15 Funny Ways to Say No When Someone Asks For Your Homework


Are you looking for the best way to politely decline when a friend or classmate asks for your homework? There are times when people may ask us for things like this, and we may not be interested in sharing, but we also don’t want to create any tension. In such a scenario, it’s important to be tactful in how we respond. One way to do this without making it sound like a big deal is to respond with humor or wit.

This article is a sum up of the best suggestions on funny ways to say no when someone asks for your homework. I have ensured that they communicate humor in the best possible way so that you can’t still maintain your relationship with the person even after rejecting their request.

How Can You Do Your Homework When You Are In School Already? It Is Called Homework For A Reason You Know

When someone asks you to give them your homework you can ask them how they expect to do the homework in school. The idea of homework is that it’d be taken home and donut home. Them asking you for it while you’re in school and you responding this way should make them understand that it’s a no.

You Would Have To Pay But Then You Are Broke

Funny Ways to Say No When Someone Asks For Your Homework

If the person who asks you is a close friend of yours or just someone you feel you can banter with, tell them that you would have given them your assignment if they were going to pay but you are sure that they don’t have the money is another funny way to say no. It doesn’t matter if they are broke or not. If someone offers to pay to have your assignment you can call a price that is too ridiculous for them to afford no matter how much they have.

But We Didn’t Write About The Same Things

This line is going to come in handy when the assignment is about an essay, research work, review, or something related to writing. By using this response you are letting them know that what you wrote is supposed to be different from what they are going to write which makes it impossible for you to give them your homework to copy.

Would Have Given It To You If Plagiarism Wasn’t A Thing

If you are sure that the person is asking you for your homework because they want to copy it, you can tell them that you’d love to but you would not want to be a party to plagiarism. You could say “I’d love to but plagiarism is illegal.” This should let them know that while you are willing to give them your assignment if they have to check it, you are not going to allow them to copy it.

Unfortunately, Mate, I Do Not Sponsor Laziness Or Support It In Any Way

Another way to say no to someone who asks for your homework is to pose as a principled person. To do this, a good way would be to say that you do not sponsor laziness or support it in any way. Sometimes, laziness is what would make somebody not do their homework and need to copy from another person. This statement lets them know what you think of them and prevents them from coming to ask again. While this statement in itself is not funny, when you deliver it with a sneer on your face or a funny facial expression it would do the job.

I Could Get Penalized For It And I Am Too Faint-hearted To Handle That

One of the excuses I gave my friends when they asked me for my assignment back in college was to say that I could get penalized if I did so. Well, there are so many ways that you can be punished when you are caught in the act of plagiarism. You can have your marks reduced or be given a lower grade and so on. Since they would probably know what the punishment for plagiarism is, you can use this response to make them understand why you don’t want to give it to them.

Oh, So You Want To Reap Something You’ve Not Seen, Yeah? Better Luck Next Time

Next time somebody asks you to let them have your homework because they want to copy what you’ve done, you can tell them “Oh so you want to reap where you’ve not sown or what you’ve not sown.” When you say this, you follow it up with “Better luck next time” to tell them that you are not going to give them your homework that time.

I’m Not A Kind Person. Because I Let You Copy My Assignment The Last Time Doesn’t Mean I’ll Let You Do So All The Time

Maybe you have allowed them to copy your assignment before and they are asking you again. This is a good way to let them know that it is not something you fancy doing all the time. It is easy for people to take your kindness to mean that you would always do that thing over and over again.

If you have done it once and the person wants to make it a habit of it, you can let them know that this is not something you want to do by saying no to them in this manner.

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, If You Paid My School Fees, I May Have Given It To You

Funny Ways to Say No When Someone Asks For Your Homework

Another one of my go-to statements, when I want to say no to somebody who asked me for my assignment, is to tell them that “Roses are red, violets are blue, if you paid my school fees, I may have given it to you.” This very savage line gets them all the time because they did not pay my school fees which means they would not get my homework. It is simple.

What Else Do You Want? My Soul? Wouldn’t Want My Kidney Also?

For someone who is always making demands to you about stuff generally, when they ask you to allow them to see your homework or copy it, you can ask them “What else do you want? My soul? Wouldn’t want my kidney also?” This statement is suggestive of the fact that you are already tired of their constant requests and demands and for your homework it is a no.

Mr. Johnson Has His Spies Everywhere. I Can’t Risk It, Girl

Another way to say no in a funny way when somebody tells you to give them your homework is to say that the teacher has got spies that would be watching you to see if you’d share your answers with other people. You can mention the name of the teacher when saying this and follow it up with a statement about not being willing to risk it or stick your neck out for them. It is going to sound funny and weird.

You Are Turning Into A Habitual Copier. Are You A Photocopier?

I am sure you have people who are always waiting for you to do your homework just to copy it. They’d have all the time in the world but they’d refuse to do their homework because they knew I was going to do mine and they expected to just copy from me. When you have somebody like that who’s always asking you for your homework, you can tell them that they are turning into a habitual copier and ask if they are a photocopying machine.

You Need To Write A 2,500 Words Essay As To Why I Should Give It To You

For a moment, think about how funny it is to tell somebody who wants to copy an assignment to first write a 2,500-word essay to convince you to let them copy your assignment. If they had the time to do that, wouldn’t they just go ahead doing the assignment rather than write a long message to beg you for your homework? Well, it is funny but then it passes the message – I am not going to give you my homework.

You’re Taking Spanish Classes, Right? So You Know What “De Ninguna Manera” Means

You can get a little bit creative with your conversation while still maintaining humor with a statement like this “You’re taking Spanish classes right? So you know what ‘De ninguna manera’ means.” The phrase “De ninguna manera” means “By no means.”

If they are studying other languages apart from Spanish, you can find out what No is in that language. Whether they are studying Spanish or not, you can still use the Spanish expression or any you can find and if they ask what it means, you can tell them. It passes the message regardless.

There Are Three Things By Mummy Said I Shouldn’t Share: Sharp Objects, My Partner, And My Homeworks

Funny Ways to Say No When Someone Asks For Your Homework

Another hilarious way you can tell somebody that you would not be giving them your homework is to say that there are three things your mommy said you shouldn’t share. When they ask you what they are, you say sharp objects, my partner, and my homework.

As you can see, you aren’t telling them no outrightly but the message is clear – you won’t be sharing your homework with them. You can decide to go all in with the approach rather than wait for them to ask you what things you’re not supposed to share. Whichever way, the goal is the same and both methods will produce the same result, communicating a refusal to give them your homework.

Final Thoughts 

When someone asks to use or copy your homework and you’re not willing to give it to them, instead of being all apprehensive about your refusal, you can sprinkle a little bit of humor in your remarks.

If you were looking for nice ways to say no when someone asks you for a homework assignment, I believe that you found these amazing suggestions very helpful. Some of these statements would require funny facial expressions and voice tones to deliver the humor in them. So you should know which demand search for it to come off as being funny.

From now on, you will have no issues with saying no especially when it is something that has to do with your assignment.

Funny Ways to Say No When Someone Asks For Your Homework

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