorry.”

Anyone who’s snitching on you is a talebearer. You tell them something and the next minute they are discussing it with other people.

Blocking off access is one of the things you’ll want to do if:

  • You can’t physically hurt them
  • Or they won’t stop snitching on you

We don’t encourage violence over here anyway.

You Are Leaky. I Can’t Keep Someone Like You On My Side

Moving on, you can use a statement like “You are leaky. I can’t keep someone like you on my side” if you want to let the person know what you think about them.

The term “leaky” is clear enough to prove to them that you consider them a snitch and the consequence for that action is how you won’t want to keep them by your side.

I Might Be Tempted To Do Something Bad To You Since You Keep Snitching On Me

Sometimes, you might need to be confrontational just so you put the snitch in their place. A statement like “I might be tempted to do something bad to you since you keep snitching on me” has enough action in it to show the desired level of confrontation.

There’s nothing wrong in letting them know that they are at risk of being hurt if they continue.

This might discourage them, well, that is if they value your relationship with them well enough.

You Aren’t Welcome Around Here Anymore Since You Learn Stuff About Me To Teach Others

You don’t always have to give a warning when you want to pass the message that snitches get stitches. Going with the stitch to communicate your message is another way to let them know the repercussions of their actions.

“You aren’t welcome around here anymore since you learn stuff about me to teach others” is a perfect alternative to “Snitches get stitches” based on the context I just explained.

The Way You Are Going, Disclosing Things I Told You In Confidence, I Might Do Something To You We Both Would Regret

“The way you are going, disclosing things I told you in confidence, I might do something to you we both would regret” can also be used instead of “Snitches get stitches.”

This is perfect for friends or colleagues. It could be someone you trusted and began to share things about yourself with them. I know this happens to a lot of people.

With a statement like this, you are expressing your disappointment to them while letting them know that there will be consequences that follow.

I Hate To Have Loose Ends And Unfortunately, I Consider You A Loose End

Another clear message to pass in place of “Snitches get stitches” is “I hate to have loose ends and unfortunately, I consider you a loose end.”

In this context, we don’t call them snitches but loose ends which is almost the same thing.

By telling them that you hate to have loose ends, they know you are going to do something about loose ends since you consider them one. If they don’t, well, that’s their loss.

When You’ve Got A Tear, What Do You Do? Fix It Right? Well, You Are One Tear That Requires Fixing

If you want to tell a friend or a close buddy that snitches get stitches, you could say “When you’ve got a tear, what do you do? Fix it right? Well, you are one tear that requires fixing.”

You could meet up with them or ask to see them and let them know what you think about their personality.

How you want to fix them shouldn’t be their concern. A tear isn’t a good thing and that’s enough of a message to them.

You’ve Abused The Privilege Of Access And Abusers Get Axed

Let’s instill fear, shall we?

“You’ve abused the privilege of access and abusers get axed” is going to make them really think about their stance with you especially if you say it in an intimidating fashion.

They were only able to snitch in the first place because you gave them access. And since they abuse that access, it is best you cut them off.

For a bit of clarity, you could say:

  • You’ve abused the privilege of access and I am going to cut you off, no stress
  • The more you show me how unworthy you are of being a friend, the closer the end of our friendship

This Is The Last Time You Are Going To Hear From Me And That’s On You

“This is the last time you are going to hear from me and that’s on you” is another good way to say “Snitches get stitches.” With this one, you aren’t issuing a warning, you are giving out the punishment.

It is not all the time that the snitches get stitches phrase is used to warn the offending party. Sometimes, it is the backup for the action being taken.

You Know What They Say About Snitches, Yeah? Well, I Am Trying To Restrain Myself From Doing Just That

Other Ways to Say Snitches Got Stitches

If you perceive that this person might know what “Snitches get stitches” mean, then you can use a statement like “You know what they say about snitches, yeah? Well, I am trying to restrain myself from doing just that” to communicate your thoughts.

Showing them that you are trying to restrain yourself from doing to them what snitches deserve will make them be cautious about you.

I Honestly Believed We Could Be Friends But I Cannot Be Friends With Someone Whose Mouth Always Bears Tales

“I honestly believed we could be friends but I cannot be friends with someone whose mouth always bears tales” is fitting for when you just became friends with someone.

It could be an office colleague or a schoolmate. If you noticed that someone you recently began talking to was snitching, you should be quick to let them know you don’t move that way.

And this is a perfect statement to communicate how you feel.

I Won’t Hesitate To Cut Off Anyone Who’s Unable To Show Me In Their Actions That They’ve Got My Back

When someone snitches on you, they are passing a clear message that you can’t trust or rely on them.

This is why “I won’t hesitate to cut off anyone who’s unable to show me in their actions that they’ve got my back” is a fitting alternative to “snitches get stitches.”

The stitch for such a snitch is that they will be cut off. No friendship anymore.

Take This As A Cue To Not Go About Telling On Me Cause There’d Be Serious Consequences That Would Follow

Another alternative to “Snitches get stitches” is “Take this as a cue to not go about telling on me cause there’d be serious consequences that would follow.”

This statement could follow an action. What I mean is you could do something to them that will make them demand an explanation.

Then, you can validate your actions with this example. For examples of things you can do:

  • Block them on socials
  • Ignore them at work or school
  • Decline their calls
  • Decline their requests etc

What’s Your Health Insurance Status? Hope You Have One. Cause You Might Have To Make A Claim Since You Can’t Put A Lid Over Your Mouth About My Matter

This is another alternative to “snitches get stitches” that is witty but clear. When you ask them about their health insurance and warn them to keep a lid on their mouth or they’ll need to make a claim, you are clearly stating the kind of consequences that will follow their snitching attitude.

I have used this one so many times to relay the message “Snitches get stitches” and it works effortlessly.

I Have Been Thinking Of The Best Thing To Do To You So You Know How Ridiculous The Idea Of Snitching On Me Is. I Guess Loyalty Is Hard To Come By These Days

Other Ways to Say Snitches Got Stitches

Sometimes, you just need to show them how disappointed you are in them. This is the perfect statement to do that.

You are admitting that you’ve thought of ways to make them face the repercussions of their actions and haven’t found something suitable.

The last part of this statement is like gaslighting them into feeling bad. It works like magic.

Final Thoughts

I am sure you’ve found enough alternatives to “Snitches get stitches” in this article. Which one(s) is/are your favorites?

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Other Ways to Say Snitches Got Stitches

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