15 Other Ways to Say ‘Meet and Greet’


The term ‘Meet and Greet’ is as popular and common as saying ‘Hello.’ What do we mean when we say that we went for a meet and greet?

The term ‘Meet and Greet’, is used mostly when a famous person organizes an event to meet his fans, talk with them, give them autographs, or simply just speak to them.

It is a case of a star versus his/her followers and is used to promote the celebrity’s public image. So, if you don’t want to use the phrase ‘Meet and Greet’, what other ways can you say you have a meeting with a celebrity?

This article will enlighten you on fifteen (15) other ways to say ‘Meet and Greet’, so if you don’t want to be straightforward about what you are going for, you can use these other alternatives mentioned in this article.

What to Say Instead of ‘Meet and Greet’

  1. Sip and paint
  2. Socializing and connecting
  3. Single to mingle
  4. Getting to know.
  5. Meet-up
  6. Building a great connection session
  7. Network Gathering
  8. Reception
  9. Red Carpet
  10.  Welcoming session
  11.  Mingling with the people session.
  12.  Book signing
  13.  An introduction
  14.  Social circle enlargement
  15.  Becoming an extrovert

Sip And Paint

Other Ways to Say Meet and Greet

Sip and Paint is usually an art event where people take a sip of their favorite drinks while they paint and network. It is mostly organized by friends or even strangers who wish to network.

Sometimes, celebrities use the ‘sip and paint’ theme as a way to meet with some of their most faithful followers. This way, they can connect with their fans, create a good image for themselves, and increase followership.

  • ‘I’ll be going for a sip and paint.’
  • ‘Oooh, what a fancy way to meet people.’

Socializing And Connecting

Another way to say that you’ve gone for a meet and greet is to say that you went for socializing and connecting. This is because the whole aim of a meet and greet is for a celebrity to socialize and connect with his/her fans, right?

If you don’t want someone to know that you are going for a meet and greet, you can simply tell them that you are out to socialize and connect.

  • ‘Where are you going?’
  • ‘Oh, I’m going for socializing and connecting.’

Single to mingle

Okay, this one is a tricky one cause why would a celebrity want to come for a single-to-mingle session, but this alternative is an inside joke.

The idea behind it is that lots of eligible bachelors and spinsters will definitely show up just to see that particular celebrity. I mean, if you both share the love for the same celebrity, you might as well share some other things, IYKYK.

  • ‘Who’s ready for a single-to-mingle event?’
  • ‘I know I am.’

Getting to know

The aim of a meet and greet is for the celebrity to get to know his followers and vice versa right? So, you might as well say that you are going for a ‘Getting to know’ event cause as far as you are concerned you are getting to know someone.

Now, you may not end up getting to know the celebrity himself, but you will definitely get to know someone who could become someone very special to you.

  • ‘What do you call that event where you meet new people and get to learn new things about them?’
  • ‘It’s called a Getting to Know.’


Another alternative for ‘Meet and Greet’ is saying that you are going for a Meet-up cause you are literally meeting up with your favorite celebrity.

Since you may be meeting new people and exchanging contacts, it is quite a suitable alternative. It goes so well with extroverts who of course will be excited at the idea of meeting new people.

  • ‘I will be going for a Meet-up very soon, so I have to get ready.’
  • ‘Is that not called a meet and greet?’
  • ‘Yeah, it’s just an alternative.’

Building a Great Connection Session

You never know who you will meet during a Meet and Greet session as it is always a great opportunity to meet different kinds of people and build a great business, career, or personal relationship.

Some people have been lucky enough to establish a relationship that helped them so much in the area where they needed it, which is why you can easily refer to a Meet and Greet as a ‘Building a Great Connection Session.’

For instance, when a popular tech guru is visiting a city, you can be assured that tech bros, girlies, and CEOs will be present at the event. Imagine meeting a potential investor or someone who is willing to partner with you on a promising project.

  • ‘What do you call an event where you meet important people and build a connection with them?’
  • ‘Oh, you can call it Building a Great Connection Session.’

Network Gathering

Other Ways to Say Meet and Greet

I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to an event where I will likely meet important people or people who share the same interests as me, then I’m going there to network.

And if I’m going there to network, I might as well call it a ‘Network Gathering’ and you can too if the shoe fits. After all, a group of people who share the same interests are gathered to meet, greet, probably dine, and network.

  • ‘What’s life without network gathering where you get to meet intelligent people who can help to build you?’
  • ‘I’ve always thought that it was called a meet and greet, but we learn everyday, right?’


Calling a Meet and Greet a reception is actually very suitable since they both mean the same thing. In this scenario, it could be the celebrity receiving his fans for a time together or it could be the fans welcoming the celebrity to their city.

