50 Different Ways to Say “Thank You” to Daycare Teacher


Daycare teachers are an amazing set of people. In my opinion, they do the most work being that they handle the formative years of kids as regards their educational pursuit. If you have enrolled your child in daycare and you have seen changes worth commending, it is important to show your appreciation but instead of just saying “Thank You,” I have provided a range of alternatives to show your gratitude to your child’s daycare teacher.

These ways to say “Thank you” to a daycare teacher explores several aspects of daycare education and interactions. It appreciates the daycare teacher for a variety of reasons. When you go through them, you are definitely going to find a suggestion that resonates with the particular teacher you are trying to appreciate.

Without further ado, let’s get into them.

50 Ways to Say “Thank You” to Daycare Teacher

How to Say Thank You to Daycare Teacher

The following are ways you can appreciate your child’s daycare teacher either while they are still teaching or when your ward is leaving daycare:

  1. Just wanted to appreciate you for making it possible for my kid to learn in an environment that makes it easy for them to assimilate and understand. We can’t thank you enough
  2. I have observed with keen interest how you take care of the kids under your care. This is the kind of quality we need in the educational sector. It is truly impressive
  3. Your suggestions about how we can help our child while he is at home proved to be helpful. We can see the improvement and we can only be grateful to you
  4. I thought to appreciate you for handling the burden of taking care of Jason for me. Being a 9-5 Mom and thinking about taking care of Jason while at work was a bit of an ordeal but you’ve taken that worry from me
  5. Our son was able to identify some words over the weekend and when I asked him, he said he learned them from his teacher at school. That is something I believe you deserve credit for. We are so grateful
  6. I know the great deal of effort you put into taking care of the kids under your care. How do you even manage to handle them? One kid is a lot of work already
  7. I have always given thought to how my child was going to develop and daycare being the starting point needed to be done correctly. You should know that you have made it possible for me not to worry and for that I am grateful
  8. Children can make a mess of themselves so easily and the way you ensure they are always clean is remarkable.
  9. My daughter’s newfound interest in music was surprising. I now see how she came to find this new interest. You are an incredible mentor and I am happy you get to show her the way
  10. It is often difficult to keep my child under control. He likes to explore a lot. I must commend you for doing so while he is at school. Could you let me in on your secrets?
  11. If you hadn’t brought that need to our notice, we may never have figured it out. Thank you so much because we have begun to take steps towards that and we are seeing the results. You are a rare gem
  12. Your patience in handling these kids is remarkable. I have not met anyone who is as gentle as you are. That’s just what kids of this age need
  13. I admire your ability to be affectionate and disciplined at the same time. Watching you handle the children with both character traits is impressive. You are a model for daycare teachers
  14. I am surprised by Nate’s politeness. It seems to be growing every day. There is only one person he could have learnt it from. Thank you so much, Teacher Ann.
  15. Could you share your bucket list with me? Let me see if I can help tick something off it for you just to show how grateful I am for what you’ve done for my child
  16. It was a good decision for me to have changed Avisha’s daycare. The results have been impressive and I wish he could stay at this level under your guidance for some time. You are a rare gem
  17. I thought to show my gratitude to you for how you have devoted your time in grooming my children. Thank you for attending to their needs and making them feel loved in my absence
  18. Is there a way we can appreciate you? I couldn’t come up with something that would resonate with you and help you see how grateful we are for your labor of love
  19. Your communication skills are incredible. How you speak in the language of these children and get them to understand what you are trying to communicate is commendable
  20.  If I didn’t know this was a daycare, I’d have assumed you were teaching college students. Your classroom management is one of the best I have come across
  21. The way you handle everything so seamlessly without breaking a sweat. No complaints. You just get the job done day after day. If nobody will appreciate you for that, permit me to do so on their behalf
  22. I must confess, you make teaching feel like an enviable profession and that’s a beautiful thing. If I am considering it though, I don’t want to be a daycare teacher. I am not sure I have the abilities you have got
  23. If they allowed us to vote for the best teacher in this school, I am sure I speak for other parents when I say you’ll keep winning that award every year. Your dedication is exemplary and I am happy my kids are under your tutelage
  24. I wish I could keep my daughter under your care but her time in daycare is over. You have helped her through this early stage of her education and we are definitely not going to forget how your help formed the foundation for whatever she’d become later on
  25. Would it be selfish to ask that you be promoted as my child leaves daycare to grade school? I see the evidence of your teaching practices in his life and I could only wish you remained a part of his academic pathway. Thank you so much
  26. When James got home yesterday, he went into the kitchen and tried to wash his hands. I asked him what he was trying to do and he told me you asked them to always wash their hands before eating. Teaching these kids proper hygiene might not look like much but it is very thoughtful of you.
  27. I don’t need anyone to tell me that your influence in the lives of these kids will shape their academic pursuit in a positive light forever. They might not remember but you can be sure you have tutored some of the greatest individuals and you’ll see so in no distant time
  28. If it isn’t too much, we’d like you to join our family for thanksgiving. Consider it our little way to show you how much we are grateful for your labors in the life of our daughter as she graduates daycare today
  29. As a teacher, I know how underappreciated teachers are. In my opinion, even if we won’t appreciate other teachers, daycare teachers deserve our commendation and recognition. My kids couldn’t have gotten a better teacher than you
  30. I am definitely going to enroll my newborn when the time is right. I wouldn’t have any other person be their daycare teacher other than you. There’s no way to say it other than you are exceptional
  31. There are three words my husband used in describing you. He said “Incredible,” “Tenacious,” and “Devoted.” I couldn’t argue any different. Permit me to add “Dedicated,” “Mentor per Excellent,” and “Caring.”
  32. I just watched the perfect conflict resolution I have ever witnessed. My twins are always at each other’s necks and the way you ensured peace in no time is fascinating. Could you share with me what hacks you employed? I need to be able to handle them before they turn my home into a battlefield
  33. If you hadn’t pointed that out, it may have taken me months to figure this out. Thankfully, you observed and pointed it out. I am grateful for that and owe you a lot
  34. Your teaching style isn’t something one can just learn from a book. I think you are a born teacher. What do you say you come to take my kids’ summer classes? And trust me, the pay is going to be handsome enough
  35. I was preparing to gift you something today but I am still thinking of the best to give you to show how glad I am for your labors in the life of my ward. His formative years are done and things are looking promising thanks to you
  36. You have made a submissive boy out of my son. He listens to me at home and seeing how you take care of him here in school shows where he’s learning such virtues. You are the best
  37. My boy has grown very fond of you. You need to hear how he sings your praises at home showing us the crafts you help him design. I think he’s picking an interest in arts. Thank you for your guidance so far, let me know what he needs and we can get it ready
  38. If care was a person, it would be you. I can see the evidence in my daughter. She looks well catered for everytime I come to pick her up. That for me is worth noting and appreciating you for
  39. The level of dedication you put into this work makes me think less of the cost of daycare. I mean, it is expensive but when I see the effort you put in and the results I am getting, I can only say it is very much worth it
  40. My daughter’s problem with cussing is just disappearing. He’s become more polite and I’ve not heard him cuss in awhile. Thank you for taking note of that and helping me work on it. I am thankful
  41. John is always raving about the nice things you say to him. It has made him more confident. Someone who was formerly timid is now so confident and I am grateful knowing you did this for us
  42. The way you continue to maintain a clean environment dealing with all these children is remarkable. Two kids alone make my house so messy and here you are handling almost 10 and everything still looks clean and neat
  43. Thank you for the feedback you are always sending our way. Even though we leave our child in your care, it feels like we are walking with her throughout the process. That’s incredible
  44. Something spilled on Jason’s shoe the other day and he quickly picked a napkin to wipe it off. I asked him why and he said “Teacher says no dirt on shoes, wipe it, wipe it.” You have influenced our kid so much and I can’t thank you enough
  45. My daughter now plays the role of a waiter even better than most waiters. I was wondering how she learned it until I saw the pictures you sent to the Parents group chat. You are one in a million, Teacher Ann
  46. This is a surprise. I love the new look. You don’t just look after my daughter but work on her looks too. Thank you for the effort. Truly, I am grateful. Let me take you a photo with her
  47. Hubby told me our daughter doesn’t cry anymore when she comes to daycare. I wanted to see for myself. Bringing her I saw how she ran in to hug you. That shows a genuine level of care and friendship. It is nothing we deserve. Thank you
  48. The way you take care of these kids makes me wonder if I am a mother at all. You do a better job than I ever thought was possible to do
  49. I saw the trending video of an evil daycare teacher and I saw the need to appreciate you for all you do for our kids. We leave them in your hands and when we come to pick them up they are always cheerful and happy which speaks volumes of how you handle them
  50. Having a kid with autism felt like a terrible problem but seeing how you wing it with him in daycare gives me courage and hope. I am forever indebted to you

