20 Diplomatic Ways to Say “Let’s Agree to Disagree”


Ever been in a friendly argument but then it starts to escalate, and you hear yourself saying, “Let’s agree to disagree.” The statement aims to diffuse a tense atmosphere tactfully and sensitively.

The statement is used mostly when you don’t want things to escalate, and you wish to protect everyone’s interest. It is a great skill to be able to control a difficult situation while ensuring that everyone leaves happy.

It does not just help you in your personal life, it also helps you in your career to handle clients who may wish to prove difficult or customers who would want to stir up trouble unprovoked.

Aside from simply saying, “Let’s agree to disagree,” there are other diplomatic statements to say that can help diffuse a tense situation. In this article, we will be educating you on twenty (20) proven ways to say, “Let’s agree to disagree.”

Table of Contents

I’m Going To Have To Come In At This Point Cause We Need A Common Ground If We Are All Going To Leave Happily.

Diplomatic Ways to Say Let’s Agree to Disagree

This statement is suitable when you are not part of the argument but merely a mediator between the people arguing. A good example is a therapist.

I Understand Your Perspective On This Matter Which Is Why I Feel We Should Each Come To A Compromise To Benefit Each Other.

It is important to not be rigid when it comes to understanding a situation from another person’s point of view even though you may not agree with it.

Now I See What You Are Saying, Just A Better Explanation From You Makes Me Understand Why It Is Necessary To Do Things Your Way.

Most times the missing puzzle is more explanation and better understanding of the other person and once that is resolved, you have agreed to disagree.

We All Want Everyone To Understand Things From Our Points Of View, But We Must Remain Of The Same Mind To Accommodate Everyone.

Everyone wants to be heard but when the crowd is so much, it is important to find a common ground so that everyone can be accommodated.

  • “We all want everyone to understand things from our point of view…”

It Is Important That While We Are All Trying To Be Heard We Tolerate Each Other As That Is The Only Guarantee For A Successful Meeting.

It is not surprising to find a group of people who don’t like each other in the same space but if it is an important meeting, you may want to ensure that they tolerate each other until the meeting is over at least.

If You Could Just Think Over What Was Said, You Will Realise That A Different Point Of View Is Refreshing And Not Threatening.

Trying to reason with someone to accept that they are wrong and that someone else’s view is refreshing takes great skill which is why it is important to be gentle when saying this.

While I Understand That You Have More Experience And Expertise In This Field, It Will Not Hurt To Hear The Opinions Of Others – Ideas Can Come From Anywhere.

A person who is an expert in their field will hate it when their years of experience and knowledge are challenged hence convincing them to consider another opinion may pose a challenge.

  • “While I understand that you have more experience and expertise in this field…”
  • “I sure do.”

We Don’t Need To Be Friends To Successfully Work Together On This Project As Long As We Have Our Eyes On The Same Goal.

There are rare times when you may not like a person but you guys aim to achieve the same thing so you set your differences aside to ensure the goal is achieved.

  • “We don’t need to be friends to successfully work together on this project…”
  • “Great idea.”
  • “…as far as we have our eyes on the same goal.”

I See The Valid Point You Made There, But We Must First Consider This From All Aspects Thoroughly.

Before you dismiss people’s suggestions, ensure to acknowledge them first then plead with them to consider different aspects of the same issue.

  • “I see the valid point you made there…”
  • “Thank you.”
  • “…but we must first consider this from all aspects thoroughly.”

Since Neither Of Us Wants To Give In To Each Other, It Will Be Best To Leave It At That.

When you are as stubborn as the person you are arguing with, you may want to suggest to leave the statement as it is.

  • “Since neither of us wants to give in to each other, it will be best to leave it at that.”
  • “What do you suggest?”

Here We Are Arguing With Each Other When There Is A Possibility That We Are Both Wrong.

You may argue with one another for a long time before realizing that you may both be wrong then you will decide to let it rest.

I Don’t See Why We Can’t Agree To Differ Without Hating Or Fighting Each Other.

The aim of agreeing to disagree is to tone down harsh emotions that may result in the exchange of insulting words or anger toward each other.

  • “I don’t see why we can’t agree to differ without hating or fighting each other.”
  • “I agree.”

The Funny Thing About This Disagreement Is That No Matter How Unique Our Points Are, We Will Never Be Correct.

When you both know that you are not correct in your arguments but still insist on pushing them just to make a point, then it is time to agree to disagree.

At This Point, I Believe The Only Thing That Can Solve This Argument Is The Wisdom Of Solomon.

When you both refuse to let the other win because you strongly believe that you are right and no mediator has succeeded in solving the argument, then you may need higher wisdom.

  • “At this point, I believe that the only thing that can solve this argument is…”
  • “Is what?”
  • “…the wisdom of Solomon.”

The Way This Argument Is Going, Even If We Both Stand Before A Judge And Present Hardcore Evidence Distinctly, We May Still Not Win The Case.

You know that an argument is hopeless when even a judge will not deem it productive to preside over the issue if it is a court case.

I Think This Talk Has Reached Its Limit Cause If I Insist On Winning This Argument, I May Likely Ruin Your Reputation.

When you know you are right because of the discrete information you possess about that person, you may be more inclined to agree to disagree.

  • “I think this talk has reached its limit cause if I insist on winning this argument…”
  • “What will happen?”
  • “…I may likely ruin your reputation.’

Since We Are Live, I Think The Mature Thing To Do Is To Agree That We Are Both Wrong Or Right So That We Can Move Forward From Here.

This statement is most suitable when the meeting is airing live on social media and you don’t want your different opinions to cause a buzz online.

  • “Since we are live, I think the mature thing to do is to agree that we are both wrong or right…”
  • “I think so too.”

I’ve Already Said All I Know About This, If You Still Choose Not To Reason With Me Then It Is Advisable We Drop It Here.

It may be difficult to be the bigger person, but it is always the right thing to do if you wish to stop a pending argument.

  • “I’ve already said all I know about this…”
  • “I thought so.”
  • “…if you still choose not to reason with me then it is advisable we drop it here.”

You Are A Good Friend/Sister/Brother And I Respect Your Opinion, If I Drag This Any Further I Will Make You Look Like A Fool So Let’s Drop It.

If you are getting pissed off by the direction of the conversation and you are merely holding on to the little self-control you have left, then this is the best statement for you.

  • “You are a good friend and I respect your opinion…”
  • “And I yours.”
  • “…if I drag this any further I will make you look like a fool so let’s drop it.”

Going Back And Forth Like This Is Childish And Time-Wasting, Let’s Forget About Who Is Right And Go Grab Some Beer.

This is not just a diplomatic way, but a playful way to say, “Let’s agree to disagree.” If you are females who wish to use this statement, you can go shopping instead of going to grab a beer.

  • “Going back and forth like this is childish and time-wasting…”
  • “I agree.’
  • “…let’s forget about who is right and go grab some beer.”

Wrapping Up

Now that we have agreed to disagree, can everyone go home now? It is always such a relief when you can handle a situation that is about to escalate. The statements in this article will contribute to your problem-solving skills.

You may not know it but it can also help you in the professional space to succeed during an interview because companies would want to know if you can handle difficult clients.

Diplomatic Ways to Say Let’s Agree to Disagree

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