The end of the matter is that someone is excited to meet someone, and probably get an autograph, a picture, a souvenir, something, anything to show the world that they have finally met their favorite star.

  • ‘Meeting this renowned thriller author was quite a reception, cause she treated us as if we were best buddies.’
  • ‘What a new way to say that you went for a meet and greet!’

Red Carpet

What if the event you have with the celebrity is a serious one and he/she will not get a chance to meet with followers except before the event starts?

Since he/she knows that he/she will be occupied most of the time, he/she will create that time before the event to take pictures, talk to people, give autographs, interview, etc.

That period where everyone can socialize before the event starts is called the Red Carpet, so you can easily say that you are going for the red carpet where you can still meet and greet your favorite celebrity before the main event.

  • ‘I heard that it will be possible to meet this actor on the red carpet, and I’m not going to miss that chance so I will be going.’
  • ‘Imagine having a meet and greet on the red carpet.’

Welcoming Session

Another way to say that you went for a ‘Meet and Greet’ is to say that you went for a Welcoming Session. It is mostly used when the celebrity you went to see is the one who welcomed you to the event.

There are some events where popular people will stand for a moment welcoming people right before the main event. This quick welcoming session is used as a means to entice people to come to the event.

Cause the thought of meeting and being welcomed by your favorite celebrity will get people rushing to any event.

  • ‘We organized an event and thought to use the theme ‘Welcoming Session’ instead of simply a Meet and Greet.’
  • ‘Wow. Quite innovative.’

Mingling With The People Session

Of course; another way to say ‘Meet and Greet’ is to say ‘Mingling with the people session. If you tell anyone that you’ve gone to mingle with people, they will immediately understand that you’ve gone for a meet and greet.

If perhaps, you are not comfortable with saying Meet and Greet or this phrase ‘Mingling with the people session’ seems too long for you then you can just say that you’ve gone for ‘Mingling’.

  • ‘They didn’t want to use the term ‘Meet and Greet’ and instead chose the term ‘Mingling with the people session.’
  • ‘Why didn’t just they use ‘Mingling’?’

Book Signing

If you have ever gone for a book signing, you will understand that it is quite similar to the phrase ‘Meet and Greet’ and can be used interchangeably.

This is because, during a book signing, the author is the star that the readers (his/her followers) are coming to meet. So, if you are a fan of that author, you physically meet him/her and get their autograph on your book.

Sometimes, the fans get to tell them which of their books they love the most, get a picture with the author, or have a reading session with the author.

  • ‘I’m going for a Meet and Greet, but it involves an author, his/her books, an autograph, and a lot of people.’
  • ‘It’s called a book signing, you might as well call it what it is.’

An Introduction

This word alternative is another suitable way to say ‘Meet and Greet’. In its noun form, it simply means an event where people get to meet new people and form a sort of relationship.

During a meet and greet, the celebrity forms a relationship with his/her fans and the fans present also form some sort of relationship with other fans, and thus the introduction goes on and on.

  • ‘It was an awesome Introduction where I was introduced to new people and my favorite star.’
  • ‘Is that not called a Meet and Greet?’
  • ‘Yeah, but you can also call it an Introduction.’

Social Circle Enlargement

Most times, when people go for a meet and greet, they end up meeting new people thus enlarging their social circle.

There are introverts who go to such events specifically to meet the celebrity and go home with no intention of enlarging their circle.

For such people, their meet and greet does not extend to other individuals. On the other hand, this phrase can be used by ambiverts and extroverts who hope to say that they’ve gone for a social circle engagement instead of a meet and greet.

  • ‘Will it be weird for me to call this event a Social Circle Enlargement as an introvert?’
  • ‘An introvert’s imagination is quite wild, so I’m not surprised.’

Becoming An Extrovert

The only way to not be an introvert is to first love meeting people, then you actually go out and meet someone. Hence, usually, when someone goes for a meet and greet, they are excited about meeting people and they go ahead and do it.

Now, if someone decides to use this alternative ‘Becoming an extrovert’, it could be that they are introverts, and going for the meet and greet is their way to break out of their shell and probably become an extrovert. But one step at a time right?

  • ‘I officially christen this outing to be a Becoming an Extrovert journey.’
  • ‘Why?’
  • ‘Cause it is my first meet and greet, and I will be forced to meet new people.’

In Summary

While ‘Meet and Greet’ is a popular and common way to say that you’ve gone to an event that involves meeting a celebrity and other people, this article educates you on other ways to express that statement.

This way, you get to be more creative with the way you express yourself in ways more suitable than merely saying that you’ve gone for a ‘Meet and Greet.’

While there are fifteen (15) alternative phrases that have been listed and explained in this article, we believe that there are more inventive and alternative ways to say ‘Meet and Greet’. So, if you have any, do drop them in the comment section below and we will include them.

Other Ways to Say Meet and Greet

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