10 Ways to Write a Letter to Your Brother About Your School Fees


Asking your brother for school fees can be tricky. If you need to write a letter, you want to make it thoughtful and convincing. In this article, I have provided ten examples of interesting ways to write a letter to your brother telling him you need financial support to pay your tuition fee.

School Fees Beyond Budget

Ways to Write a Letter to Your Brother About Your School Fees

It’s been a while but I am sure you’ll understand how college is. I don’t consider it an excuse but you can forgive your little brother for not keeping in touch as much as I promised. I am optimistic that things will get better soon as regards my communication with you.

The reason I am writing this letter is because I need some financial assistance. Here, I am feeling the full brunt of inflation, and believe me it is not funny. There’s been a 30% increase in the cost of tuition and other expenses. What I had previously budgeted wouldn’t suffice. At best, it could handle my tuition but other fees would be left unpaid.

Currently, what I need is $5,750 to make up for my original budget for this calendar year. I’d be so glad if I could get it as it would help me focus on my academics without looking over my shoulder due to outstanding bills.

You have always supported me and the family whenever we asked and I am hopeful you’ll help me this time.

Your brother, Jay.

To My Ever Supportive Brother 

Hi Brother,

I believe you are hale and hearty. Your wife must be treating you well because your recent Facebook photos have been fire. I am writing to you because I have a challenge, a very burdensome one. It is about my school fees.

I am sure you know how the cost of tuition and other expenses has been steadily rising. It has been a real challenge for me to keep up. I’ve been doing my best to find ways to cut costs and cover as much as I can on my own, but I’m starting to feel the strain.

This is why I am looking to you for help. Your baby sister cannot do this anymore. I am fully aware that you have your financial responsibilities to worry about, and I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t truly need your help. If I could get the school fees or a portion, I would be happy, Big Bro. The current cost of tuition is $24,050.

I don’t want to place any undue stress on you.

Cheers, Nita.

A Debt to be Repaid 

Ways to Write a Letter to Your Brother About Your School Fees

Hello Brother,

I hope you are well. I know it’s been less than a week since I left home but when I got a full picture of what this academic year would demand, I knew I had to send this letter.

Our tuition has risen from $20,000 for out-of-state students to $24,770. Other expenses usually amounted to $3000 but now I have to spend an estimated $4,500. What this means is my budget for school this year wouldn’t be enough to cover what is being demanded.

I know you have an idea where this is going but I have a proposal if you wouldn’t be capable of shouldering the burden of $6000 required to complete my school fee for the 2024/2025 academic year.

I will make do with any amount you’re able to contribute and would be more than happy to work out a payment plan if you want. I have gotten a job and I can use the pay at the end of the semester to pay you back even if it is the entire sum you are giving me.

So, consider this a loan but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give me money. Hahaha

Let me know what it’d be Brother.



My Source of Financial Help 


My ever-supportive brother. I am not sure I’d have come this far in my college education without you. You are not just my elder brother but my source of help and once more I need your help with paying my school fees.

I am sure you are wondering why I’d be soliciting this kind of financial favor. Well, things are not what they used to be anymore. I mean, a lot has changed and I do not have enough money to meet up with the current demands of school.

Even though I am one to always run to you for help, this time, I am forced to do so because the cost of university education has grown. My school blames it on inflation and there’s been a slight increase in the cost of tuition from last year. I’ll be needing $3,430 to cover what is left of my school fees and I will be happy if you could turn up for me once more.

Lastly, you know you cannot send just that amount. If a few hundred bucks can be added just for ‘miscellaneous,’ I’d be excited.

I love you, Brother.

Cheers, Samantha.

An Investment for the Future

Hello Sir,

Hope this letter meets you well Big Bro. How are you and everyone at home? I know you must be busy so I’ll keep this letter short. I’ve thought long and hard about what to do to raise the money for my fees seeing I haven’t necessarily completed payments yet.

Every effort has proved to be futile. I didn’t want to bother you but since you are getting this letter it means I have to.

The session has commenced in earnest and I have not fully paid my fees. What is left to complete the money is about $4460. I know this is a huge sum considering the way things are and your family’s needs.

I want you to see this as an investment for the future. If you help me, I’d be able to study hard, graduate with flying colors, get a good job, and support the family.

Wouldn’t you like a reduced burden as our big brother? I am sure you will. Not like I am trying to feel entitled but you know your investment is going to yield appreciable interest.

Thank you brother cause I know you’re going to give me a favorable response.

