20 Funny Ways to Say “Network Is Bad”


Ever been surfing the net or trying to submit that application, and the network just seizes and refuses to work? Well, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to do something very important online, but the network is really bad. The next step would probably be to call your network providers which is okay.

However, while you wait for the issue to be sorted, how do you tell your friends that the network is bad? The best way to get through the waiting period is to share a little humor, don’t you think?

In this article, I will be listing twenty (20) funny ways to say “Network is Bad,” to help you add a sprinkle-dazzle of humor to that conversation.

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You Know How My Grandma Is Always Shaky As Hell And Easily Goes Down, Well, That Is How My Network Is Right Now.

Funny Ways to Say Network Is Bad

If you have ever climbed on top of your bed, chair, or table to see if you can get some bars, then this statement is reserved for you.

It is used mainly when the network is not steady, probably just comes up and goes down, but mostly just goes down.

If I Have To Move The Modem To The Barn To Get Stable Wi-Fi, Then You Know That The Network Is Poor.

This statement uses puns to pass a clear but humorous message that the network is bad. The word “stable” means two different things – a barn where horses are kept and the ability to be steady.

I Have A Net That Allows You To Catfish, So You Don’t Need The Internet As A Fisherman.

This humorous statement can be used with friends who are comfortable with being a little insulted because they know that you don’t mean it. I mean, the closest of friends insult each other as a way to bond.

Being a fisherman is not an insult, but referring to someone as a fisherman because they constantly smell like fish can be insulting.

Which Gender Is Always Unstable When It Comes To Relationships? – The Internet.

This question may likely be triggering if used with the wrong person because no one likes to be called unstable. This means that whoever you are speaking to has to be patient enough to get the answer and also understand the joke.

Whenever You Hear Me Referring To My Asian Friends As, “Hi Ping,” Just Know That The Network Is Bad.

Well, if you are not able to ‘ping’, then it could mean that the network is bad. This joke will be more hilarious if used with Asian friends ‘cause popular Asian names sound similar to ‘Ping.’

If You Ever See Me Sleep Early, Wake Up Early, And Finish A Task When I Propose To Do So, Just Know That The Network Is Bad.

With a smooth network, some people can stay holed up in one place surfing through the internet and not get any activity done. However, when they get serious about achieving what they set out to do, it may be that the network is bad.

Do You Know What Has A Big Pipe, But Doesn’t Benefit You Much When There Is No Uptime? A Bad Network.

The internet has a wide reach, however, when it is out, everyone’s device is completely useless. This cool and humorous way of saying that the network is bad can also be used rhetorically.

Now I Understand Why I Keep Getting An Error When I Check Today’s Date, The Bad Network.

Sometimes, you would already be using your device when you notice that you keep getting an error message while trying to perform a task online. You may not notice initially until you have tried multiple times and then it suddenly comes to you. It is the realization that makes it more humorous – like, “How could I have been so ignorant?”

Freelancing Became Recently Popular In Some Parts of Africa And Research Claims That They Just Got Their Network Repaired.

It is a popular belief that most areas in Africa don’t have a steady network especially if the weather is bad. This statement is a little dig at Africans or people who are resident in Africa.

They must share your sense of humor as you wouldn’t want them to return the favor.

If Your Spouse Suddenly Stops Being Romantic, Don’t Be Too Worked Up, It Is Simply The Internet Connection.

Funny Ways to Say Network Is Bad

If you intend to go hard on humor, then this is just the right one to use. It can also serve as the perfect and unreasonable explanation as to why your partner may be losing his/her romantic side.

If You Ever Hear That A Ship Sank, It’s Always Because There Was No Internet Network To Sell The Ship Online.

This phrase is derived from a little joke about a rabbi who was on a ship that was about to sink and when asked to pray for a miracle, he simply asked them to look for a place with a good network and sell the ship cause no miracle could save them.

This short story is then referred to whenever someone wants to crack a joke or make a funny statement about a bad network.

What Else Do Christians Wait For Aside From The Coming Of Christ? A Good Network.

It is a popular belief that Christians believe in the second coming of a savior, and they live in holiness while they wait. This statement hints that they may not only be waiting for the second coming but also a good network.

I mean, while they are still on Earth, they will need to keep abreast of what is happening in the world.

I Tried Reaching Out To You For A Long Time, And I Know That You Did Not Unalive Yourself, So It Could Only Have Been A Bad Network.

When you have friends who love their lives so much and love to spend time online, then this will be the best statement to use for them.

Hence, when you try to reach out to them and you are not able to get them, the easiest conclusion would be that they do not have a good network.

The Internet Connection Has Been So Nigerian If You Know What I Mean.

Now, not to put a dent in the reputation of the country Nigeria, but it is popular knowledge that Nigerians suffer from bad or unsteady networks.

So, when you want to refer to the fact that there is a bad network somewhere, then you say that the internet connection has been so Nigerian. If you use the statement with a Nigerian, they will have a good laugh about it.

The Brain Of Everything The Internet Has Gone Poco Loco.

If you know the cartoon, “you make me pocoloco,” then you will understand the joke behind this statement. It refers to the fact that everything on the internet would mean the network cause without a good network no one would have access to the internet.

The joke can be common amongst people who are familiar with the animation video like parents of children who watch it.

I Would Say That The Network Right Now Is In The Same State As My Granddad – Dead.

If you love dark humor, then this is the best funny way to respond to the statement, “Network is bad.”

This signifies that the network is not just bad, but it is completely dead. You may have to wait for the network to return or call your network providers.

You Know That Something Is Wrong With The Network When A Guy Gets Dumped For Not Responding Even Though He Was Online.

We all know that some girls can be dramatic especially when the person that they are in a relationship with does not reply to their messages.

Hence, it is safe to say that this is a joke amongst the male gender because then they would say, ‘But what did I do wrong? I was just having a bad network.’

I Had To Go To The Trees To Be Able To Log In, Cause The Internet Went On A Vacation.

This statement uses puns to communicate humorously that the network is bad. It means that the person speaking went outdoors to see if they would get some “bars” into their phone.

Your attitude, tone of voice, and facial expression have to show that you are joking which adds to the humor.

Had An Online Meeting And Was 5 Hours Late. You Can Guess The Traffic That Was Responsible For That.

This funny statement may or may not be an exaggeration because some people have a habit of being late at everything while other times, it could be network issues.

This statement can also serve as dark humor because the person may have lost a very important contract/opportunity, and may be in regret while using humor to appear strong.

A Guy Posted A “Knock Knock” Joke On X (Formerly Twitter) Last Year, But We Only Just Saw It This Year.

Well, this humorous statement is quite exaggerated because there is no way a network can be so bad that it takes one year to see a post on social media.

But to an extent, it shows that that area is infamous for having a bad network which is why there is a need for exaggeration to show that the network is bad.

Final Words,

Now that you have these humorous statements at your disposal, you shouldn’t get so cranky when the network goes bad. Instead of waiting around and not knowing what to do with yourself, hit some of your homies in your neighborhood up, and use some of these statements to let them know hilariously the state of the network.

Funny Ways to Say Network Is Bad

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