25 Light-Hearted Questions to Ask About the Bible


If you are part of the people who think you can’t ask questions about the Bible because they told you it is a great sin against God… Well, have this understanding; God isn’t some wicked ruler, he understands jokes and he treats his children with love. 

With this knowledge, if you need light-hearted questions to ask the Bible or to discuss with your friends, colleagues at work, and neighbors, then you are in the right place. In this article, I have compiled 25 light-hearted questions you can ask about the Bible. These questions can be used to while away the evening, to light up a friendly gathering, or at a parlor party.

Ready for some witty and light-hearted questions? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

If God Created Us In His Image, Why Are Some People White And Other People Dark Or Is It That God Has Two Complexions?

If you are a curious person like me, I’m sure in one of your meditations you would have thought of this; why are some people dark and some white? Crazy how I was also thinking if God had multiple complexions. Hahaha. You see the mind, is a crazy wanderer and if left unrestrained, you will be amazed at how aimlessly you will wander, and question a lot about the supernatural.

Well, that being said, the above light-hearted question is a good way to start your slumber party. This will see the bright mood of the party.

Would You Have Followed Them To Pack Manna During That Time Or You Would Have Been Waiting For Chicken And Chips?

Okay, but come to think of it, if you were born during the period Mannas was falling from heaven, wouldn’t you be forming Porsche? Or will you be part of the people thinking it is unhygienic or not edible to eat and be waiting for chicken and chips?” I’m sorry for you because before you realize it, the sharp dudes have filled their barns and even stored them for the next 2 years.

If Adam And Eve Had Twitter(X) During Their Time, Don’t You Think They Would Have Been The Biggest Content Creators?

I bet you if Adam and Eve had X during their time, no content creator would match up to them. These couples will have billions of followers, shares, and likes. Like, no jokes. Who else will be giving us top-notch, crude, and authentic content like them?

Adam tweets gon’ be like; “Almost got tempted by Eve and the Serpents but I resisted. Watch the video below…”

“Damn! I finally ate the Forbidden apple and Daddy God already knew. I’m doomed…. But guys, I never knew Eve had them curves. Fr… sh, ain’t gon lie, I feel like putting my face on that fresh ass.

We Are Told Jesus Turned Water Into Wine; What If It Was Champagne?

light-hearted questions to ask about the Bible


You know we were only told Jesus turned water into wine, right? But the brand of that wine wasn’t stated so I’m wondering, what if it was champagne and all the guests of the party got high (stop it! It’s not what you are thinking. I meant high on the Holy Spirit. Winks). We can’t know but you can throw the question to your friends who are Bible scholars. They might know some truth you and I don’t know.

Do You Think The Prodigal Son Would Have Gone Back Home If It Were This Period Or He Would Just Open A Gofundme Account?

Yes! A very good question, fellas. Do you think Prodigal’s son was repentant or it was hunger that drove him back home? I trust that dude, if it were this dispensation, he ain’t going home never because he is going to be on you all faces asking for funds for his GoFundMe account. Trust me.

Don’t You Think God Loves Horror Movies Too Because Why Do We Have Revelation In The Bible?

No no, that book of Revelation is the scariest thing I have ever read. Didn’t even perspire a lot when watching The Nun, Mother Suspiriorum, Confession of Ana Grace, or Haunted House but you see when I was reading the Book of Revelation, I was sweating furiously, scared as the mental images kept popping in. It got me thinking God must be some creative Horror movie crooner.

If The Pharaoh’s Wife Had Done Bbl, Would Joseph Still Have Fled When He Saw Her Buttocks?

Ask your friend this question and be ready to get drowned in laughter from the different hilarious responses they would give. But then if you would ask me, I think Joseph didn’t flee because he was disciplined. He fled because Pharaoh’s wife had a flat ass and Joseph loves big bundas.

They Said David Was A Master Dancer, Do You Think He Could Have Won Michael Jackson In A Dance Competition?

Even if David was a real stepper, I doubt if he could beat our own MJ; the king of pop. No way! Michael Jackson is really good. Well, throw this as a debate question and watch your friends aim for each other to prove their point like they have seen David dance before.

If God Was The Alpha And Omega, Don’t You Think He Knew That The Devil Was Going To Plan A Coup Against Him?

Ain’t even joking about this, I have asked this question numerous times from my Sunday school teacher, and Bible Study class, and believe me, the answers aren’t even satisfying at all.  Maybe your neighbors who are bible scholars can help with the puzzle-solving.

