20 Ways to Say ‘No Further Comments’ in an Email


Email writing has become one of the most common ways to communicate both professionally and informally. But is there a special way to write an email that distinguishes it from other platforms?

Continuously, when a person says ‘no further comments’, it means that they had made a comment about something, and they are still been pestered to say more about the issue.

If you have exhausted everything you have to say, then you usually say ‘no further comments.’ How then do you express that in an email aside from simply writing ‘no further comments’ in the email?

In this article, I will be explaining twenty (20) alternative ways to say ‘no further comments’ when writing an email.

How to Say No Further Comments in an Email

Table of Contents

I Don’t Think I Have More To Say Concerning This Issue Cause At This Point, I’ve Exhausted All There Is To Say

When your statement includes ‘at this point’, it means that you must have probably made a point, but then you have gotten to a stage where you have nothing further to say about an ongoing issue.

How to Say No Further Comments in an Email

After Clearly Expressing Myself In The Message Above, I Have Nothing More To Say

Saying that you have expressed yourself in an already written message simply means that you have taken the time to write a message explaining yourself and that you will not be saying anything more after that.

Since Everything Was Expressed In The Meeting, There Is Nothing Left To Be Said In This Mail

If you have had a meeting with the people asking you for more information about the matter discussing the details of a particular issue and they forward a mail asking for more information or clarification, then this is the best way to tell them ‘no further comments.’

You’ve Asked Me Every Vital Question And I Have Answered, I Don’t Think There Is Anything More To Say At This Point

Sometimes when people ask you questions about an issue, they may suspect that you are still hiding a piece of information from them. If you are not, then definitely you would want to tell them ‘no further comment’, using the statement above.

Attached to this email is a document containing all the information you would need for this role, aside from that, there’s nothing more to say

It is always so much easier to write down everything you know in a document so that whatever information anyone needs they can refer to that document. Once you have exhausted that information in the document, there will definitely not be anything left to say.

I thought I made my position clear, there is nothing left to discuss about this issue

When you have made a decision or stated your position about something, and someone continues to question that decision or position, especially through the mail, then this is the best way to let them know that you have ‘no further comments.’

I’ve run out of words as I’ve said everything I know about this to everyone that is involved

If there is ever an issue and you have had lots of people asking you questions about that particular issue to which you responded, then upon further inquiries, you will not have further comments, and this is the best way to express that.

I Don’t Want To Say Anything Else About This, So I Will Appreciate If You Stop Forwarding These Emails To Me

If you have given an opinion about something and you still have someone forwarding emails to ask you questions about this, you can use this statement to let them know that no matter how much they send emails to you, you have nothing further to say.

I gave you the audience you requested to talk about this, and I have nothing else to say so stop contacting me

If perhaps, a reporter interviews you on a certain issue and you have given them the audience they need to discuss the issue but they continue to contact you, then this is the best way to tell them ‘no further comment.

I thought I’d said it all, I’m not saying anything more that may likely get me in trouble

Sometimes people pressure you to say more than necessary concerning a particular issue and you oblige. But then, when they return for more information and you have nothing to say then this is the best response to use.

There’s actually nothing left to discuss in this case, I have told you everything that I know

Well, if you have exhausted everything you know about an issue then you may have nothing further to say. If that is your situation, you may want to use this statement to let them know that you have exhausted everything you know.

The Content Of This Email Implies That I’m Hiding Something Which I’m Not, I Just Don’t Have Anything More To Say About This Issue

Imagine being transparent about an issue and exhausting all information you have concerning it, but then someone sends you an email implying that you are hiding something.

Well, it may seem quite offensive and if you wish to properly express that you have no further comment in the email, then this is the right statement to use.

I know that this is an important situation, so I can assure you that I’m not withholding information and that there is no need to talk further about this

Sometimes, the situation is dire and the information you are required to provide may be important to save someone’s life or to save a situation.

If you understand the information quite properly and have given all the information you know about that, then you can use this statement to let them know that there is nothing further to say.

You Need To Believe Me When I Say That I’ve Told You Everything I Know

If they are expressing doubt about the fact that you have given out all the information you have, you can use this statement to convince them to believe that you have told them everything you know about that situation.

In this context, the aim is to convince them that the reason you have nothing further to say is that you have actually told them everything.

If you seek further information about this, you may need to search elsewhere ‘cause I have nothing else to say

It could be that you are not the only person who has a piece of information about the situation and you have volunteered all the information you have. You can let them know that instead of pestering you, they should ask someone else for information.

Even if it is not another person they need to ask, it could be other sources like the internet or whatever. As far as they know you don’t have anything more to say about the situation.

I Won’t Withhold Anything Important From You As I Have Told You Everything I Know

This statement assures whoever is pestering you for information that you will not withhold any important information that will jeopardise the situation or further aggravate it.

It is mostly suitable where it concerns police investigation and your statement will be vital to moving the investigation forward. When using this statement, ensure that you actually have no comment that you are withholding as if you are caught, you may be charged.

I Honoured Your Invitation To An Interview So I Can Tell You Everything I Know, I Have Nothing More To Say

If someone calls you for an interview to pick your mind about an issue or situation, and you honour the situation but they come back trying to pester you for more information then this is the best statement to use to let them know that you have no further comment.

If You Want To Know More About This, Go And Read The Statement I’ve Written Concerning It Cause I Have Nothing More To Say

If you have taken your time to write a statement explaining what you know or witnessed about a situation or your view of a matter, then you can just refer them to the written statement since there is nothing more you can say about that.

It could be that the situation involves the police or press, and you may have written a police statement or article. If someone then asks you something further about the issue, you can just use this statement instead of saying, ‘No further comment.’

Respectfully, It Will Be Nice If You Stop Insisting On This Matter, I Have Said All There Is To Say About This Matter

If they have been pushing you to the wall about making a comment when you have exhausted everything you know about a matter, then this is the most respectful way to tell them ‘no further comments.’

This statement implies that you are standing your ground on a matter and that you are trying to be as firm as possible.

This Is The Last Email I Will Send Concerning This Issue As I Have Nothing More To Say

How to Say No Further Comments in an Email

This statement signifies that they have probably been sending you emails asking for a comment on an issue but then you have nothing more to say.

So, you let them know that this is the last email you will be sending addressing that issue. The email further implies that you have ‘no further comment.’

To End With,

Being able to probably express yourself is a rare skill which is learnable. This article will guide you on how to properly express yourself rather than just sending a basic ‘no further comment’ through an email.

It allows you to formally and/or cordially address any situation that requires you to either be firm, polite, or expressive.

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