How to Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About Your Performance in Your Current School


Has your brother asked about your performance in your current school or do you just want to give him an update? Whatever the case, in this article, I have provided 10 samples of letters you can write to your brother that give him an understanding of what your performances are like in your school.

Significant Achievement/Milestone

Dear Big Bro,

I am sorry that I did not keep in touch with you as I promised the last time. School has been pretty tough but I am winging it like I promised I would. This letter is to let you know what my progress in school is like and what my current performance stands at.

How are you, sir? I trust that you are doing well. Like I said I wanted to let you in on what my performance in school looks like. It has been an incredible journey and I am proud to say that I have made some significant strides in my studies over the past few months.

Perhaps, one of the most notable achievements was earning a spot on the honor roll for the first time. It is incredible to see how my hard work is paying off.

Another aspect of growth is in my writing skills. My English teacher has always commended me, telling me about how I have developed unprecedentedly. My recent paper got an A- which is a total turnaround from what it used to be.

I won’t be resting on my oars as I hope to improve more and be a better student. Once again, I promise to make you proud.



New Passion

Dear Big Brother,

It has been a while since I last wrote to you and I believe you can understand the circumstances that continue to prevent me from keeping in touch as often as I would like to.

I trust that everything is alright with you and your work is fine. Well, the reason I’m writing this letter is because I need to let you in on the progress I am making here in college.

The most significant progress I have made is with my newfound passion for a subject I never believed I would like. This semester, I have been captivated by my AP biological class. While I am fascinated by the intricacies of the human body and the complexities of life I must give credit to my teacher, Ms Samantha for the way she’s bringing the course materials to life.

She is going above and beyond to ensure that all her students understand what the cause is really about. Another aspect that I find most appealing is the hands-on lab work that we are made to do. Just last week, we dissected the frog to study its anatomy and physiology.

The next on the schedule is a rabbit and I honestly cannot wait. Now, I am spending more time in the library reading through books and articles on the latest advancements in the field. Every day, I am getting engrossed with what biology is about and it is a beautiful experience.

College now feels like less of a burden thanks to this development. What’s up with you? Any updates from your end?

With love,


Overcoming Challenges

Dear brother,

I was so happy to get a letter asking what college is like and how I am faring. I am pretty good and I must say there’s been a lot that has been going on.

Math has been a bit of a struggle for me. This semester, my Algebra II class has been particularly demanding and I found myself falling behind on the course material. As you would expect, I began to freak out and fear the worst.

But then after speaking with my guardian counselor, I decided to take a proactive approach which involved scheduling regular tutoring sessions with my friends and my teacher. I have also dedicated more time to practicing my math outside classes using YouTube and other online resources.

It has been challenging but then I am starting to see tangible progress. My recent test score was a solid B and I couldn’t be more proud. I would keep the routine as I am focused on finishing the semester and the year strong.

Anticipate updates on my progress on this matter and any others that’ll resurface later on. Say Hi to the kids, would ya?



Year in Review

How to Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About Your Performance in Your Current School

To My Brother Neil,

As my favorite big brother, I wanted to tell you about a notable change in my studies. How is everything with you? Hope you are doing as great as I am. I know you are.

You remember that I spoke to you about the struggles I had in the previous calendar year, right? Despite the struggles, I still try to maintain good grades and I was pegged at a 3.2 GPA. The reason I’m writing this letter as I said is to tell you about how I have grown exceptionally this year.

From my 3.2 GPA, I am now on a 3.9 which is the highest it has ever been. I am acing my advancement courses and am currently recognized in the honor roll. 

I made a lot of changes to my study schedule devoting more time and ensuring that I caught back on a lot of activities that were not helping my studies. Now, I am glad to see that it all paid off.

My plan? It is to carry this momentum going forward because I will need all of it to ensure I finish strong.

I wouldn’t have done this without your encouragement which I must confess has been instrumental to my development. Thank you very much, brother.

Your kid brother,


Time Management is a Hack 

My Brother,

I hope you are doing splendidly well because I am. You are going to be happy at the end of this letter because of the things I have to say. I should have written to you earlier but it is not too late to share what has been going on with me in school.

As you already know, last year and the year before that, I struggled with balancing my school work, being on the football team, and my personal life. I often felt overwhelmed and had a hard time keeping up. Your advice on time management and your book recommendation prove to be the difference maker.

One of the things I have done to improve my current performance is to create a detailed weekly schedule where I carved out time for studying, completing assignments, and practicing for upcoming tests or presentations. This has helped me stay on top of the workload and avoid any undue pressure.

