How to Write a Letter to Your Uncle Asking for School Fees Support


If you need your uncle to send you financial support for your school fees through a letter but do not know how to write one, this article presents some great examples to help you do so.

I have written ten exceptionally great letters to ask for school fees support from your uncle. These letters have been sourced from several scenarios that are designed to convince your uncle to help you with money for your college expenses as far as they’ve got the means to do so.

Scholarship and Financial Aid isn’t Comprehensive

Dear Uncle Andrew,

I hope this letter finds you well. How’s your wife and my favorite niece? As you know, I got a scholarship to study at the university but this isn’t enough to see me through college as the financial aid doesn’t cover the total cost of attendance. At best, the scholarship can handle 80% of all my college expenses which is why I am soliciting your support to help me cover what is left of my school fees.

Dad and Mom have been doing the best they can. But right now, they cannot afford to keep up with the demands of college education for me. This is why I am reaching out to you, my beloved Uncle.

Any amount you can give me would be duly appreciated, sir. I promise to stay focused on my academics to graduate with a good result and make the family proud.

Warmest Regards,


Part-time Job Earnings Insufficient

Dear Uncle,

I believe you and all of yours are doing well. My school has just released the updated list of the total cost of attendance for the forthcoming academic year and it means I’ll need another three months of work to make enough money balance up. What is needed to complete what I have is $4750.

I’d be glad if I could get the entire $4750 or a part of it. It will allow me to focus on my education and not take another job while school is in session.

With Love,


Unpaid Internship

How to Write a Letter to Your Uncle Asking for School Fees Support

Hello Uncle James,

This is writing to give you an update about school and to see if you are doing okay. Daddy told me about your newest milestone. It is a proud moment for the family and I hope I can walk in your footsteps.

Uncle, I am taking a major decision and it will make me less financially buoyant in school but I believe it is a crucial step for me as I’d gain enough experience to secure my dream job when I graduate. This decision is about taking up an unpaid internship role with Apple.

Since it is not going to be a paid internship, it means I’ll need more money to get through school and my current budget wouldn’t be enough to help me do so. That’s why I want you to support me with money to pad up my school fees budget.

I have everything I need to cover the cost of tuition, room, books, and other fees in school. What I need is money for personal expenses and transportation during the internship which is going to last for six months. I’ll be happy if I can get support to the tune of $5500. This will cover everything I need to see through the internship even if I don’t get paid.

Best Regards,


Study Abroad

To My Loveliest Uncle,

Your favorite Nephew here. I know others are competing for this position but they are trying in vain. Aren’t they? Hahaha.

Uncle, how are you? How’s your beautiful wife? And your kids? I believe everyone is doing okay. How’s work? Must be stressful, right? If there’s anything you’ve taught me indirectly is how to keep moving against all odds. You’re truly an inspiration.

Talking about how you’ve inspired me, I wanted to let you know that I’d be taking advantage of my school’s study abroad program for a semester. The program lets students have a semester on our campus at Kilkenny, Ireland.

As an Archeology major, this opportunity will expose me to practical aspects of my course and the knowledge would help give me an edge in the corporate world.

The problem with this study abroad plan is that it requires more expenses. I’ll have to pay more than I have in previous years and I am soliciting your support to help me cover this expense.

I need to pay $600 for the coursework and I’ve got to set aside $3700 for my expenses while in Ireland. This brings the sum to $4300. I wouldn’t be needing the money immediately but I need to have it ready as soon as I can.

I’d be happy if I had the money ready as soon as possible. I understand that this may cause some strain but I am sure you’ll be happy that I am pursuing my education like you always wanted.

My regards to everyone at home.

Your favorite Nephew,


Reduced Dependence on Student Loans

How to Write a Letter to Your Uncle Asking for School Fees Support

Dear Uncle John,

I hope this letter finds you well. It’s been a long while and I am sure you’ve been busy with work. Knowing how busy you are I wouldn’t want to play around in this letter but go straight to the point.

The main reason I am writing this letter to you is to discuss an important issue regarding my education and to ask for your financial assistance. While I have been fortunate to get a scholarship and my dad and mom’s constant support, it doesn’t completely meet the recently increased cost of attendance at my college.

I’ve tried to manage through but I fear I have become overly reliant on student loans. At this rate, I’d have a huge debt over my shoulders when I graduate and I don’t want it to be so. I know that this is an investment into my future but I don’t want the future to come with a grappling weight of debt.