Did Jonah Have A Fishy Excuse For Being Late To Nineveh?

light-hearted questions to ask about the Bible


You see Jonah did have a fishy excuse and that was why he was being caught up in the belly of the fish. Readers, what are your thoughts about this? Let me know in the comment section.

Was The Burning Bush Just A Dramatic Way To Start A Campfire?

If we are to do a fact check on this, we will find out that the origin of campfire or bonfire night is dated back to the burning bush incident. That is obviously where we got the idea to have a campfire or bonfire night. Oh! You think I’m wrong right? Argue with your bunch of friends then.

Do You Think David Would’ve Been A Hit At An Ancient Israel Talent Show With His Harp Skills?

That David guy; I enjoy him- The dude can dance so well and even is the best harp player. Okay if I’m being asked this question I will say yes, David will kill the show and take the cup home. 

Have you forgotten? The guy was so good, that even the king craved to hear him play.

If The Walls Of Jericho Fell Today, Would It Make The Evening News?

I don’t know about you but if the Walls of Jericho fell today, it would be big news topping the Al-Jazeera, CNN, and BBC channels, and social media platforms. Trust me the army processions, tearing down of the wall will make a juicy tale.

How Many Loaves And Fishes Would It Take To Feed Modern-Day Disciples?

In the era of giveaways and with the way there is inflation? I bet the five loaves and two fish might not be enough. Even half of the people that will be present there won’t be disciples.

If Adam And Eve Had Social Media, Would They Have Posted A Lot Of Garden Selfies?

Yes. So many garden selfies with the hippo, lion, elephants, and several other animals. Also, beautiful pictures of the garden will be timely uploaded.

Did The Good Samaritan Have A First-Aid Kit In His Donkey’s Saddlebag?

Ask your friends this question: “Did the Good Samaritan have a first-aid kit in his donkey’s saddlebag?” how was he able to keep the injured man alive until they got to the inn? This is an interesting and engaging discourse that will keep you and your friends entertained for hours.

How Many Psalms Do You Think David Wrote Before Writer’s Block Kicked In?

This is difficult to answer but don’t you think David might have had writer’s block too or is he some superhuman? Well, we could have an interview with him to clear our doubts. 

Were The Fiery Furnace Trio Just Really Good At Dodgeball?

Have you ever thought about this; that those three Hebrews that were thrown into the furnace have a degree in dodgeball? Well, you can ask your colleague this light-hearted question and watch them heat up for some lively conversation

Do You Think The Proverbs Were The Original Life Hacks?

I think Proverbs is laid down with a lot of wisdom and is one hell of a life hack when studied carefully and followed religiously. But this is just my own opinion. You can get others’ opinions too by asking them.

Did Moses Have A Burning Desire To Become A Shepherd?

This? I can’t say. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Should we ask the audience or call Grandpa Moses himself? 

If Jesus Turned Water Into Coffee, Would It Still Be Considered A Miracle?

Another hilarious question to ask your Sunday school teacher. If they are old school and don’t understand a good joke then they might want to start racking brains for the answer. Lucky for you, that is where the fun is!

How Many Days Do You Think Jonah Spent Practicing Holding His Breath In The Fish’s Belly?

Jonah would have won the Guinness Book of Records if he had done that during this period. And so many people would have risen to beat the record he set- “Three days and Night in the Belly of a fish”…

If The Ten Commandments Were Emojis, Which Ones Would They Be?

This should be a very engaging question that can be used at a parlor gathering to keep the audience on their toes and energetic. But come to think of it, “thou shalt not kill; what emoji(s) would that be?”

Would The Story Of Daniel In The Lion’s Den Be A Hit On Nat Geo Wild?

The whole scenario; how Daniel stayed fearlessly in the den, and how the angels shut the mouth of the lions- well, it will be a pretty fascinating show on Nat Geo Wild.

Do you think the angels in heaven speak like robots?

Let’s ponder on this too. Do the angels speak like humans or do they have this automated, machine-like voice? Or maybe they use sign language?…. Well well, ponder on it and let me know your response in the comment section.

Parting Words

People are often inquisitive when it comes to religion, if you happen to be a religious person, you will notice that others will tend to ask you so many questions about the Bible, that is if you are Christian. This article contains light-hearted questions you can ask about the Bible, it will give you a hint of what to expect when someone asks you questions about the Bible. 


light-hearted questions to ask about the Bible

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