25 Other Ways to Say ‘I Look Forward To Working With You’


When working in professional settings, it’s common to hear expressions like ‘I look forward to working with you.’

However, using the same phrase repeatedly can make your communication seem monotonous. Finding alternative ways to express your eagerness for collaboration can help express a more genuine desire.

Is ‘I Look Forward To Working With You’ Really A Professional Phrase?

Yes, ‘I look forward to working with you’ is generally considered professional. It is an apt way to express your enthusiasm in a formal context.

However, it can sometimes come across as generic and overused. To make your communication stand out consider using other expressions that fit the context of your collaboration.

Below are 25 other ways to say ‘I look forward to working with you’:

What to Say Instead of ‘I Look Forward To Working With You’

I’m Eager To Collaborate With You

‘I’m eager to collaborate with you’ is a better alternative to the original phrase because it gives a more enthusiastic feel.  You can use it in professional situations where you want to express excitement about an upcoming project.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

I’m eager to collaborate with you on this upcoming project. I’m sure we will accomplish much as we work together.

Best regards,

Excited To Begin This Project With You

‘Excited to begin this project with you’ is another great alternative because it literally depicts joy about starting the work. It’s less formal and works well in situations where you want to be really expressive.

Here’s a Sentence Example:

Dear Alex,

Excited to begin this project with you! I believe our efforts will lead to great results.

Best regards,

I’m Anticipating A Great Partnership

The original phrase gives a sense of optimism, no doubt but it doesn’t express a specific expectation. This is where this phrase comes in.

It suggests that you’re not just looking forward to working together but that you foresee a successful and positive outcome from the collaboration.

It is very effective in cooperative partnership making it suitable for both formal and semi-formal conversations.

An Email Sample:

Dear Alex,

I’m anticipating a great partnership with you. I’m confident that our collaboration will bring about excellent outcomes.

Best regards,

Looking Forward To Our Cooperation

‘Looking forward to our cooperation’ is another great synonym for ‘I look forward to working with you’ because it makes room to talk more about what the process will be like.

It tells that you anticipate mutual effort to achieve a particular goal. In a formal setting, this phase is your best pick.

You Can Try It Thus:

Dear Alex,

Looking forward to our cooperation! Together, I’m sure we’ll achieve something remarkable.

Best regards,

I Can’t Wait To Start Working Together.

In some cases, ‘I look forward to hearing from you’ may not show the level of your desire. Hence this phrase is a perfect alternative because it shows more eagerness or desire to work with someone.

It is suitable for professional use in emails, letters, or texts.

Here’s a Way to Engage The Phrase:

Dear Alex,

I can’t wait for our work together on this project to begin. I’m sure it’s going to be a rewarding experience for both of us.

Best regards,

I’m So Glad We Will Be Teaming Up

The original phrase simply tells that you are expecting to work together soon, however, this phrase shows that you are looking forward to the collaboration, not just expecting it.

It gives a feeling that you see the opportunity as a valuable and special chance.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

I’m so glad we will get teamed up. I’m looking forward to the innovative ideas we’ll bring to the table.

Best regards,

Eager To Join Forces With You.

‘Eager to join forces with you’ is another excellent alternative that clearly states how much you are pumped up to work with someone.

It shows your readiness to start working together without any ambiguity. It is best suited in formal places like when you just got a new job or are about to take on a new project.

Here’s How You Can Try This Phrase:

Dear Alex,

I’m eager to join forces with you on this new venture. I’m sure we will create so much impact as a team.

Best regards,

I’m Enthusiastic About Working Alongside You

Other Ways to Say I Look Forward To Working With You

‘I’m enthusiastic about working alongside you’ is a more expressive alternative to ‘ I look forward to working with you’. It is a great way to tell that you value the partnership and are eager to get started.

It is a great pick for situations where you need the person to catch a feeling for your eagerness.

Here’s  a Sentence Sample:

Dear Alex,

I’m enthusiastic about working alongside you. I believe our teamwork will create something super productive.

