20 Funny Ways to Say “The Internet is Back”


In this technology age, where most interesting things happen online, not having an internet connection can be one of the most frustrating things to happen to anyone.

Almost everything now happens online from entertainment, news, passing important information and even getting high-paying jobs.

This means that most people cannot survive without the internet – as they would d*e of boredom. Imagine that you are on the verge of giving up after raising your phone to look for the network, switching your phone off and switching it back on, checking to see if the router is broken, and then the internet connects again.

I’m sure your reaction would be hilarious, but what funny ways can you tell another person that the network is back? This article will list twenty (20) funny ways that I would tell a person that the internet is back, you could use some of them too.

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Oh My, I’m Finally Back To Civilization After Being Cut Off For A While.

For Gen Z and millennials living among Gen Z, civilization now represents areas that have internet access and can use technology (such as computers) properly.

This means that if the internet goes out, you are no longer among the civilized. And when it gets back, you can say, ‘Oh my, I’m finally back to civilization after being cut off for a while.’

All Thanks To The Internet God For Finally Gracing Us With Her Presence.

Funny Ways to Say The Internet is Back

It is easier to blame someone else when something goes wrong, so in this case, you can just blame the internet god. This statement means that the internet god left, so the internet left with her, but now that she is back, she brought the internet with it.

Nobody Laughed Or Smiled For The Past Hour Because Nothing Is Funny Without The Internet, You Can Guess Why They Are Laughing Now.

Two things can make anyone lose their reason for smiling – losing electricity and losing the internet. Each one has a kind of joy and light it brings, especially to introverts.

I Didn’t Think That It Would Be Possible To Go Back In Time, But The Internet Just Proved Me Wrong Some Hours Ago.

Some of the earlier millennials did not have the internet the way we do right now. The internet is just faster, broader, and more saturated – cause most things are now possible online – unlike before.

This is why whenever the internet goes out most people assume that they just went back in time.

Ugh (Sighs In Relief), I Thought The World Had Come To An End, Thank God The Network Is Back.

If you are as dramatic as I am, then this is the best way to say that the internet is back. You can say it wide-eyed while taking a deep sigh of relief and probably placing your hands on your chest to let them know how serious it was.

If My Network Company Had Wasted An Extra Second In Restoring The Internet, I Would Have Sued Them For “Threat To Life.”

Of course, you would have probably taken them to the Internet court and sued them for keeping you off your life source.

This statement is very suitable for most Gen Z’s because most of them are addicted to their phones, and if for some reason they do not have access to the internet, they will freak out.

My Neighbor Was Surprised To See My Introverted Self Outside For Thirty Minutes, And Once I Went Back Inside, She Knew That The Internet Was Back.

The reason why most people are more introverted now than ever is because, with the internet, they have everything they need inside the house. They can get everything they want right to their doorstep without having to see their neighbors as long as possible.

Guys! We Finally Get To Live Again, ‘cause The Internet Is Back.

If you are with your clique or just a group of friends when the internet goes off, this will be a hilarious way to let them know that the internet is back.

Of course, they will have probably panicked over and over again, which will make it more satisfying that you are the bearer of good news.

I Can’t Believe That I Watched Years Of My Life Pass Me By, Thank God The Internet Is Back And I Can Finally Get To Catch Up.

This funny statement is most suitable if the internet was gone for a long time. Perhaps, you had something extremely important and time-sensitive that you were doing online before the internet went off.

Of course, there is a little exaggeration in the statement cause the internet may have been gone for some hours, but don’t let anyone stop you from expressing yourself.

Aliens Interrupted Our Network Because They Had Planned To Invade, I Guess They Have Changed Their Minds.

Funny Ways to Say The Internet is Back

If you are a Wi-Fi freak who believes so much in the existence of aliens, then you’ve found the perfect way to say that the internet network.

Ensure you say this with the right amount of seriousness in case the person you are speaking to thinks you are joking. Your seriousness will have them asking, “Wait, are you serious?” right before you burst out laughing… or not.

The Information Superhighway Was Clogged Some Minutes Ago, But It’s Open Now.

If you have a love for big vocabulary, then this is your best bet. In this statement, the internet is referred to as the information superhighway (which you must have figured out) and it is now unclogged after being clogged for some time.

I Missed An Important Tea Because The Network Decided To Go On A Holiday, Well, The Internet Is Back But I Still Missed The Tea.

If you think that the “tea” in this statement means the tea where you hear all the juicy details then you are right.

Imagine being on the live stream of a popular celebrity and your internet goes off just as a drama is about to start, or your friend is giving you the tea of what happened at a party you missed and your internet goes off.

Well, these are the struggles we face every day.

The Internet Was Becoming More Emotionally Unavailable These Past Few Days, But It’s Finally Healed And Steady.

There are some characteristics that a person may display or attitudes they have that will be categorized as emotional disorder and one of them is being emotionally unavailable.

So, when you say that the internet was emotionally unavailable, it may be that it went for therapy and now it is healed and steady, YNK.

I Almost Thought The Internet Nerd’s Girlfriend Broke Up With Him, But The Network Is Back Now So It Was Probably Me Overthinking It.

When the person responsible for providing the internet is going through a messy breakup, you don’t expect them to be in the right frame of mind to keep providing the internet, or maybe we are just overthinking.

The Wi-Fi Routers Had To Go On Data For The Internet To Get Back.

Because the internet community has its language, ‘data’ here means dates in human language. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, you understand that the wi-fi routers needed to go on data to get their juice running.

I Guess Superman Broke A Wire While He Was Trying To Break Into crypto currency, But It’s Repaired Now So Nothing To Worry About.

If you are a parent and you are trying to explain to your kid why the internet went off, this is the best statement to use. Feel free to replace Superman with any hero they are familiar with.

My Neighbor Changed His Wi-Fi Password But It Wasn’t Strong Enough, So I’m Back In The Game Now.

Funny Ways to Say The Internet is Back

This is the most hilarious way to say that the internet is back. Of course, you wouldn’t be the first to steal your neighbor’s Wi-Fi so no need to be ashamed, but if you get caught, be aware that you are carrying the shame alone.

We Were Waiting For The Vicar To Pronounce Their Husband And Wi-Fi, Thank God The Internet And My Laptop Are Finally United.

You know, ‘what the good Lord puts together, let no unforeseen circumstances put asunder’, so once the internet and your laptop are pronounced man and Wi-Fi, you are assured that the union is forever…well, as far as they do not divorce.

They Tried To Keep Me From Getting My Shot Of dopamine, But Then The Internet Came Back And Saved The Day.

For some of you, it’s coffee, while for others it is dopa-meme. This means if there is no internet to watch memes and have a good laugh, then someone is being denied their prescribed shot of dopamine.

The spider did not spin the web, so I was offline for days but they’ve resumed their jobs.

You are right, if the spiders do not spin the web, it means that the internet is off and that you will be offline. I think this is the perfect excuse to give your boss, but if you get fired, I apologize in advance.

Final Words,

I’m sure by now you have seen that we’ve got you all covered – from the over dramatic individual to the alien freak – we have the best responses for you.

So, you don’t have an excuse for being a recluse, now with all this well thought out hilarious ways to say that the internet is back.

Besides, you will feel a deep satisfaction that you are able to bring smiles and laughter to the person(s) you are speaking with.

Funny Ways to Say The Internet is Back

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