Apart from its impact on my academics, time management has helped me to create time for self-care and leisure activities. Now, I take breaks to recharge through exercising, reading, and spending time with friends and this has helped boost my productivity.

I feel more organized, less stressed, and better focused on achieving my goals. My grades and success on the pitch show the level of progress I have made. The good thing is that it is not stopping now.

I honestly couldn’t ask for a more supportive Big Brother. Thank you.



Faculty Support on Another Level 

Dear John,

I am sorry it took a while for me to respond to your letter asking about my current performance. I am happy it is all good so you won’t have to worry much. How are you doing though? I should come to see you during Spring break.

Well, like I said my current performance in school has been good and I owe it to the faculty members. Medical school is no joke but then the support and guidance from my teachers have made all the difference.

Aside from the work they do in ensuring that the courses are easy to understand and the materials are simplified, these guys make themselves available for one-on-one sessions even after office hours.

The impact of this support from the faculty professors and teachers has been immense. My grades have continued to improve and I can confidently see I truly understand what I am learning.

I would have been livid with myself if I didn’t attend this school because Travis tells me that at his school, they hardly even see the professors because they are always focused on one research or the other.

I will let you know more about college this semester when I come over. Or wouldn’t you want me in Nevada?



Dressed for Success

How to Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About Your Performance in Your Current School

Dear Steven,

Big Bro, I hope you are good. I got your letter asking about school and how everything is going. There are several things to talk about but I think the most important would be how my current performance validates my desire to work in a particular career path.

If you recall over the break I told you about how I wanted to delve into artificial intelligence, understanding the nitty-gritty of AI models and how we can leverage them to make our life easier. Well, we offered setting courses in computer science, AI, and machine learning.

I think because of my interest in this path I have excelled in these related courses. I am excited because as I look ahead to the next step in my academic and professional journey, I am sure that I will do well in the field of AI.

Maybe in a separate letter, I would let you know about some of the challenges I have faced and how I’m working towards overcoming them.

Talk to you soon,


Internship Benefits

Dear Brother,

I know you must be busy and I wouldn’t want to bore you with a lot of details. I am excited to be writing to you and when you read through this letter you’ll see why. I trust that you are doing okay. And your family?

The internship opportunity I secured late last year is paying off in ways I never imagined. As expected, I gained a practical understanding of my coursework but the most exciting thing for me is how the internship is influencing my academics.

One of the several aspects that are worthy of note is how my data analysis and programming techniques have become much more intuitive and user-friendly through my internship work. Even my professors have noted the depth of my analysis and the quality of my contributions in class discussions.

Another thing I must say is the internship has helped me develop essential soft skills, such as effective communication, critical thinking, and time management. It was truly a rewarding and fulfilling experience and I am thankful for it.

I have to run now. I will keep you posted when anything happens. Don’t forget the money you promised to send me though. The internship is over and your boy is broke.



Group Projects

Dear Big Brother,

Well, there are a lot of reasons why but then the best for me has to be this project I’d be working on. It looked impossible but I have embraced the challenge and think I can handle it.

The project is building and developing a comprehensive AI application from the ground up. Understanding what it might take has made me open to the challenge, I guess. To get the job done, we have to work in small teams to design the user interface, create the backend systems, and integrate machine learning capabilities.

My team and I have been brainstorming ideas and mapping out the requirements and features for the project. The coolest thing about this project is how it lets me apply the theoretical knowledge I’ve gained in my previous computer science classes to a real-world, complex problem.

I will keep you posted about the project and what progress we’ve made.

Expect me to drop by soon.

Warm Regards,


Bad Times Don’t Last, Right?

Dear Big Brother,

How are you? The family? And work? I believe everything is going so well. Sadly, I cannot say the same for my performance in school which is why I am writing this letter to you.

I have been experiencing a painful decline in my academics and it is not looking good. The clearest reflection of how bad it is can be seen from my GPA which is now at 3.3 from a 4.0. There’s been a lot going on and I don’t seem to be getting a hold over anything.

Although I have spoken with some of my faculty members and we are working on a solution, I would appreciate any form of support and encouragement you can provide.

Thank you so much, Brother.

Kind Regards,


Final Thoughts 

There you have it – 10 interesting ways to write a letter to your brother telling him about your performance in your current school. These letter ideas cover a range of themes and you can combine two, three, or more depending on what you want to say to your brother.

How to Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About Your Performance in Your Current School

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