Best regards,

Looking Forward To Our Collaboration

‘Looking forward to our collaboration’ is a clear and professional way to express anticipation for working together. This phrase is straightforward but less formal than ‘I look forward to working with you’.

However, it is a great way to say that you are ready to partner with the person on the project. It is a perfect choice for informal and a bit of formal conversations.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

Looking forward to our collaboration on this project. I’m confident that we’ll achieve excellent results.

Best regards,

Anticipating A Productive Partnership

Perhaps you want an alternative to the original phrase that exudes more confidence, then I recommend ‘Anticipating a productive partnership’. ‘It not only tells that you look forward to working with them but that you have positive expectations about your work with them.

This phrase is more focused on the expected results of the collaboration than your desire to work. You can use it in emails, messages, or letters.

Try Out This Example:

Dear Alex,

Anticipating a productive partnership as we begin working together.

Best regards,

Feels Great To Working With You On This

This alternative is another great way to show that you are excited about an opportunity and eager to get started. It shows your excited emotional state in a simple way that the recipient can decipher your intentions.

This makes it perfect when conversing in professional or business settings.

You Can Try It Thus:

Dear Alex,

I feel so great to work with you on this. I believe our collaboration will bring about outstanding results.

Best regards,

Excited For What We’ll Achieve Together

Unlike the original phrase that basically shows excitement, ‘Excited for what we’ll achieve together’ means that you are not only excited by the opportunity to work with someone but that you anticipate the success of the project.

You can use this in business conversations as it will make people perceive you as ‘goal oriented’.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

Excited for what we’ll achieve together on this project. I’m certain that we’ll make great strides.

Best regards,

I’m Ready To Begin Our Work Together.

Sometimes, the phrase ‘I look forward to working with you’ can imply that you’re still hoping for an opportunity to collaborate.

If you’ve already secured the chance to work together and want to express that you’re eager to start, a clearer and more direct option is ‘I’m ready to begin our work together.’

It clearly communicates that you’re prepared and ready to get started. You can use it in cases where you want to please a colleague or superior at work by making them know that you are proactive.

Here’s an Example:

Dear Alex,

I’m ready to begin our work together and look forward to making this project a success.

Best regards,

I Look Forward To The Greater Heights We’ll Achieve

‘I look forward to the greater heights we’ll achieve’ is quite similar to the original phrase but quite distinct.

Unlike the original phrase, it tells that you’re not just waiting to start, but also excited about the high-quality results you expect to achieve together.

It plays off the idea that you can see potential success partnering with them.

Here’s an example:

Dear Alex,

I look forward to the greater heights we will achieve.

Best regards,

Happy To Start This Journey With You

Perhaps you want a more hearty alternative, ‘Happy to start this journey with you’ is your best pick. It expresses a genuine sense of satisfaction and eagerness to work with someone.

You can use this phrase both formally and informally in texts, verbal conversations, and emails.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

I’m happy to start this journey with you. I believe we’ll make significant strides together.

Best regards,

I’m Excited To Collaborate And See The Results

This phrase is a game-changer! It is an engaging way to express enthusiasm for an upcoming work. It doesn’t stop there, it also shows your anticipation for the outcome.

This plays off the idea that you’re not only looking forward to working together but also to witnessing the achievements that come from the collaboration.

You can use these expressions in texts, emails, or verbal conversations for both formal and informal settings.

Here’s an Example:

Dear Alex,

I’m excited to collaborate and see the results of our efforts. Let’s make this project a success!

Best regards,

Looking Forward To A Successful Collaboration

Other Ways to Say I Look Forward To Working With You

‘Looking forward to a successful collaboration’ is a confident and positive way to express anticipation for the project. It’s a professional yet encouraging statement, suitable for formal settings where you want to show both anticipation and confidence in the outcome of the joint effort.

Here’s How To Use it:

Dear Alex,

With you in the picture, I look forward to a successful collaboration.