I am reaching out to you, my dear uncle, in hopes that you’ll be able to provide me with financial assistance to cover my educational costs. Any amount you are willing to contribute is going to make a significant difference, allowing me to focus on my studies and not worry about paying my bills every semester.

Thank you dear Uncle for your continued support and help.

Talk to you soon sir,


Unexpected Medical Emergency

How to Write a Letter to Your Uncle Asking for School Fees Support

Uncle Anderson

Hi there Uncle. I thought you’d be around for Thanksgiving last week as there was something really important I wanted to discuss with you.

As you know, Mom has cancer and her chemotherapy has placed a huge financial strain on the family. I have managed to raise a significant sum from my savings and the other jobs I had during the break. However, I still need $8,350 to fully cover the cost of my tuition for this session.

I am not asking for everything, even though I was hoping I could get that, I’d gladly accept anything you are willing to give to me from the overall sum. Whatever you’d be willing to give me would be greatly appreciated.

I can’t deny you’ve helped cater to my needs when I call and I am appreciative. Thank you so much, uncle. You are simply the best.

Regards to the twins.


Additional Coursework

Dear Uncle David,

Good day, I am sure you’re wondering why I am sending you a letter. Well, I wanted to discuss my university education with you and request your financial assistance.

The main news is that I am taking some additional coursework in addition to my regular course load. I can go on and on about the merits of this plan but there’s a pressing downside to it – increased tuition and fees. My current scholarship and family contributions will no longer be sufficient to cover these expanded expenses.

I’m reaching out to you Uncle because I am hopeful you’ll be able to support me financially to enable me to offset the costs of this additional coursework without stress.

I want to make the most of this chance to expand my knowledge and capacity but it can only be possible if the cost of these extra classes are not a burden. I’d be glad to provide additional information on how you can support me.

If you need me to answer any questions I’d be happy to do so.

Your Niece,


Increased Cost of Living

To My Uncle,

Hi Uncle. I know it’s been like a second since we spoke last but something’s come up and I needed to reach out. How’s work?

Well, the issue is about my college expenses. Nothing about school has changed as most of the fees are still the same but the cost of living in Maine has increased significantly.

As an out-of-state student, I have to commute to campus every day and this cost has increased by nearly $1000 for the upcoming semester. Aside from the cost of transport, food prices aren’t the same anymore. After weighing all my expenses, there’s no way I’d pay my school fees and the many other fees this school demands and be able to survive in this city.

I’ll need about $2,300 to not worry about school fees and other personal expenses. This will allow me to focus on my studies which is the primary reason I came all the way.

I want to be the best I can be and I know what to do but not having enough to take care of myself will make that difficult.

If you can, please Uncle help me with $2,300. Even a part of it would be great as well.


Friendly Reminder

Dear Uncle Job,

How are you doing today? You have to work round the clock and try to stay on top of affairs. Maybe that’s why you might have forgotten your promise to me. Don’t worry. I don’t take it to heart as it is better late than never.

You remember you promised to take care of a part of my fees this semester because I made you proud following your footsteps in medical school. I am writing to remind you that the time for that favor is nearer than before.

I’ll be resuming school next weekend and some parts of my fees still need to be taken care of, especially my room, some of the extra credits I am taking, and a small percentage of my expenses.

You didn’t say what you’d be supporting me with so I can’t make any demands. I just wanted to remind you of your promise and to let you know how crucial it would be for me.

If you need me to give you an estimate, I’ll be needing $6780 but then, you made the promise and I am sure you had something in your mind when you did.



Extending a Helping Hand 

Dear Uncle,

How are you doing? I wanted to reach out through a text but I felt like a letter would get to you faster and show my sincere desire to get help.

As you must have heard, I have been admitted into college. Everyone is excited but not Mom as she has to worry about my tuition. It is quite expensive. Here’s what it looks like:

Tuition and Fees: $25,665

Room and Board: $12,300

Books and Supplies: $1230

Personal Expenses: $2790

Total: $41,985

She’s worried about how to raise the money and I am also looking for ways to help her reduce the burden which is why I am writing to you, sir. I want to ask that you help me with any amount of financial help that will cushion the burden of the cost of attending college.

I cannot deny how you’ve come through for the family and I understand the state of the economy. I will appreciate whatever support I can get from you that will help me pay some of these financial obligations.

Thank you so much, Uncle.


Final Thoughts 

Writing a letter to your uncle isn’t formal or informal. You had to stay in between such that you’re formal enough to sound respectful and not so informal. Feel free to use anyone that resonates with your condition and tweak as much as possible.

How to Write a Letter to Your Uncle Asking for School Fees Support

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