20 Funny Responses if Someone Calls You Pookie


You must have probably had someone call you a pookie, and you wanted to attack them for calling you names. Well, if you are active on TikTok, you would have realized that it is an endearing name, but you’ve already embarrassed yourself and nothing can be done about that.

However, what I can do for you is to properly explain to you what a Pookie means, so that when you hear it from someone next time, you will know how to react.

A Pookie is a popular term used amongst TikTokers to refer to something or someone who is cute. It can be used interchangeably with other endearing names that you are familiar with such as honey, darling, cutie pie, etc.

To help you further, I will write twenty (20) funny responses you can give to someone who calls you Pookie.

Table of Contents

Your Pookie Needs A Long Hot Bath And A Home-Cooked Meal, How About That?

The aim of calling someone a Pookie is that they are looking cute and sweet. Well, to keep them looking that way, they need a long hot bath and a home-cooked meal.

If you keep them hangry, you have exactly two minutes before they do not look so cute anymore.

(Look Them Straight In The Eyes) Call Me That One More Time And That Will Be The Last Time You Do (Then Smile Slowly) I’m Just Kidding, Gotcha!

You may need to take a crash course on acting from Julia Roberts to pull this off, but if you can, you will give the right impression and get the perfect reaction you want.

If You Can Describe Pookie In Ten Words, Will You Be Able To Describe It?

Some people love to pick up trends from social media without knowing what it truly means. This hilarious response is a subtle way to insult their intelligence, and if they are dumb, they will not even know that they are being insulted.

Oh, My Name Is Not Pookie; It Is Pocoloco, Eish!

If you make them pocoloco, then they have no right to call you with the wrong endearment. I mean, you should get to decide what you want to be called and if it is Pocoloco and not Pookie, then so be it.

Hey Pig Face, I’m Going To Return To Calling You Sweet Names When You Do What I’ve Been Asking Of You.

Since Pookie means something cute and endearing, calling the other person a pig face is an oxymoronic response. This reply is used mainly when you’ve asked the person to do something for you and they are yet to do it. So, you call them pigface till they do what you ask, and then you return to calling them something sweet.

Wow, Let’s Keep It Civil, Call Me “My Special Pookie” Instead.

This response is mostly used with someone you are extremely familiar or intimate with calls you a Pookie. It is a friendly way of telling them that you are more than just a Pookie because you hold a special position in their lives.

You Can Call Me Pookie After You Help Me Out With What You Said You Would, Before Then, Stay Far Away.

If they are calling you Pookie but are refusing to help you out when you ask them to, then this is the best response for you. But you must ensure, you have a playful attitude because entitlement is not endearing at all.

Uh, Excuse You, Put A Respect To The Name, It’s Mrs. Pookie To You.

Funny Responses if Someone Calls You Pookie

If you just recently got married, then this is the best response you can use if your partner or any other person calls you Pookie. It’s a playful way to remind them that you are now married and even though you are cute, you are Mrs.Cute.

I Can Tell That You Have This Intense Need To Be Single Again.

This response is suitable for married couples or people in a relationship. Sometimes, you love being called cute but in other terms other than Pookie.

You may have probably told them how you feel about that and they keep calling you that to probably spite you jokingly of course. When they do, you can use this response instead.

I’d Rather You Call Me Your Xbox Than To Call Me A Pookie Again, Totally Not Endearing To Me.

Pookie may mean something cute, but it may not sound cute to some people. If you are one of those who don’t think Pookie sounds cute or don’t like to be referred to as Pookie, then this is the best funny response for you.

I Hope That When You Say Pookie, You Are Referring To Our Cat And Not Me.

This is also another hilarious way to respond to a person who calls you Pookie. The pronoun “our” in the statement shows that the person you are speaking to is someone close to you and who you are probably living with.

You Come Up With A New “Endearing” Name Every Other Day, I Fear For What I Will Be Called Next Week.

When you have a special person in your life who has a habit of calling any endearing name that comes to mind, this will be the best response when they call you Pookie.

With The Way Your Daughter Just Looked At You, I Think That She Should Be The One Called Pookie, Not Me, I Wouldn’t Want To Be Accused Of Stealing Her Father’s Attention.

Couples who already have children are the best people to use this response as it involves a jealous daughter who doesn’t want to share her father’s attention.

So dear dads, next time you are calling your dear wife, Pookie, don’t forget to call the daughters too.

So, How About Finally Giving Your “Pookie” The Sugar You’ve Been Promising?

I prefer action more than words, so if you’re going to call me Pookie, you’d better put your money where your mouth is. Don’t be calling me Pookie and not giving me the sugar I’ve been asking for.

If I Looked Like A Pookie, Would You Have Approached Me At All? (Rolls Eye)

Pookie might mean cute or something endearing, but a Pookie sounds like it may look like something ugly, or maybe it’s just my intrusive thoughts doing their best to sabotage a beautiful moment.

Even if they tell you that they will still love you if you look like “a Pookie,” just smile and don’t believe it.

Uhm, I Thought That Is The Name You Call Girls And Not Handsome-Looking Guys Like Me?

Anyone can be called Pookie, even a hot-blooded handsome-looking guy. Some guys don’t like to be called beautiful or any other cute names, because it makes them feel less masculine.

Thus, this will make for a hilarious response when someone calls you Pookie as a guy. When said with just the right attitude and playfulness, it will give everything it is supposed to give.

Aww, No One Has Called Me That In A Long Time, That’s A New One – Pookie Boo.

This statement tends to make the person you are speaking to quite curious as they will wonder who has called you Pookie before.

If you are speaking with your partner, the jealousy and curiosity they will feel from wanting to know who has called you Pookie before will make it more hilarious.

However, once you get that out of the way, it is very sweet to be called a Pookie or a Pookie boo if you wish.

Thank God You Call Me Pookie When We Are Inside The House, I Imagine The Kind Of Looks Strangers Would Give Us If You Called Me That Outside.

Some names are more endearing when they are said inside the house, and not outside. Some people don’t have a problem with taking the love play outside, but if you do then this is the funniest way to express it.

Caring about what people think is not supported all the time, because the aim is to be yourself, but in issues like this is better to keep it indoors.

You Only Call Me That When You Need Something, But Before You Ask, I Do Not Have Any Money.

Some people tend to get so sweet when they want to ask you for something and after that, they don’t care anymore. So, when they want to sneak up on you like that, use this response to tell them that you are as broke as them and that they will not be getting a dime from you.

They may claim that they did not call you because they need money, but based on their reputation, it will be wise to play it safe. Also, if you are patient enough, they will get right to asking you for money.

I Didn’t Know That We Compete Who Can Come Up With The Weirdest Names.

If you’ve never heard the word Pookie before, it will sound weird to you. I know you will hit up the dictionary immediately, but before you do that, use this response to keep the laughter in the atmosphere.

Ensure to keep it as lighthearted as possible, it’s not easy coming up with such cute names, now is it?

Final Words,

When someone calls you a Pookie, it’s expected from you to appreciate their effort to make you feel good. This collection of responses gives you the best idea of how to keep the conversation going.

Even if you don’t like the name Pookie, some of the responses let you know how to playfully pass the information while keeping the laughter in the room.

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