Best regards,

I’m Enthusiastic To Begin This Work With You

‘I’m enthusiastic to begin this work with you’ is a confident and positive way to express anticipation to work with someone. It tells that you really can’t wait to start out with them.

It’s a little more laid back and fits more in informal settings than formal settings.

Here’s An Example:

Dear Alex,

‘I’m enthusiastic to begin this work with you’. I believe we’ll accomplish something great together.

Best regards,

Delighted To Be On Your Team

‘Delighted to be on your team’ is a friendly alternative that subtly shows your readiness to work together with a team.

This expression is ideal if you want the person to feel that you are earnestly looking forward to working closely with your teammates. It works well in both formal and informal conversations.

Here’s How To Engage:

Dear Alex,

‘Delighted to be on your team’. I’m looking forward to our collective success on this project.

Best regards,

I Can’t Wait To Attain Milestones With You

‘I can’t wait to attain milestones with you’ expresses a high level of excitement and readiness to begin the work. It clearly passes the message that you are somewhat impatient but in a good way.

It is a great choice to show that you’re eager and motivated to work with a group of people. Since it has a more laid-back tone, it is more suitable for informal conversations.

You Can Try It Thus:

Dear Alex,

‘I can’t wait to attain milestones with you’ I’m sure we’re going to achieve amazing things together.

Best regards,

I Anticipate A Successful Partnership

‘I anticipate a successful partnership’ is a great alternative to ‘I look forward to working with you’. It clearly shows your anticipation for the project and expectations for a productive and beneficial partnership.

This is indeed a professional way to express that you’re excited about the potential success and positive outcomes of working with someone.

It’s a suitable choice for formal or business contexts and can be employed in texts, emails, and even verbal communications.

Here’s How To Use It:

Dear Alex,

‘I anticipate a successful partnership’ with you. I’m confident that our efforts will yield positive results.

Best regards,

Thrilled To Collaborate On This Project

If you want to primarily focus on your work or the project then this is a great alternative for you. It shows that you are literally ‘thrilled’ to be picked as one who would work on the project.

You can use it if you were recently onboarded to work on a project. It can be used in both formal and informal settings to show your disposition about a project you’re on.

Here’s How to Engage It:

Dear Alex,

Thrilled to collaborate on this project with you. Let’s get to work! 

Best regards,

Anticipating Great Results From Our Work Together

If you want another alternative that not only shows your anticipation to work with someone but also expresses your confidence in a positive outcome from your work with them then this is your best pick.

You can use it in informal settings and even formal settings in texts, emails, and even verbal communications.

Sentence Example:

Dear Alex,

I’m anticipating great results from our work together. Let’s make productive and successful moves.

Best regards,

I’m Ready To Jump Into This Project With You.

This phrase is clear and concise! It depicts a high level of readiness and excitement to collaborate on a project. This expression is energetic and proactive, making it clear that you’re both prepared and excited to begin the project.

It’s a great choice for both formal and informal communications.

Here’s How You Can Try it:

Dear Alex,

I’m ready to jump into this project with you. Let’s begin this successful journey already!

Best regards,

I Can’t Wait To See Us Unleash Our Power As A Team.

Last but not least, ‘I can’t wait to see us unleash our power as a team’ is another great alternative that communicates eagerness and optimism about the potential outcomes of working with a team.

It’s an encouraging way to show that you’re looking forward to the successes and milestones that the team will accomplish together.

It can work well in both formal and informal communications, in text, emails, and even verbal conversations.

Sample Email:

Dear Alex,

‘I can’t wait to see us unleash our power as a team’. Let’s put in our best!

Best regards,

Wrap Up

Using different expressions to show your anticipation for working with someone can make someone have a different perception about you that’s not quite regular.

It could show that you’re thoughtful and would give attention to detail. By choosing the right alternative based on the situation, you can leave a lasting, positive impression.

Bookmark this page so it won’t be a hurdle to locate it when next you need any of these alternatives.

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