Thank You Notes to Daycare Teacher From Child

A note from your child to their daycare teacher can mean the world. You can guide your child to create one and hand it over to their teacher on the day they graduate or leave daycare. I have outlined three notes that can impress your child’s teacher on such an occasion.

Here are three short sample thank you notes from a child to their daycare teacher:

Learnt New Things

Dear Ms. Jenny,

Thank you for being the best teacher ever! I loved learning new things in your class and playing with my friends. You always made me feel safe and special.

I will miss you over the summer. Thank you for everything!

Your friend,


Reading By Myself

Dear Mr. Mark,

Thank you for helping me learn how to read. I’m so proud that I can now read books by myself. Your reading time was my favorite part of the day.

I’m going to miss your funny jokes and the way you made learning fun. You’re the greatest.



Taught Me Values

Dear Ms. Sara,

Thank you for teaching me to be kind and share with the other kids. I learned so much about being a good friend in your class.

I’ll never forget the time you helped me when I was upset. You always make me feel better.

Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you.

Your student,


Final thoughts

I believe you have found thoughtful ways to show your gratitude to your child’s daycare teacher. Aside from just saying words, giving them cash gifts, inviting them for dinners, giving them flowers, and much more are other ways you can make your child’s daycare teacher feel special and appreciated.

How to Say Thank You to Daycare Teacher

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