With love,


Off to College

Dear Doctor, Engineer (or whatever title your brother holds)

How is work, sir? I am sure you are doing well and everything is going on smoothly. Nothing much is happening here though except that I’d be going to college this Fall like you must have heard.

I am preparing and working towards this, really excited for this next phase of my life. However, my excitement isn’t complete. When I think of the fact that my school fees and other expenses haven’t been taken care of, I fret at the idea of going to college.

This is why I am writing to you. I understand the state of the economy and how everyone seems to just be managing with the bare minimum.

As my biggest brother, I wanted to solicit your support. This is what the financial obligation looks like:

Tuition and Fees: $25,665

Room and Board: $12,300

Books and Supplies: $1230

Personal Expenses: $2790

Total: $41,985

I’d be grateful and indebted to you if I could get this total or a part of it as I proceed to continue my education. Mom sends her greetings. She’s asked you to call her.

Your Baby Sister.

Medical School is No Joke

Hello Brother,

I hope this letter meets you well. It’s been a while since we spoke and I cannot say things are going well for me. Medical school is not a joke and I wonder how you saw it through.

This letter is not because I am lagging in my studies or not doing well in that area. I am writing to express my dire need for financial support to pay my school fees. I know this is an unplanned expense and it is only coming to you because I have tried every means to raise the money to no avail.

I remember you complained about the state of the economy and how it has impacted your family and work. My asking should let you know how helpless the situation is for me too.

Currently, my school fee is $20 shy of $15,000. I wouldn’t mind getting all of that sum but if you will only contribute, it will be helpful. I’ve also reached out to Nate but he hasn’t responded to me.

I hope I get a response from you as time is running out on me.


No Financial Aid/Scholarship, Only Family

To my Brother

I didn’t follow up on the last matter we discussed as school work has become too stressful and isn’t affording me the time.

The reason I am writing this letter is that I need to ask for your help in paying my school fees for this session. You remember we talked about getting financial aid or applying for a scholarship. I did.

The financial aid at my school isn’t open to students like me because of my family’s status. Also, the only available scholarship isn’t available to students in their third year. Which means there’s no financial aid or scholarship for me. But I know I’ve got family.

That’s why I am writing. To ask you to help me with the money for my school fees. I would be glad if you could help me with the money. Even if I’d be getting a part of it. I do not mind.

Thank you brother for your continued support.

Your teddy,


Masquerading Intentions

Dear Big Brother Sam,

I hope this letter meets you well. It’s been a long time since we spoke to each other and I just thought about checking up on you. How have you been? Your thoughts have continued to flicker into my mind and I just hoped you were doing okay since I couldn’t reach out instantly.

School has been keeping me from social media and any form of interaction but I try to hang out with friends and go on dates. Although I must admit, I am feeling burnt out already, and knowing that my schedule isn’t as tight as yours, I wonder how you must be feeling.

So, what’s good, Brother?

You must be surprised by this letter. Well, the real reason I’m writing this letter is because the new school year is starting and I need HELP. Yes, I need help with my school fees.

The cost of attendance in my school has increased but aside from the increase, I do not have enough money to take care of the cost. Dad has given me a part of the money and what is left is $6,800.

Uncle Jake gave me a part of the money too. Even though John has said he’d support me, I can’t count on it. Don’t tell him though. Hehehehe

I look forward to hearing from you, My Knight in Shining Armor.

See ya,


Savings Won’t Cut It

Hi Big Brother

Kid Sis is writing because she needs help. Yep. I do need help. Forgive my manners. How’re you doing? How’s work? I believe everything is running smoothly.

Now to the reason I am writing this to you. I want to ask for your help with paying my school fees for this session. My current fee is $23,640. That’s not what I am asking for though. I have been keeping money away for college but I couldn’t quite hit the target and school’s already resumed.

What I have in my savings account is a little above $18,000. Tentatively, I need $6000 to cover the entire cost. And let’s not forget there’d be other expenses that amount to about $4,390. That sum will cover my room, board, and transportation.

I am a big girl so I can take care of my expenses.

I hope to hear from you positively, Big Bro.

Love you, Sandra.

Final Thoughts 

Each of the letters in this piece addressed several angles from which you could draw inspiration in drafting your letter to your brother. You can tweak it depending on what you want to express. Also, give them reasons why they should help you while expressing your understanding of whatever financial situation they may be in.

Ways to Write a Letter to Your Brother About Your School Fees

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